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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. just do what i do.... i bought myself a convection oven...makes cooking easier taste likes its grilled or broiled.... for my dinner tonight i had two salmon fillets, grilled mushrooms and broccoli and wild rice...which was only 400 calories....now that's healthy lol
  2. used the mach3 forever...been using a blade since i was 16 and this Christmas the wife bought me an electric razor that was supposed to be top of the line...does a good job on my face but will not shave under my jawline and neck...not a fan but what am i gonna do lol
  3. I was dumb enough to accept a job working with a truck drive hauling pool chemicals across the province for $7 a stop...not and hour...a stop... so the combination of toxic chlorine smell and the road rage and traffic on the 401 I was pretty much done on the first day lol....
  4. Started out cutting lawns and shovelling snow...also helped with my fathers security company locking doors and checking buildings. But my first real job was when I was 16 I worked for a sporting apparel store Most Wanted for minimum wage....left that in a hurry and worked for a local amusement park and zellers...
  5. wow....you're out on that water without a floater suit? Now that's brave!
  6. I had one.....I displayed over 3000 sports autographs......it's now the baby's room and the collection is stored in the basement!
  7. Nope...it was a roadside that was brought to the get together and no i wasn't in any shape to drive that also include a burger and ribs lol
  8. No a 12 hour suspension and no consequence of drinking and driving is much better. At .05 most of us on this board would say i've had too much to drink. People don't realize that .05 is not one or two drinks. I had 6 beers in one hour and blew .045 and I was in no condition to drive Keep in mind in the US .05 is the legal limit
  9. Then when you need help...call the COs because they have nothing to do and get more respect.... And if you feel your rights are being infringed based on a 2 second traffic stop then your time must be golden and you're far more superior than anyone on this board or in this province. Its kind of funny...you complain about poachers and people keeping more than their limit but when it comes to other laws you don't think their fair....kind of hypocritical... Oh and by the way the Superior Court of Canada has ruled that a traffic stop to check if you're a licenced driver and have all the documentation is NOT an infringement if your rights
  10. It's so funny when people cry about living in a police state when in fact they don't...read the Highway Traffic Act and you'll see that you can be pulled over if you're not committing a traffic violation... If you want to complain about living in a police state go live in Russia or China and see what a police state really is like and when you have no civil liberties and can be jailed without just cause for speaking your mind then you can complain.
  11. Misconception...the majority of domestic violence is caused by the husbands/men....however....women get charged and arrested just as much. The idea that men are the 'bad guy' is caused by the fact that 90% of the time men are the bad guy. The way that the law works now is that if there is an allegation of a criminal offence against either husband, wife, partner etc. then that person will be spending the night in jail.
  12. the way the weather is down there, you just have to walk out and pick them up out of the water....thousands of bonefish, snook and tarpon are dying down there
  13. legally speaking what is going on is considered Domestic Violence and will be considered that. However, depending on the extent of the harassment, if you choose to contact your police department a warning may be issued. Given the fact that you two were in an intimate relationship the police may not have an option other than to charge her for harassing emails. If it's just a couple of emails than most likely a warning....
  14. Evening All, I recently participated in a charity function to raise money to buy children's toys for the Kitchener Fire Fighters toy drive. My gym - Crossfit Waterloo - decided to do an even based on a popular Crossfit work out Fight Gone Bad. I was asked to photograph it so here are some shots from the event. For more info on Crossfit check out www.crossfit.com i'm not affiliated with the site, just explains what the style of exercise is.....
  15. Hey All, Just wanted to show some shots that I took with my xmas present. I got a macro lens so I figured I'd put it to good use!
  16. Hey All, Here are a few portraits i've been working on of my new little girl!
  17. There's no such thing as a felony in Canada. As serious as impaired driving is on our roads, it is not really considered a serious offence in Canadian courts (at least in the GTA). It's not a violent offence and is not a property or drugs related crime, he "should" be fine. On a related note, in Canada it's called Impaired Driving not DUI
  18. This falls under the Stunt Driving laws...it's not just about speed. This is as moronic as standing up on the seat of your crotch rocket at high speeds both are known as ghost riding and happens far too often..
  19. This falls under the Stunt Driving laws...it's not just about speed. This is as moronic as standing up on the seat of your crotch rocket at high speeds
  20. I just bought my wife a sony handicam...works great but the battery doesn't last longer than 80 minutes...
  21. I was thinking that, but now that I have two I think i'll just race 'em! And the shot gun is out and oiled up! Cleaning kits aren't that expensive if you buy them piece by piece lol.... I'm already working on my mean face for the boys who come over!
  22. I'm happy to say that Isla Emma Rose was born on December 30th! She's my second little girl and I couldn't have been more proud! What a sweetie! Another fishing partner!
  23. wow....it's nice to know what my bosses make lol.....
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