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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. Hey All, I went out over the last few days for some experimenting (mostly with slow shutter speeds). I think they came out well, let me know what you think....there's more on my flickr site, but here's a few Dave
  2. The safety checks have become more covert lately. For us, our Project ERASE (eradicate racing activity and speeding everywhere) team takes care of that. People think that the Stunt Driving law is a joke, but when your kids are putting improper safety equipment etc in their cars it's a problem...hence all of the safety checks.... I'm not sure what the OPP does in regards to this but for the most part our Commercial Truck Unit takes care of that stuff.
  3. Everyone changes their tune once one of their loved ones is taken away from them by a drunk driver. As Lew how many families he's had to extract from vehicles after they were in a crash where alcohol is involved. And if you are so passionate about listening to the news, I guess you didn't hear the news break where the Star has come out and said that driving hungover is driving drunk.
  4. hmmm...perhaps he was getting lunch...wow, i guess because we wear a uniform we can't eat, sleep, be tired, hungry or cold..... did you ever wonder if he was actually on duty or on a training course? did you stop and think whether it was a cop or a civilian in the driver seat? Perhaps it was the fleet manager, who does wear a uniform and was on his way to the mechanic with the car and decided to stop off for a coffee.... and wondering where he would be at 2 AM....i'm not even going to start because everyone judges what they see without understanding the circumstances.... who's to say that the guy was speeding....people complain that cars are speeding and todays cars are designed to look fast. I've clocked cars at 50km/hr with civilians standing beside me who swore they were speeding..... and if there weren't people like you complaining that their neighbours dog is crapping on their lawn and that the kids in the street are playing roadhockey too close to your car and that there is a guy sitting in a parked car minding his own business but because he's there he's suspicious and you need someone there to check him out right away I wouldn't be so busy and I could take care of the drunk drivers, drug dealers, armed robbers and thugs out there...95% of my time is spent dealing with stupid complaints because people can't talk to one another and can't be bothered to deal with simple things themselves. How in the world can you say we're not doing our jobs because someone stopped to get a coffee. That's like saying while you're working a 12 hour shift and probably commuting an hour to work at 4am that you can't get a coffee or take a piss during your entire shift. Perhaps if people didn't drink and drive, we would have to have this discussion
  5. Yeah, don't listen to the Star, they are completely anti police...... for the suspension, it's an absolute liability therefore no conviction needed since there is no monetary penalty. It's like the automatic 90 day suspension for impaired driving and the 7 day suspension for stunt driving. Drivers receive these before a conviction. Honestly, the simplest thing is drink then let your wife drive home. Or if you're driving just don't drink because so many factors can lead to too many fatal mistakes on the road. In Ontario, there may only be 1-150 murders a year, but there are 5-6000 deaths on our roads every year, most of them are caused by drunk or negligent drivers....
  6. Exactly.....i guess most people don't know that they add, modify and change the laws all the time. For example, last year they added these to the criminal code: Impaired driving causing bodily harm Impaired driving cause death over .080 cause bodily harm over .080 cause death rather than just impaired driving and drive over .080 What you're hearing on the news is just an education program. People need to know little things before they get hammered. Just like the new cellphone law that's coming and like seat belts in the 80's
  7. Raf, I'm sure you learned your lesson after your warn? Many many many many people don't...... The rule of thumb is that an average sized person will get rid of 15 millimuls (mgs) of alcohol from their body in an hour. So if you're a larger person...say 6'2, 300lbs you'll sober up much faster than me or the other vertically challenged people on the board.... The new law is basically tightening up the loop hole thats out there.
  8. The safety check is used all the time, but mostly for the Commercial trucks and the little kids with their modified street racers.
  9. wrong............ For example, if you order a Keiths or whatever you drink with your nachos and burger at your favourite grease pit. Consume the been and the food and leave 20-30 minutes later you WILL NOT blow a warn. The only way that will happen is if you pound back the beer in 5 minutes and leave then immediately blow. You're pretty much asked when was the last time alcohol touched your lips if you say less than 15 minutes, you're waiting 15 minutes to blow. It's called mouth alcohol transfer. Which basically means there is a strong alcohol residue in your mouth for about 15 minutes when you have a drink....it's the same for mouthwash...you'll fail a roadside if you use mouthwash then blow.... remember the media doesn't always have everything straight....
  10. and no, it's not unconstitutional, the Highway Traffic Act allows a provincial offences officer to stop ANY motor vehicle on the road to check for sobriety, and if that officer smells alcohol in the vehicle he has the authority to do a roadside breath test on the driver....it's been tested in court saying that it is against a persons rights, however, the act does not violates a persons rights as it is only a brief moment in time...hence it doesn't violate the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. secondly, there has always been an offence for driving .05-.08...actually the roadsides will register a warn from .05-.100.....and a fail you're blowing over .100
  11. Ok, I'll clarify a few things. There is a big misconception when it comes to impaired driving. The law states that .08 and over is impaired, however, most people don't know that under the law .05 and .08 is an automatic licence suspension. Secondly, there isn't a fine that comes from the licence suspension so really there is no money to be made. What people don't realize, is that when you blow a warn, most people are VERY intoxicated. To put it bluntly, i've sat down at a buddy's house, had 5 beers in about 2 hours and didn't blow a warn (.05-.08), and there was no way I would be driving. Most people don't understand that a warn is just as bad as a fail. Drinking 2 beers will not result in a warn unless you are 3 feet tall and weight 30lbs. Quite frankly I'm glad that the penalty has increased. Prior to this new law, a person, could repeated be suspended for 12 hours without any penalty. So they lose their licence for 12 hours, big deal, time to sleep it off and they come back in the afternoon and get their licence back. Now, there is more of a consequence, you lose your licence for 3, then 7 and 30 days. Still no monetary penalty. More paperwork for me. Seriously guys, when you wine and complain that penalties are overzealous and cops are raking in the money for this you need to rethink everything. Blowing a warn is a big deal and I've seen more people hurt because the driver drives buzzed. A warn on the blow box is worse than you think. As well, when your licence is suspended, and you get caught driving, you're "driving while suspended" which results in up to a $2000 fine......
  12. Hey All, I skipped out for a few hours to flyfish the grand but got skunked. The water was way to high. They GRCA just released some of the water from Belwood into the river so it's a pretty rough go. I did however have a nice chat with a CO/GRCA CO, anyway, he was telling me he hit the fergus/elora/belwood area 5 times in the last three days and laid many many tags.....he actually caught someone yesterday at belwood with a stringer of 7 30+ inch pike and a smallie....needless to say all of his stuff was taken and he got a nasty ticket. Anyway, remember guys, when you're at the upper grand, make sure your hooks are barbless and your licence is up to date! Have a good one! Dave
  13. yeah, normally when I go away camping or to a cottage, unless we are a couple hours from no where, we usually shop when we get there. More space to pack stuff!
  14. As you can see on his temple, the wound went from a small pimple to that in 6 weeks. He's seeing the cancer specialist on Friday. Not that I condone this, but the shot came out great!
  15. Hey All, I spent a wonderful weekend in Montreal with my wife. I think it's become a yearly trip since we visited the city about the same time last year. This time i remembered to bring a camera. Here are a few shots. C&C always welcome, thanks Dave St. Joseph's Oratory: The Crypt The Statue of St. Joseph Lost in Prayer in the Cathedral - don't start a holy war guys Notre Dame Basilica City Scape Master at Work Lanterns in Chinatown Got Harley?
  16. Hey All, Decided to go out and was looking to capture a few of Hamilton's 100 waterfalls. So, out I went and I'm pleased with the results. Comments and Critiques welcome....there was a lot of strong sunlight so I didn't get the best slow captures but oh well...and for some reason after I posted them on here they looked horrible, not sure why
  17. So yeah, I got the renewal notice that had a great promotion....$28 for 2 years....too bad the promotion they sent me on April 2nd, expired on March 1st....hmmmmm efficient
  18. Hey all, thought that I would share some photos from the last few days! Comments and Critiques always welcome! Enjoy Dave
  19. Just looking for the basic immenities (sp?) and just me, my wife and daughter, maybe my father and mother in law, but no huge groups. No boat either, I don't have a licence and i'm not too comfortable with it, however, on water with a dock suits me just fine!
  20. Well I'm looking at no more than 4 hours from where I am...but if the price is right I'll drive a lil' farther
  21. Hi All, I'm just curious if anyone here has a cottage available for rent? I'm looking to book either the first or second week of August - I have to double check when I have my vacation booked. If you do, or have any friends that have any retals please let me know. Thanks Dave
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