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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. ummm.. u missed part of the quote Irishfield.. .and it puts a whole different "spin" on how u tried to portray me there
  2. that's why i keep coming back spiel
  3. congratulations on your new abode.... nice neighbors too
  4. now we are telling him HOW to do it.... geesh... lol ( i do the same and use durabond 45-- git er dunnnn quick though) and while we are on it.. if he is gonna put tiles back up.... use epoxy grout... no mold.. no stains...equals no "honey due list" and he still hasn't popped in to get all the help asked for ...
  5. Hope you take lots of pics and give us a report... that sounds like a trip of a lifetime to guy like me in Southwestern Ontario
  6. i never knew that a saltwater fish could survive very long in freshwater... this is interesting.... Maybe i will toss some guppies in with the sharks !
  7. i think we are all in agreement here..... hope the original poster sees this.
  8. what if he is "saving the tiles" we need more info please
  9. I agree whole wholehearted and I am a tile setter
  10. not an expert.... but i can tell u ... i was just given a fin bore 6 " auger... with sharp blades in it..... whoooosh unbelievable... gonna buy a set of new blades for the 8" auger that i bought this winter... should solve that issue real quick too.
  11. that was almost pornographic
  12. And if he has the brass... does he have the goods to use with it
  13. and how exactly do u know the term "rails"
  14. Nice "fort"
  15. Not sure if this was posted before.... but here is what those damned fish look like in action
  16. For anyone that has been there, please post the deals that caught your eye( and wallet book). At Angling Sport: My favorite for top water - Scum Frogs $3.50 ea( reg 4.99-7.99) Anglers Outfitters Quantum Ultra Light reels $15.00 !
  17. ... um I was reading it online.... looks like it was in the star yesterday Pls delete the thread if u can.. thanks
  18. oh... i just read it in Today's Toronto star
  19. TRAVERSE CITY, MICH.–The Obama administration has developed a five-year blueprint for rescuing the Great Lakes, a sprawling ecosystem plagued by toxic contamination, shrinking wildlife habitat and invasive species. The plan envisions spending more than $2.2 billion (U.S.) for long-awaited repairs after a century of damage to the lakes, which hold 20 per cent of the world's fresh water. The Associated Press obtained a copy of the document, which Lisa Jackson, head of the Environmental Protection Agency, was releasing at a news conference Sunday in Washington. "We're committed to creating a new standard of care that will leave the Great Lakes better for the next generation," Jackson said in a statement. Among the goals is a "zero tolerance policy" toward future invasions by foreign species, including the Asian carp, a huge, ravenous fish that has overrun portions of the Mississippi River system and is threatening to enter Lake Michigan. Others include cleanup of the region's most heavily polluted sites, restoring wetlands and other crucial habitat, and improving water quality in shallow areas, where runoff from cities and farms has led to unsightly algae blooms and beach closings. Also promised is a strategy for monitoring the ecosystem's health and holding federal agencies accountable for carrying out the plan. During his 2008 campaign, U.S. President Barack Obama pledged $5 billion over a decade toward fulfilling a Great Lakes cleanup wish list developed by a coalition of agencies, scientists and activists. Congress last year approved his request for a first instalment of $475 million. The newly released plan assumes yearly appropriations of the same amount through 2014, except for the $300 million Obama requested this month in his 2011 budget. The 41-page plan sets out ecological targets and specific actions to be taken by 16 federal agencies working with state, local and tribal governments and private groups.
  20. Yes, they have minnows.... located at Highbury ave and Huron st. ( northwest corner beside the fitness centre) I bought some there yesterday
  21. Those little fishies look like the ones I caught last weekend... give them back please I need them for "evidence" that I was actually fishing
  22. I was thinking the same thing Lew
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