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Everything posted by MCTFisher9120

  1. Yup the final is about to start(Saturday). As before im sticking with the Pens, my call is going to be 6 games with the Pens on top. Any other opinions on the FINAL
  2. Looks like a trip of a lifetime. Glad you had so much fun. Those fish looked perfect and the landscape looked untouched. Thanks for the pictures and background information.
  3. Yup We froze this weekend alright. We have a popup trailer and stayed from friday to last night. It was cold and being next to the lake didnt help as the winds and rain were horrible. But you got to do what you got to do, thats camping and fishing. We do have a furnance in the trailer and yes we did use it. The pic was not from this weekend but thats our trailer.
  4. I bought a Shimano Sedona Reel a little over 2 years ago. Using the reel this weekend i found that the grears or something were not as smooth as before. So i think i need to greese down this reel, can someone tell me where in the reel i need to greese, maybe include pictures or something.
  5. We went to a campground on Stoney lake. There are some nice smallmouth where we were. This was last year and they are not open still as for other fish not sure, but good bass fishing when the season is right!
  6. Cool, never cought a pike. I got the gear now, but still no fish. Looks like you 2 had fun.
  7. Ya that was pretty dumb...but hey it has happened, I don't Detroit is overly good anyway, i mean they are almost always top 3 in their confernce but never really make it through. Not starting anything but they could do better in the playoffs if they really wanted to. Looks like there not gonna win the cup this year either. Lets go Pens!
  8. O Canadian Tire ok. But then why is there the extra C? o well, i'll be sure to pick up a box!
  9. CTC????, what is this place not sure of i heard of it.
  10. My problem is opening the lid, when that liquid gets in the threads of the lid it drips down the sides and just creates hell. And i bought the berkly gulp leeches but when i brought them home there was a hole in the package, so i just bought the bucket of leeches and added the gulp leeches to them. Works fine
  11. Ya there is a chance Phili can win the series...is it likely no. But as thet are still a part of the final four i thought i would include them...Look at The toronto maple leafs they came back from a 3-0 series and won, same goes for vancouver.
  12. Why would people vote for Phili, it'sot gonna happen for them. They might....."MIGHT" win on more but the round is over tonight.
  13. So what are you waiting for pick your team.
  14. Ya man, me and danbo both pulling for Pittsburgh!!!, no needd to tell everyone that, im sure everyone already knows there going to win the cup
  15. Yup Dallas is going to win tonight!!!!!!
  16. Can't seem to find the weekend fishing thread from before, anyway this weekend im going camping from friday to monday. Campbellford were goin to gonna try for lots of panfish. What is everyone else doing???
  17. lol, that was amazing.....get more of these
  18. I just watched this past weekend, im going to miss it this long weekend. Going up to Campbellford this friday night till Monday. Going to try for some panfish and maybe some carp. But back on topic, ya Dave is the man love the show even tho i seen it once.
  19. Nice Musky, again a OOS fish but still nice.
  20. I am outside as much as you can and i have all those horrible allergies, ragweed,trees,cutgrass,pollen. You know all the things we fishermen are exposed to shore fishing or even out on the water.
  21. Cool video, looks like it was alot of fun!
  22. Yup, Detroit will win, and so will Pittsburgh...the only difference is Pittsburgh will win the Stanley Cup!
  23. I agree, I know many people who have went for their boaters operator card and didn't even read the book. I read it over 5 times, this way i knew what was what and the proper setup and safety on my boat. The same should apply with fishing, hunters need a licence for a gun not sure if there is a cource for the guns but we use a rod and a lure. Being educated on the different rules and rugulations of fishing would do nothing but benefit.
  24. o think there on his profile
  25. Same, leave the nest and it owner there.
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