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Everything posted by MCTFisher9120

  1. On a good lake 2 bass per hour is acceptable.
  2. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...mp;#entry227194 That explains it.
  3. The compertion is based on our two camping trips only. As said in the rules he is going fishing and camping for a week, and i am going camping up at my grandma's for a week. Therefore we are only using the fish that are caught during those specific trips.
  4. That would be a good idea but Little Angler only goes fishing for that one week trip. I could but it would not be fair as i go fishing every weekend.
  5. Good call, as i said before i would rather not but you know how kids are
  6. Also take a guess on your biggest fish. For your big bass im guessing 3lbs, as for mine 5lbs Just dont load your fish up with sinkers to make it heavier.
  7. Buddy i got two 4 pounders a a provinical park last year. Yes your still young and you will see more and more PB fish as u age but man 3lbs is a good fish but nothing to brag about. My 4lbr's are not even that good to brag about. So you want to start a war let do her up. I'll let you start it off cause i will be the one to finish it.
  8. Cool!
  9. Sounds good to me. I also think at the end of the year we should have a thread where everyone puts up their most prized catches of 2008.
  10. Thats all your going to be catching is trash. Honestly i have said it before and im gonna say it again: I Am Going To Beat You. After i add up my 5 big bass your going to be crying your eyes out. Just wait and see Little guy.
  11. Trash talk is wrong, and i will have no part. I will let my big fish keep him quiet.
  12. Come on Little Angler, don't pull out on me now. You will figure it out man.
  13. Ya that would go better. Edit away little angler
  14. For the last week of August my grandparents and I are going camping and fishing for a week. We have one problem, we don't know where to go. We want to go North/North East of Oshawa and are not wanting to travel much more than a 3 hours(by car). Also we do not want to go to any Provinical Parks. So if there are any suggestions of any good privately owned campgrounds that you know of(must have good bass fishing) can you tell me. Include a site if available. Thanks in advance Mike
  15. Ducktape a flash light to your net out in the boat while night fishing. Makes things easier when fishing solo.
  16. http://www.kevinvandam.com/media/ Look near the bottom of the page.
  17. I don't know....Nova Scotia??
  18. Sounds like fun.
  19. Grate fish my guess would be around 3lbs
  20. So i went out for a quick fish this evening up at Lake Scugog. Fishing the shore and using my fishing snakes i had 2 real good hits and on 1 i broke off. However the only fish i brought in was this little bass. Yes my smallest of 2008.....
  21. Amazing photos, i like the pictures of the snakes and frogs.
  22. if i did my math right, the average weight is 1.3lbs.
  23. Nice report, btw how does that red crank bait work in the 7th picture with the walleye. I was looking at that exact bait and was not sure if it was worth my purchase.
  24. Good pictures!!
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