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Everything posted by Dondorfish

  1. Highly doubt it! That radio will probably be in the $150 - $180 range here PLUS the antenna and last I checked - they sell the rachet base seperately - but check it out and let us know. Don
  2. yup - i think that is a pretty good deal - go with the 8 foot antenna if you can. I think I paid close to $80 here just for the antenna and mount! Don
  3. Carras opens at 7 am Shawn - drop in - he's got some great prices on what your after1 Don
  4. I usually monitor channel 72 - but will gladly change if need be. Don
  5. I am definately doing something wrong! Don
  6. Dang Percher - I didn't see you out there! I would have stopped by and said hello. And yes Kevin - in was a tad rough - please be safe and use common sense! Don
  7. Nice job guys - great lookin' fish. Now I really can't wait for Friday morning! See you guys on the water! Don
  8. I put a 8 h.p. on my 22 foot Islander and it will push it at 4 and change mph into the wind ( at Quinte ), so you should have no problems with an 8 hp. Don
  9. Superdad - We were one of those other boats out there. had pretty much the same results. We had one on, off the rigger with a worm harness, but lost it about 50 feet from the boat We will give it another go this coming weekend at the G2G ( Friday - Sunday ) Don
  10. There's that Karma coming back to ya Wayne - LOL And good on you Slowpoke! Don
  11. Hey Johnny Rebel - you bringing down your Islander? Don
  12. Haven't tried them yet - but i thought that I might - heard good reports about red and green harnesses with worms. Don Thanks Percher - we'll give 'er a go - see you guys at the G2G?
  13. Can anyone tell me where the closest tackle store is to the ferry - just want to pick up some worms for the harnesses. Don
  14. I think the key word, in your title, would be Rank - best descibes my year so far! - LOL But it's not over yet - there's still Quinte and then ice fishing ( hopefully ) Don But Wow!!! - that's quite the impressive year you got going!! - Keep up the good work!!
  15. Thank You God Bless Don
  16. It not about catching fish - remember Wayne! You just had a great day out on the water with no fish to show for your efforts - great day just the same! LOL Don
  17. Dang!!! - didn't see anything about it - oh well - I tried! Don
  18. That karma keeps growing! Good on you Wayne Don
  19. Recieved this in an email today - don't know if its good in Canada or not - but if someone wants to try, feel free: Hope it helps Don
  20. Great Roy - I'll catch up with you there - definately want to get a hat and we'll see what else. Thanks Don
  21. good point Lew - also makes it harder to move out in the middle of the night! Don
  22. Maureen - you can purchase a coupler that goes from 1 1/4 to 2 inch for your hitch cover. As far as the pump for the lower end goes - Princess Auto has them on sale right now $4 and change - really easy to do. There must be a board member in your area that can show you how to winterize the motor. Don
  23. No brainer Wayne - BOTH! Don
  24. LOL - I thought the same thing Wayne - had to re-read it 3 times till I caught on!!! Don
  25. Hey All - will anybody have any OFC merchandise for sale at the Quinte G2G? I am looking for a baseball cap and who knows what else!!! Don
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