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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. Paul its not the intolerance to alcohol that causes it...if you are a chronic alcoholic your BAC is always high and those three beers add to it whch puts your into alcohol amnesia...its the functional tolerance of alcohol that's dangerous....the guys who are in such a bad state that their BAC is always over the limit but they walk, talk, work and do many single tasks well, but when they do something that involves divided attention like driving then there's problems!
  2. No, not an interesting course....info overload lol, hopefully by friday I pass the exam so I'll be a qualified breath technician
  3. it was amusing seeing all the white coats saying that .080 is too low then when the tests were over, the holy crap factor kicked in...lol
  4. Hey all, i'm not here to preach or start anything.... I've recently been doing some training and have had the chance to watch an awesome video produced by the Center of Forensic Science in Toronto. The study was conducted in 1958 prior to the 0.08mg/100mL was put into the criminal code. The study is by a doctor (long since dead) who's basis of the testing was stating that perhaps Canada should follow Norway's lead with impaired driving laws. In Norway, since 1925, the legal limit has been .110mg/100mL. His research took 10 of the best race/rally car drivers in Ontario and subjected them to tests. The basis being that race car drivers are trained drivers and are used to the pressures of being tested for various things. They thought that the average driver would be too nervous for the tests. The drivers than completed a series of driving tests including weaving in and out of cones both forwards and in reverse, taking a turn at high speed (60mph) adjusting to emergency braking (kid running onto the road), stopping at a red light, turning at a stop sign and adjusting to a sudden detour. The drivers were sober and had to drive quickly, smoothly and obey the rules of the road. Once they completed the test, they started to drink. 8 males and 2 females began to drink. The theory, is that the average male will reach .080mg/100mL after 6-8 standard 1.5oz shots (mixed drinks) over 4 hours. They then completed the tests. The range of blood alcohol contents were between .035mg and .110mg/100mL. (the course was set up on the old Jarvis Airport tarmac) They showed each driver completing the test. Each and every "professional" driver could not complete any of the tasks properly. Their speeds either drastically increased or decreased. The driver who had the BAC of .110 ended up goin 80mph through the track etc etc. The study proved that at .040 a persons ability to drive IS IMPAIRED. Although a person may not feel intoxicated or show any signs of intoxication, their ability to react etc changes. I'm still looking for the video because it's really well done. Anyway, the scientists were shocked and actually petitioned the governement in 1960 to have the legal limit lowered to .050mg/100mL. For some on this board who have issues with the PROVINCIAL law of .050mg/mL, there are a lot of misconceptions. For example, I consumed 4, 1.5 oz of rye in coke over a 45 minute period and waited 15minutes to eliminate the traces of mouth alcohol. I only blew .044 (my highest result) and honestly, I didn't feel any different than I did cooking at the bbq on a summer day. 2 beers will not cost you a 3 day suspension....unless you have them in 30mins or less then drive. The majority of the horror stories you hear are either false or caused by a result called mouth alcohol which basically is the remnants of what you drank that stays in your mouth 15mins after your last sip. The average person's rate of elimination is 10-20 mg of alcohol from your body every hour. So, for us guys, the average bottle of beer has 17mgs of alcohol in it. So do the math....you have 2 beers, after an hour or so it will be out of your system. I'm not telling you to go out and drink, but if you do...take your time, have some food and don't rush. The laws are in place for a reason (i don't agree with them all) but the impaired driving laws are accurate. Studies have shown that from .05-.100 the average person feels euphoria, disinhibition, increased self confidence, impaired judgement, slight loss of coordination and the inability to complete divided attention tasks like driving lol....seasoned drinkers have a greater tolerance for alcohol and may be able to keep it together but there is a point where every person won't be able to react fast enough for the change in the routine and for those who drive in Toronto and Markham those changes can be difficult when sober. Anyways, just thought i'd pass some information on. I know i'm going to get flack for everything but educating people is a good thing and sometimes it saves a life. I know that i won't be getting behind the wheel after a few beers anymore. Dave
  5. meh, that storm was like an old man trying to pee....lots of build up waiting for it to start....it was heavy for a second and you start wondering when it was going to stop then it just stopped....much adieu about nothin'
  6. nothing here in Mississauga yet....but then again, it's always nice indoors in a hotel
  7. i'm surprised no one from markham is on that show...that town literally has the worst drivers in canada even better is that they all drive bmws, lexus' and mercedes lol
  8. it's not the police's fault that you haven't been paid for the window. That is up to the court. We can't make anyone pay for anything....and the only real way we can even remotely do that is if they had agreed to fix your window in a certain time period or they'd be charged as per the "it never works" alternative measures....
  9. One big push Just kidding, good luck, I hope you're able to get him into the boat...
  10. The problem is with both parents and the children. Somewhere along the line helicopter parents start to instill the "my kid can do no wrong" mentality and the kid believes that. So when I arrest a young person, and even if it is cut and dry and caught your child red handed the parents still say "my kid didn't do it". My parents god love them, didn't do the greatest job with me but by god if I screwed up and was arrested, I think I'd be sitting in the cell as punishment. On the flip side, if a shop lifter gets caught, he goes to his first appearance and gets his free lawyer, you can guarantee he's not getting anything that would change his behavior other than community service or a donation to charity. So what is the deterrent? But, when you look at it, parents today, with the lifestyle everyone leads parents are too busy to notice what their kids are doing until they get a phone call. But, there are still great parents out there and when you look at the big picture, the troubled kids are few and far between. I just hope my kids don't take the attitude that "my dad's a cop so can do what I want" or else they'll be taught a good lesson lol
  11. Here's my take on it... I've worked with "troubled" kids for most of my life, but now that I'm on the "other" side and I'm not counselling kids anymore I'm kind of stuck between what I've learn prior to LE and what I've learned since. If I run into a kid and it's his first time w/ the police and he just stole a candy bar you can tell if he's gonna be a repeat customer. I tend to scare the absolute crap out of them by giving a great lecture and often times the walk out of the store in cuffs and having mom and dad pick them up from the back of my car is a good way to correct the behaviour. Unfortunately they're are a lot of kids that have had it tough and the parents have failed. These are the ones that call 911 because their 8 year old won't eat their peanut butter sandwich or their 9 year old won't listen. I tend to lay it out for the parents and tell them its not my job to raise their kids. I have 2 of my own that I'm responsible for.
  12. I'll be working mostly... Trip to Los Angeles in December. Probably working on some carving and other projects on the honey do list...
  13. yup, my buddy from the marine unit was the one that pulled up to the kayaker. Came over the air....he was found right where the boat tipped
  14. That was his first program.....came on long before Survivor Man etc
  15. Yup, all you have to do is walk in, have a report made, get the mto form filled out and signed and bring it to the mto. Happens to plenty of people.
  16. The York SRU unit was out yesterday looking for him. It's presumed that it is now a recovery mission rather than a rescue. I was called out to search 2 days ago, however, I was stuck on something else and couldn't help out with the deployment
  17. i didn't know that...i figured it's free advertising for your area...
  18. did you hear colours and see sounds??? good ol' synesthesia!
  19. Bob's fishing in Costa Rica for sail fish and marlin...with the temperature outside i'd love to be there! Plus it looks pretty cool, i've never fought a fish for longer that 5 minutes!
  20. just a few thoughts - the officer was off duty and made a traffic stop in his car - he may have called dispatch for the second car - what he did was normal, had he been nasty the driver would have been yanked off the bike, he just told the guy to get off the bike. you see worse on COPS
  21. it's also good for natural selection....seems to get rid of a lot of meatheads!
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