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Everything posted by icefisherman

  1. More info on this subject....just got home after stopping at a Shell gas station on Hwy 401 and Trafalgar Rd. - the GOOD news is they don't sell ANY gas that has ethanol....so 87, 89, 91 ALL are ethanol FREE!!! Super news to me as this gas station often is on my way to the fishing spots on lake Erie and Lake O. so I'll start filling up there all the time. Manager was there and said no plans to go on ethanol any time soon. This makes me thing marines must have access to same ethanol free gas as well. News number 2 for the day: Spoke to a good marine today in Oakville....the chief mechanic told me no problems with water separator/fuel filter from Racor and my two motors. But he said there is a trick to it to ensure problem free flow of fuel to either motor. The order is like this: Fuel tank.....fuel hose.....primer ball.....fuel filter/water separator.....either motor.... In other words....the primer ball MUST be BEFORE the water separator...this way squizing the ball few times fills up the fuel filter with gas and starting the motors and running them after that is no problem at all. He sais he has installed many such filters and had never had problems with starving the motor. He was actually trying to sell me a Mec filter for about $50...but I went and bought the Racor today...also got spare replacement element....so should be all set now....the Racor filter and the ethanol free Shell gas should resolve this issue once and for ever. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  2. As aways appreciate it Erich! Tell me what beer you like best too and when we can have some Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  3. Sinker, two things pop into my mind after reading your comments. 1) My motor is fuel inhection so since it is new and my mechanic hasn't worked on it yet maybe he is telling me not to install a filter because he is assuming it is "pre-mix" and it is not as oil gets mixed with gas inside the engine not in the tank. 2) The more I think about this issue I wonder - maybe one of the resons (among others) for seizing my 60HP 2 Stroke Johnson last September is NOT using water separator.... It was "premix" motor. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  4. Hey, I've got one of those too ha ha ha sitting right in front of me on my deks....Doug might recongnize it though Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  5. Well I also gave up looking for slightly used ones and those I'll be buying are brand new 2008 model high speeds. I've PM-ed you the deal if you want in on it let me know. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  6. Any idea what do they cost at Princess Auto? Haven't got the riggers yet, but have agreed on their price with the supplier. Just bought bunch of Bert's tackle stuff (rod holders, swivel bases, tracks, etc.) and am waiting for them to arrive by end of the month. Will be buying the riggers and possibly the Trollmaster shortly after that. Just trying to spread my budget arround. Maybe you've got some great deals on pair of MAG 10's? I'd like to hear about it ;-)) Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  7. Thanks Don. I've checked my CT and WalMart and nothing there...but this maybe because those are rather small stores. I'll check some larger ones in Mississauga tomorrow to see what they have and will also stop at Princess Auto as I was there 2 weeks ago but didn't know they sell those there. Just tried searching the CT web site and nothing there either...unless they are called something else there?!? Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  8. I need to buy couple of those 12V Power sockets to installe on my boat: http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...0003000_200-3-4 Bass Pro has them but only online...went to the Vaughan Mills store 2 weeks ago and out of 4-5 different types they sell on the web site they only had the most expensive one for like $13 or so. The boat department shelves were like wiped by a tornado...almost nothing there for sale....ugly picture let me tell you. Does anyone know who else might be selling similar boat power sockets and for how much? I am sure Bass pro will eventually restock their empty shelves but I'd like to buy now and install them as I have so many other things to install on the boat. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  9. To add to it - I spoke to number of Suzuki dealers last two days....Canadian and US ones. They ALL said they "strongly encourage ALL their customers to install fuel filter/water separator" Two of them (in the US) went so far to say - they refuse servicing Suzuki outboards that don't install such filter. I guess that stands on its own! I've tried to confirm this with Suzuki directly but let’s just say their customer service can use some improvement, so I wasn't able to talk to the right person. But I did talk to Racor - the manufacturer of the best fuel filters/water separators out there...and they are the ones making the filter for Suzuki...they did say the filter I was considering WILL SUPPLY ENOUGH fuel for both motors. Suzuki lists that filter under Suzuki part number and they recommend using it on motors with up to 140HP. There is larger filter for the larger motors. My 115 Suzuki is rated for 18 GPH and I am sure my Yamaha 9.9 4 stroke kicker is much less than that, so the filter they recommended is rated at 30 GPH and they say it should be plenty to supply enough fuel to both engines and will NOT starve them. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  10. Well, I've just called and spoke to The Shell Headquarters in Calgary. They told me (very kindly) their stations in ON, SK, MB are required to have up to 10% ethanol "average" BUT....speaking of Ontario they confirmed that in the GTA area ALL their stations selling 87 octane gas will have up to 10% ethanol in it. The 89 grade will have up to 5% and the 91 grade will NOT have any ethanol. Now......OUTSIDE of the GTA most (if not all) of their stations will not have ethanol in any of the grades of gas (for now but this will slowly change in time). They also told me if I have particular area/town and call them they can tell me if their stations in that area sell gas with ethanol or not. They also told me they get this question asked DAILY, so seems like we are not the only ones interested in it. Then I called Esso as their web site states: Ethanol-blended gasoline Ethanol-blended gasoline is currently available at participating Esso service stations in Saskatchewan and Ontario. Stations selling ethanol-blended gasoline have a label on the pump indicating the gasoline may contain up to 10% ethanol. I knew there is a reason why I hate Esso...didn't get much help from them....the lady said "noone can tell me what stations have ethanol and what don't"....or well....what can I say.... Seems like there is decent chance with Shell to find 87 gas with no ethanol so I'll be checking ahead of time what Shell stations on my way to the fishing spot sell 87 gas without ethanol. Thought this may give you more into. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  11. Shawn, from hours of research on this issue over the past week or so I have discovered Sunoco HAS ethanol in ALL grades of gas. Our only (slim) chance of getting fuel with less or no ethanol is going to Esso and Shell. I hate Esso but will go and check what they sell. Hope Shell hasn't added the Ethanol yet ot atleast not in great amounts. Wayne, two questions: 1) I was planning to connect the filter on the main fuel line...then from after the filter the line splits with a T-conenctor and one side goes to the main motor the other side to the kicker. This way both motors use fuel from the same fuel line AFTER fuel has gone through the filter therefore it is with no water in it. From what you've written seems you are having "separate" fuel lines cioming from the fuel tank and going to each of your motors? 2) I am not sure I understood this one go to the station with a clear container with water in it and mark the waters level. Add fuel and if it appears that the water level rises...there is ethanol/alchohol in it. I'd think when you add any fluid to youe container full of water sure the water level will go up, so not sure what the clear container experiement witll prove!?! And yes next time when I buy brand new Lund I'll have your Verado advice in mind But then is I could I'd always buy 4 stroke Yamaha for a big motor, as I am trully impressed by those machines Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  12. Considering the 10% ethanol we get mixed in the gas from most gas stations and the tendency of the ethanol to attract lots of water during the winter storage from the air and then sinking down to the bottom of the fuel tank I guess it is maybe a good idea to add a water separator/fuel filter for both my motors (2000 Suzuki 115HP 2 stroke EFI and 2000 Yamaha 4 stroke 9.9HP). Don’t want to have motor problems in the spring from starting the motor with mixture of ethanol and water instead of ethanol and gasoline. Spoke to few Suzuki dealers today and all of them suggested adding one. Actually they told me they insist their customers install one. But my neighbor, who I trust and who used to be Johnson mechanic for many years and now repairs outboard motors out of his home as a hobby, has told me not to do it as (in his opinion) those water separators/fuel filters could starve the motor for gas and on two stroke motors it could damage the motor.... So, I guess damn if you do....damn if you don't situation...has some of you used water separator/fuel filter with similar size/type motor(s) and if so have you had any issues with it? Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  13. Well, I may have found the answer of my own question. Just spoke to an outboard dealer reguarding the E-10 mixed fuel, water, phase separation etc. Instead of emtying the fuel tank in the spring and wondering what to do with all the bad gas he suggested dumping some of this product inside the tank and in his opinion it'll take care of the problem: http://www.startron.com/ It does say: Eliminates & Prevents Ethanol Fuel Problems Ethanol / E10 fuels increase the amounts of water and sludge in your fuel tank. Star Tron breaks down this excess water and sludge to sub-micron size allowing it to be safely burned away during normal engine operation. Therefore Star Tron prevents phase separation and fuel gelling, eliminiating ethanol fuel problems.. Same dealer told me Esso and Shell do not put E-10 in their fuel. I'll check on that next time I go to each gas station. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  14. You guys made me think seriously about this. Did a bit of reading myself and seems most everyone suggests either keeping your fuel tank full (95%) with added stabilizer or completely empty....now....since I got my boat month and a half ago and not sure what the dealer did when they say they winterized it, what should I do? Not sure how I can "completely" empty the tank as this maybe the best option....?!!? Any ideas on that? And simply filling it up to the top now and adding stabilizer - will this help or will it trap any existing water that may already be there? And simply cover the already separated gas/ethanol? Now that the problem is identified what would be the best PRACTICAL solution? And where can we find what ON gas stations sell what ethanol % in their gas in the various grades? I use mostly Canadian Tire to buy my gas and am not sure what their ethanol % is in the gas they sell. Sounds every gas station now has some ethanol in their regular (87 octane) gas, but who has the least as having to buy premium gas all season at much higher (expected?!) gas prices is not very attractive option to me. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  15. Benny, I'll PM you bunch of site from my archive....be prepared to search HARD and it'll pay off. I've spent months for search and went through tons of boats all over the US but mainly in NY, OH, PA, IN, MI, IL, WI, MN. Largest sellction by far will be MN, followed by WI and the rest. Some good deals to be had out there so take your time. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  16. Good idea on buying it from the US Bud. As Wayne said I've done it recenlty and it was quite easy and did save me thousands....many thousands If you have any specific questions after reading the link feel free to ask and I'll tell you all I know about the process. I suggest going through Sarnia as it is faster and less crowds. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  17. Well, As many of you know we were expecting our second child and this morning (January 16) at exactly 6:16am we became happy parents of our second child....Too tired after not having a minute sleep over the past two days but mother and baby are doing fine. It was not an easy delivery, but they are both fine now. And Santa (who has been so good with me lately) delivering my new Lund a bit early, just delivered again...this time even better present. With new boat...great wife and two sons...How can anyone not be extremely happy with such boat/fishing crew?!!? Here is the star of the night in his full glory: Time to get some sleep. Cheers to all and look out for us in the new season and many more to come.... Ice Fisherman
  18. After some research in finding remote throttle solution for my 4 stroke Yamaha kicker I've came to those two: http://www.troll-masterpro.com/ http://www.controllking.com/ They look very similar in what they do - allowing you very precise adjustments of your trolling speed in small increments. From what I've read seems they used to be two partners who split and started making their own product. I’ve read Controllking is more water proof of the two. Prices are about the same....Controlking is slightly cheaper but not by much. I am just wandering if anyone who has used them can comment or compare them to each other, as I am about to order one of them for next trolling season. P.S. If someone is interested in buying them I can let you in on very good deals on either of the two. Feel free to PM me. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  19. Welcome to the Lund exclusive private club Wayne should be giving you one of those Lund hats any time now Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  20. Gerritt, Just went through the same dilemma and I am in similar situation to yours. But I have two deep cycle batteries, main motor, kicker motor and trolling motor. After a lot of advice I got from more knowledgeable people on this site I've decided to stay with my two batteries and keeping them separate. One battery to the main motor and powering the AM/FM, bilge, live wells, horn, lights, fishfinder. Second battery for the electric trolling motor, VHF, and the two electric downriggers. I'll try it like that for a while and see how it'll work for me. If any problems arise I'll add a separate starting only battery. Hope this helps. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  21. For anyone (like me;-) who wants/needs to go to the Toronto International Boat show here is a super deal to get in. Go to your local Home Hardware and pick up the "two for one" coupon from their customer service. I just did. Much better deal (in case you are not going alone) than the $3 off if you buy tickets online. And the $3 off expires today anyways where the Home Hardware coupons are good at any time during the show. I may see some of you there Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  22. I installed mine month ago. Got is as part of the package with my new boat. It is Fulton and of very good quality. No way to fit the boat in the garage without it. Easy installation - cut the tongue, drill few holes and bolt in the swing tongue....Dealer didn't want to install it for liability reason, so I did it myself. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  23. I certainly can add few good words about Joe. Though he could not help me directly (different area of expertise), he did go out of his way to help me out with valuable advice. So, cheers to Joe and all thanks to his kind efforts! Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  24. Shelley and Chuck, sorry to hear about the accident and wish speedy recovery to all injured. Ice Fisherman
  25. Very good size perch Derek. Congratulations on the new PB as well Cheers, Ice Fisherman
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