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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. Threads like this always turn out that way....besides, guys wanna drink and boat or drink and drive because they want their fun and games, until something bad happens then it's tragic and then they have someone to sue....happens on a daily basis..... and as for tazers....what hurts more....a baton strike to the arm, breaking it or a 5 second arc of a tazer and after it's done you feel no pain....contrary to popular belief
  2. .....it's so easy for the majority to judge the few...... Do what we do and deal with what we deal with on a daily basis. Not gonna say more or less because those who don't understand are the first to cast stones.
  3. sorry the true wording is any motor vehicle, aircraft or vessel..... i'll have to double check the Crim. Code's definition of a vessel
  4. I think there might have been a mistake because the impaired charges apply to motorized vehicles only..... and that is anything that's not driven by human or animal power i.e bikes and horse drawn carts
  5. Pretty much every service in the GTA is lending Toronto their public order units (those guys you see in riot gear)....it's pretty scarey how fast things can go south and it will sooner or later
  6. thanks for the info guys! Hey Jedi....Can I borrow yours????
  7. Hey All, I want to start fishin from a kayak this year...any suggestions where to pick one up for a decent/affordable price? Any tips would be great, Thanks Dave
  8. If you're going to be hitting the grand you need to be downsizing to size 16-22 BWO emergers and spinners and your nymphs need to be small. I like to throw size 18-20 scuds when all else fails
  9. i think it's....down south, cats that big eat people!
  10. not sure but this happens all the time, anytime you say "antique" a lot of collectors come out of the woodwork. I remember when we had an estate sale at my grandmothers we advertised "antiques" and at 8am we had a line up of people waiting
  11. I don't usually unless I'm fishing the upper grand....but then again, i don't really catch anything anyway so it makes lures hard to get out of trees!
  12. Try it out guys! http://el-gigantico.mybrute.com
  13. Ok.....ROADTRIP, lets go sink his boat! Just kidding, nice fish!
  14. There's a good chance that I'll show up there as well lol....i'm loving sports photography....what's the admission in Brantford?
  15. now that's a boat load of crappie! well done!
  16. Hey Guys, I went down to Christie Pits in Toronto to see the home opener of the Maple Leafs of the Intercounty Baseball League......for those that don't know, the ICBL is a Independent Pro ball league in Ontario (yes they are pro because they get paid peanuts to play).... Anyway, I also was able to meet two Hall of Fame Pitchers while I was down there - Juan Marichal and Bob Feller.... Here are some pics Juan Marichal Bob Feller Now to the game! Home run swing - this guy hit a mammoth shot for a grand slam... Former Blue Jay Paul Spoljaric Double Play Ball It was a great day for baseball...forget hockey! Play Ball!
  17. http://ca.sports.yahoo.com/nhl/blog/puck_d...?urn=nhl,160628
  18. You don't need a search warrant to search a person.... and the law wouldn't be passed if it violated your rights....i
  19. #1 - mouth alcohol....read through the posts...alcohol needs approximately 15 minutes to leave the mouth area or else the sample is contaminated...it would happen even if you used mouth wash before leaving your house. #2 - never once did i say go drink and drive... i simply said if you have 2 beers you probably won't blow over...
  20. Little Johnny arrives to school wearing a Chicago Cubs hat. Mrs. Jones asks Little Johnny "Why are you wearing a Cubs hat?" Little Johnny replies, "well, my mommy and daddy are Cubs fans, so I'm a Cubs fan too." Mrs. Jones thinks for a moment and asks "Johnny, if your dad was a drug dealer and your mom was a prostitute, what would you be then?" Little Johnny takes off his hat and replies "A White Sox fan!" I actually saw this on a t-shirt!
  21. hockey??? what is hockey???? It's baseball season! Go Jays
  22. love the slow shutter capture. It's become one of my favourite techniques..you were right when you told me that once you start you won't stop!
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