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Posts posted by FLEX ROD

  1. Sorry to hear about your accident, as others have said, the truck can be replaced your health can not as I am still suffering from my accident 23 years ago.


    Yes settle the truck portion of your claim but in the past you had up to 2 years to make a claim for personal injury so take your time to see how you feel.



  2. Hi all, as I always like to do is give board members a first chance, I am doing a new build home in the Flesherton / Eugenia area and will require a roof.


    The house size will be around 2,600sqf but the roof / main floor foot print is is around 1,650sqf and attached garage is about 650sqf.


    If you are a roofer, or know of a good one I would love to speak with you.


    Thanks, FLEX - John

  3. Good morning folks,


    Last year we bought some property in Eugenia, and I have been trying to use the local trades but I really need help.



    What I need, is a foundation guy and also a framer, is any one here on the board that is in that line OR willing to do the work in Eugenia?


    I am just waiting for the Town to revue the HVAC report and once the do I really want to break ground ASAP as I have heard that they will be lifting the half load restriction tomorrow :clapping:


    Any help please and thank you in advance ,


    Thank you, FLEX - John

  4. Totally agree with you. Although I am starting to show interest in the Belgian Malinois lately, I think when it comes down to getting another pooch, I'll most likely revert back to my bordoodle. Good luck in your quest. And if you ever wanted to see my dog, I'm in Woodbridge once in a while visiting family. (This weekend actually)


    I just want to give a big shout out to Smokercrafty, he brought over his dog Bear yesterday.


    First off, it was a pleasure to meet you and your son, and you really opened my eyes on a breed of dog that I was not familiar with many thanks.


    Watching Bear interact with my dog was great as it showed me how our dog will probably behave when we get another dog.


    Thank you very much.


    FLEX - John

  5. A pal recently bought something like a Sheperterrier and paid 1200 bucks for it. C'mon Man!! It's a cross bred mut with a cute name. Buy a nice rescue dog and call it whatever you wish. My Sis in law has a Labradoodle. What a silly dog it is, chases it's tail all day and night long, nice but a numb skull of a mut. I'm looking for Pitsharpiterrirottawiener, any out there?


    I really appreciate all the feed back, especially from the people that have taken the time to read my post and have been able to shed more info regarding the two Species that I originally asked about.


    I love Dogs, I had a Staffordshire/Pit/Boston mutt for 10 years. I would put this Dog up against many people I know in a battle of wits. Every day no matter where the Dog was or what we were doing she would run downstairs at 5:30 on the dot and sit in front of the TV and whine until you turned it on to Wild Kingdom, sit and watch all the animals run across the screen. She became so smart I was amazed. Never a day sick. I strongly believe a Dog can only be as good as the owner. I have seen many that do not deserve to have a Dog, they become more of a status symbol than a companion. When Hurricane Katrina hit rescuing a Dog from there became the thing to do. I know a few people that gave them away after the vogue wore off. For every Dog that came north meant one of our Dogs did not find a home.


    There are so many Dogs in our pounds that will eventually be put down because they will never find a home I really don't get it when people want a specific designer Dog. Sorry but that's my take.




    Thanks for the feedback Old Ironmaker, as a responsible dog owner, I can tell you that none of my dogs have ever been responsible for adding to the pounds population.


    Once I have made my choice, I will most definitely look into seeing if I can either find what I am looking for at the pound or a rescue dog.


    Thanks, FLEX - John

  6. Totally agree with you. Although I am starting to show interest in the Belgian Malinois lately, I think when it comes down to getting another pooch, I'll most likely revert back to my bordoodle. Good luck in your quest. And if you ever wanted to see my dog, I'm in Woodbridge once in a while visiting family. (This weekend actually)

    That is a great offer thank you and if we can arrange it I would gladly take you up on that offer.

  7. I had a Weimaraner...never again. Beautiful dog but as said you can't leave them alone and you need 100 acres minimum to exercise them.

    Mine tore my house apart. Chewed through doors, chewed through a cage door made out of 2x6. Chewed through a chain link fence on her kennel

    Barked all day long when alone


    Black Labs are best. They will play with the kids and protect them.

    Goldens are too timid and lazy

    Dara, if it was not for the shedding I could not agree more.


    When we started to look for our current dog, the family wanted a small / lap dog so I quickly said no way I wanted the Black Lab and we ended up with the Cockopoo. Zero regrets I just can not even think about getting another one, it would be impossible to find one that is even half of what this guy is.

  8. Unfortunately most aftermarket accessories don't add value to your vehicle. Take for example the kid that drops 10k on suspension/rims/whatever for his Civic and thinks he'll get that back when he sells it, lol.

    You are very correct Bill, I was referring more so to things like bed liners, hard covers, remote starters.

  9. I have had purebreds, even to the point that both the Sire and the Dam were " Champions " and from what I have seen with the " Designer Breeds" that have the Poodle blood line I am very much sold on the blend.


    The non allergy, non shedding and just the level of intelligence is unbelievable, hence the reason why I am looking at a Poodle blend again..

  10. When my Highlander was written off last summer, I gave them a detailed list of all factory and after market options including the clear coat stone chip and they did cover it all.


    The only issue I had was that I had high KM otherwise I would have not had any issues with them at all.


    Good luck FLEX - John

  11. Haha true! He ate so many dryer sheets we had to switch to liquid softener! We had the only lawn with white poo. He has settled down considerable at 16 months old.


    Oh that brings back memories, one of our Cockopoo favorite things when he was a pup was to steal socks and underwear and run down the hall just to get the attention. He will also not eat unless 2 of the 4 house hold members are not home.


    Our daughter is now gone a month, she will be gone for 4 more months and he is handling it but you can see that he is not happy about it.


    FLEX - John

  12. I know you mentioned the golden or labradoodle, but I'm gonna pipe in with my guy. He's currently 7 years old, but he's a bordoodle. Border collie poodle mix. Aside from a few ear infections when he was a few years old, I've had zero problems with him. High energy, playful, awesome with kids, and loyal.

    Just offering a different option that I think would serve you just as well as the 2 other breeds.

    Hmm, interesting, you have made a suggestion that I have to look into.


    Thank you, FLEX - John

  13. We got a Goldendoodle last January and the only major health issue was when he ate a 1.5" dia rusty steel ring! lol I will say that after having 4 dogs since being married, and two of them labs, this is hands down the smartest and most affectionate dog we've ever had. I wouldn't hesitate to get another, but like ANY dog, it's the breeding and the training that's makes them great pets, not the money we pay.

    I have to laugh, if I started to list the things that our dog has eaten you would not be recommending a new dog. He has settled down with age.

  14. Thank you all for the feed back, for a variety of reasons I have my mind set on one of the two breeds.


    As for smarts, I really do think that a large part of it is the training, my brother in law has our dogs brother and when you see the two dogs and see the difference in personality, character you would have a hard time thinking that they came from the same litter.


    Thank you and I look forward to hearing more FLEX - John

  15. This is why I love this site so much, thank you Art, this is exactly the type of feedback that I am looking for.


    Art, have you heard about the same problems with the goldendoodle by any chance?


    What is really funny, is that as I said that I had a dog that I was leaning to and yes it was the labradoodle.


    ​Now I really do know that I have a lot more research to do.



    Art, did your dogs develop the problems early on in life or did they appear later on in life? How old are or where your dogs?


    Thank you very much, FLEX - John

  16. Currently we have a 11 year old Cockapoo and he has been the best dog that I have been around, but he is getting up in years so I am contemplating getting a second dog.


    With owning the Cockapoo I am sold 100% on the Poodle blend, hence the labradoodle vs goldendoodle choice, we have recently bought new property with a lake 2 minutes walk ,


    I really am looking for feed back about these two breeds, and these two breeds alone.


    Once we have chosen the breed, I will look at seeing if I can find a dog that is up for adoption and or a rescue dog but I really need to hear any pro and cons of the two breeds so that I can start to look for the next member of the family.


    Our current dog is definitely a part of the family who has the run of the house and he has 1/2 acre to play so obviously the new dog will be no different but I personally would like a bit bigger / hardier dog that is why I am looking at these two breeds and not another Cockapoo, otherwise I would not even think twice and would get another Cockapoo at the drop of a hat.


    Any and all info is greatly appriciated, as I think I know which way I am leaning but would really like to hear from this knowledgeable group. :D


    Many thanks, FLEX

  17. Congrats on booking the trip, Big Cliff, I did a fly in with my son when he was 15 years old 7 years ago and to this day we look back at it and smile.


    The one thing that I love to bring in is the pre cooked bacon from Costco, saves time and due to the fact that it is pre cooked the weight the bacon is almost the weight that you actually have to enjoy.



  18. OFAH - Ontario Federation Angler Hunter, What OFAH is doing is standing up for the Angler portion / membership.


    I have been fishing the Ganny since 1972 and I really do not know what Port Hope would look like today if they did not have the out of town fisherman support, but I would bet that it would not look like it does today.


    If you take the 45 years that I personally have fished the River I always fill up my tank of gas so 45 years x $50 gas x 10 trips per spring = $ 22,500.


    I think that loosing $22,500 from one single angler represent a lot higher amount of investment then just a single burger or a coffee.


    What Port Hope should be doing is focusing on working with OFAH , MNR and for that matter any legitimate sports group to improve the quality of sport fishing to the way it was and they would see a much higher return than imposing a $40 fee.


    A big step in the right direction of improving things is get rid of the Damn Float Your Fanny Down the Ganny.


    What we as Anglers have to remember and start to really practice is " Leave Nothing Behind But Footprints" that will be a great first step.



  19. I had the highlander and I loved it, if I was not building a new house up north no question I would have bought another one.


    2 years ago I drove the truck to Arizona and onto Vegas and then through Colorado and then a second trip onto Florida and back, the truck is comfortable and considering the size and all very decent on gas also.



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