Let's see been busy trying to find a program that will clean up my old laptop. Thinking of wiping it clean completely and start from scratch. Had it for 3-4 yrs.
Needs a good internal soul cleaning. Like me .. bagage from the past. LOL I found the program I wantted and not sure if I should go ahead with it yet.
And also was thinking about my old reels which I had for many years. The bail is going on one. And the drag on both reels are not as smooth. I looked closely at on of the spools it had a dent in it. Don't know how that happened, must have dropped it. But like I said its old. So went to the new CT down at Bay and Dundas and picked up a new reel. Ended up buying two reels. One I can put mono on and one with fireline. The fireline I'll use in the summer for carp and the mono for hardwater. The reel didn't come with a spear spool that's why I bought two identical reels. The features I was looking for was... had to be compact (small) and hold alot of line capacity. And it had to be a ok price.
I found what I was looking for.
It went for $19.00 each. They only had two instock. Since it was still their "Grand Opening" things were still on "Sale."
Now I think I'll have to also get a medium action ice rod form CT. Had one last year but thought I wouldn't be fishing for perch this year so I gave it to my Cousin's co-workers who came with us last year. But with the "Ghost from hardwater" calling me so early I might have to answer the call.
Other than that with all the rain I should have gone worm picking and saving that for hardwater perch. There were tons out there with all the rain. But with so much rain they get washed down the drain so quickly.
Chilling time!!