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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. No need to be a "kung fu fighter" to politely walk up to someone who is obviously breaking the law and inform them of the regs. Especially with an approach of kindness.... It is possible that they did not know they can't have more than one line per person in the water from land. How many of us started fishing without reading the regs first ? I know I did. Kinda like putting a model airplane together as a kid and having an extra part or two on the floor at the end... THEN I read the instructions.
  2. There is ? Which one? I hope it isn't one of the ones I regularly visit
  3. Picked up some " duenorth" Ice and snow traction aids at a local supplier for construction supplies >> http://www.duenorthproducts.com/products_d...t=89&prod=7 $23.99
  4. Now Twocoda... breaching the top of YOUR waders vs the top of mine... would be almost over my head! Short asses like me shouldn't even try that damned river of yours where you took me the first time out
  5. I wonder if there is a club in the London area?
  6. and here is the one from Last Sunday at the same place I took the two ol geezers to >> and these two on the same day with my other friend.. that they met too >> But this is how I really like to fish this place... choked with weeds >>> and .... the area that I took Rob ( johns friend) to in the back section has pike that can do this>>> So JohnBoy..... LMAO Splashhopper
  7. I enjoyed ROB's company next time,. we will go when the weeds are THICK and try to catch some of these >> That pic was taken at the end of September ... note the weeds behind me.. Splashhopper... PS.. if ya wanna head up trout fishing... lets grab Chris, soon, by the scruff of the neck and MAKE him take us to his spots on his river
  8. Ummm Roy.... Cliff's reports usually have BLY'S Fish in em
  9. I sure hope so... I mean.. heck... we only had two pages about the bus strike in London and the talk about the Union there
  10. we got skunked down here today.... tried fishing the tubes real sloooooww.... and then slower... tried dragging a texas rigged senko.. slooooowwwww... naddaa... oh well.. I have an early day tomorrow,,, gonna fish the last day of the season in the rain and snow I just want ONE more largie.... not that my NICKEL there last week was a bad way to end the season for me
  11. I second that
  12. ok,,, so I KNOW the problem... do you have a SOLUTION
  13. how did you make out Sunday? got skunked on the bass... but Chris got a nice pike
  14. wtg... we went out today and got skunked for bass... one of our guys, Chris K from here, got a nice pike though
  15. Has anyone ever "posted" a new topic and it doesn't show up even I hit the right button. I know that I did hit the right button because it didn;t take me to the review screen. This is the second time this happened to me. This one really bugged me because it was story of my adventures in learning to use my float reel yesterday,.. never occurred to me to copy the post.. just in case... If anyone knows how to search in the site or on my PC to find it, I would appreciate it. Thanks Splashhopper
  16. I just heard about this earlier today.... get well soon spiel.. and take notes for me... I may be in for the same thing the next time I have a flare up in my C-6
  17. BEAUTIFUL.... i will be 5'7" with a cracked skulll .. but hey... i will be waaay taller than my wife then
  18. I bought a new pair of waders and wading boots at the end of last spring and have just started using them the last few weeks. Well yesterday I was out fishing with Twocoda, and a 100 other guys for a few minutes , where we had to walk through some areas with heavy clay. Also had to climb back up the slippery slope to get back to the vehicles too My new wading boots don't do very well in that stuff.... unlike the rubber soled ones I had in my cheap neoprene crappy tire specials ! These boots have felt on the bottom. ( supposed to be better for ice in the rivers?) I slipped yesterday and landed on my hip and wrist.... luckily I wasn't hurt..... but a few more unexpected falls like that and I will be getting hurt. What can I add to these new boots to improve traction? Thanks Splashhopper PS... I guess the good thing from yesterdays adventure is that the boots now look like I actually have fished in them
  19. you should send that to media departments at: Crestliner and The NHL
  20. someone sounds jealous
  21. welcome aboard, Walleye-man ! nice first report. Not sure if you have been seeing all the FALL BASS action on this board, but maybe you can get somewhere local in the Ottawa area and catch a few more. Do a search for: Spinnerbaitking OR Fishing 24/7 on the search tab here ... might get ya motivated
  22. I would use that one too... the way I am getting skunked on rainbows this year Did u guys get rain there the last couple days?
  23. Hey rob... is it Coincidence, or did I tell u in another post sometime that I am actually from Moosomin ? Just checked it... you are right... I like it too... thanks Splashhopper
  24. I haven't seen any recent reports from either of them... what's up ?
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