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Everything posted by tonka-toy

  1. Ice is gone,watched a guy wind-surfing across the bay yesterday at lunch
  2. I've had great luck at the park two streets north. If you cast from the most southernly section of the white rail you'll hit a deep edge . Hard spot to land them but can be worth it.
  3. who would i pm exactly?
  4. the rule i read said to pm an amin if you disagree with a locked or removed post.not sure if i do or not.may try to figure out how to send a pm or ...maybe just go fishhin
  5. it was my five and four year old[at the time]playing around in the driveway.no children were hurt in the making of this picture
  6. did wfn ever remove it?
  7. Ran into Ron (of Coburg harbour fame) on the river today.. Ron and I had never met before and I was fishing along side a father and son when he arrived. The father had just finished explaining to me that his son had been begging him to take him rainbow fishing and although he didn't know that much about rainbow fishing, they set out to see if they could catch a few. It was late in the afternoon and it was their 2nd day of watching hundreds of fish being caught and they still had yet to get a bite. Mr Ron steps out of his car and within a few drifts promptly hooks about a four pound rainbow. He immediately turns to the kid and asks him if he'd like to fight this fish.. the young guys eyes nearly popped out of his head as he screamed yeeesss!! and he proceeded to land his first ever rainbow. I was lucky enough to have a hit next and following Ron's lead, let him land his second rainbow, about 7 pounds. Shortly after Ron followed that up by letting the young guy land his third. The father and son thanked Ron and myself many times to which we shared a few tips for future trips and they called it a day and left. I spent the next half hour talking to Ron about rainbows and muskies and fishing with our kids before the rain chased us from the creek. Over the last four days fishing this spot, friends and I have enjoyed great success for steelhead but unfortunately witnessed a lot unsportsman like behaviour (like littering, many racial slurs etc) but meeting Ron and seeing the interaction between him and this father and son kinda reminded me of what fishing's all about. Just thought I'd share and pass along my thanks to Ron for reminding me......
  8. Spoke to marcel at sta-bil and was told you can use the blue to winterize by doubleing the mix.You can also use the blue regularly on each tank,and still use the red at end of season using regular mixing instructions.
  9. No, but i am seeing some conflicting things on the website. maybe i can talk to someone live tomorro.will post what i find.
  10. more from sta -bil Q: Does Marine Formula STA-BIL have the same stabilization characteristics as STA-BIL Fuel Stabilizer? A: STA-BIL® Fuel Stabilizer is the recommended additive for extended storage. Marine Formula STA-BIL® can stabilize fuel if used in the proper concentration for up to 12 months, but is designed for EVERY DAY USE to protect against the damaging effects experienced when using Ethanol blended fuels.
  11. from sta-bil site:. Q: Should I stop using STA-BIl Fuel Stabilizer and use the new STA-BIl Ethanol Treatment or Marine Formula STA-BIL instead? A: There are specific needs for each product. As a general guideline, if you are STORING your gasoline vehicle or equipment for 30 days or more, we recommend you use Red STA-BIL Fuel Stabilizer. For EVERYDAY PROTECTION against Ethanol blended fuels in your Marine gasoline engine, we recommended using Marine Formula STA-BIL at every fill up during the season. For protection in all other non-marine gasoline vehicles, use new STA-BIL Ethanol Treatment at every fill up. For Diesel vehicles and equipment, use Diesel Formula STA-BIL Fuel Stabilizer. .:
  12. This is what made me rethink useing blue onlyShould I stop using STA.doc
  13. Picked up the blue last week at canadian tire and assumed it was both stabilizer and treatment but after reading the label and checking the website decided to use the red for storage.
  14. I think the blue is only a treatment to negate any affects of ethenol,and red is used for winterizing.
  15. the doc gave me some blue pills for this last week,cleared it right up.
  16. a friend was bitten off while throwing a j13 at a pier a little farther east.three of us saw the fish hit and latter roll trying to shake the bait.everyone,while surprised ,agreed it was a large muskie.I wonder if they may be present along the north shore more than enyone realizes
  17. A friend said he found the small cans at a local highland farms.I'm almost out ,perch n beans sounds good right about now.
  18. thanks workwear,hope to return the favour one day.
  19. Will be visiting Kawagama Lake (near Dorset) next week - anyone have any fishing tips or suggestions? Also wondering if anyone knows how Bell Cell Phone reception is up there? Thanks
  20. I just grabbed a case at morningside location this eve,not many left.
  21. I'd love to hear Ken's opinion of whats going on. I agreed with the questioning of the Lawton and Spray and Johnson fish. This seems as if they used a picture where the ruler is in the foreground and the fish clearly behind it, to question the stated lenghth of the fish.From there I guess the measurement of a mold and mention of a measurement of the actual fish 8 days after it's freezing is in their mind enough to somehow call in and question the record (which is based on weight anyways). With all the apparent eye witnesses agreeing on the stated weight I don't see how they will manage to get this record overturned. (which was the same result as their 2 previous attempts with Spray and Johnson)
  22. Some of the Muskie boards are abuzz with a challenge of the canadian record fish.Maybe someone younger and smarter could link or post or paste?(wife and kids have gone to bed)If all three of the fish were disqualified,what would the next fish be?
  23. Took my kids out last thursday and my friend left a knapsack with ice tackle in it on the beach.The bag was black and had a couple of tackle boxes and some odds and ends in it.I'm sure he would be very happy to get it back if anyone happend across it.thanks
  24. I thought the jokes quite good and since no bomb was found i even laughed
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