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Everything posted by tonka-toy

  1. Even with his "heaver hands",and George fighting with one eye(thanks to Penn's accidental thumb in the eye),Penn couldn't take him out last time.I hope it stays clean and we get to see who the pound for pound best is .I'm not sure Penn has the superior hands. George has been so dominent on the ground lately, people forget how good a striker he is.
  2. I think all the trash-talk will blow up in Penn's face.I don't think guys should get GSP more fired up.I say GSP late in the 2nd,ground and pound.I also like silva and guida to win.
  3. Should be one hell of a fight,who's your pick?
  4. Check your pm's Tim
  5. you can get a clam base camp for $25 cheeper .No sled( tent style),way bigger.I bought one at BPS and used the 25 for a new sled.I got the last one,but was told they may have some for boxing day.
  6. Sounds like good advice ,but I would never screw a moose................again.
  7. Does anyone have one or fished in one ?Looks like a good bang for the buck.
  8. Great questions. I often wonder whether those truly huge and very old fish are reproducing. I greatly respect the anglers choice to put it back but will have to admit that I don't know if I would be able to. A friend caught an enormous one a few years back (I was lucky enough to net it) and without any hesitation he decided to let her go. I also admired his choice. There is some debate as to whether fish that rival the current world record do or ever did exist. Dale's fish, and some others caught recently are helping to prove they are out there.
  9. Icouldn't agree more,I mean 10 to 15cm of snow and low of minus 11 doesn't sound all that bad.See you out there
  10. Found this on another site.It was posted last night ,was reportedly 55x28.5 and caught on georgian bay.
  11. Forrest' I originally posted about a rumour of a big fish being being caught the day before, at that time Ididn't know the fish had been released.I did not compare it to a world record,I was interested in the rumour because at 57x33 it should of been bigger than the current world record. After reading all your comments on the various posts since then,I am left wondering what it was that got you so fired up in the first place.
  12. I guess this is the one i had heard the rumours about. No doubt agreat fish and glad to hear it was released
  13. Found this on a musky site.Repotedly 57x33 and released.
  14. Roy do you have some info?Which two guys are you reffering to?
  15. Beauty fish .Did you get a girth on that one?
  16. Love it!!!!!By the way your net-man looks you guys earned it.Thanks for the show.
  17. The story I heard was ,it was caught yesterday and released.They apparently have photos.It would be nice if we see good photos of one of our truely huge ontario muskies.
  18. I've heard some rumours that a musky was caught on the St.Lawrence measuring at 57 by 33 inches. Anyone else hear anything about this??
  19. Thanks for the post.Just wondering,while you recommend catch and release, some of the pics have multiple fish.I'm assuming you keep them in the live-well get the shots and release later.Have been told bass recover better after a short time in the live-well.
  20. For crankbaits, I like to find that particullar lures sweet-spot.Start slow and creep up untill you get the nastiest vibration,if you go past ,it'll roll or go away.This year we also started slowing down with in-line bucktails with great success.Let out your line and add speed untill it breaks the surface, then back-off a touch.I dont know this has worked so well, but it has.
  21. noticed a similar drop on an area of GB this past weekend ,we swung out deeper(18 to 24'),and went 2 for four.All the fish came off points and deep struckture.
  22. Ladies scarf works best for me .comes in 2x2 sheets and is available at tightline and,yes most dollar stores.
  23. Hey thanks for clearning that up,you don't like post about salmon...so I shouldn"t complain.Do you have any more rules I need to know about?
  24. Couldn't agree more.If you don't like a post,don't read it or respond to it.Why trash this guy for asking a question?
  25. oh yeah!!! oh hell yeah!!!
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