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Everything posted by icefisherman

  1. Started at 5pm, stopped at 7:30pm. Anything and everything green was working but best was the green fly. 7 for 9 for couple hours with 20 Lbs on the biggest and the rest around 8-10 Lbs - not a bad night and good menu for the BBQ ;-) All Kings and one bow. 90-110 fow, 2,7-3mph, 30-55 feet down. Here are few shots from the night: and this one was the heavy one so my son needed some help lifting it for the picture Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  2. The area is called "the elbow". You can get there by launching from Nantricoke (closer) or Port Dover (longer boat drive but very nice ramp) Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  3. One of my hardest days on Erie today! Started late about 10:30 fished until 5pm...got 4 bows, lost two put the other two in the boat. Fishing was very tough today...but after driving for 2 hours at this price of gas had little other choice but to push as hard as I could. So we did...Maybe it is a bit early still??? Maybe we were in the wrong area or at the wrong time? Just wasn't the fishing I know Erie for. Oh well...hope when I come next time we do better to cover for today too ;-) Here are few shots: All fish came deep over 100 fow, 45-60 feet down, on dark colors spoons, 2.4mph, two on the rigger and two on the leadcore. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  4. Ha ha ha Joey, I guess I was in a hurry to be Friday ;-) Corrected it. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  5. Started about 5:30am and headed East in 90-105 fow. Did well with 7 for 9. One bow 8 Lbs for the BBQ tonight and everything else was Kings between 20 and 25Lbs. Got most of them on Atomik flies and few on spoons. Suffered major lost of equipment though.... First I've lost my brand new Hawg Wild SD flasher together with my brand new Hawg Wild Atomik Fly...just got them from Pat 10 days ago and have used them for the first time and something HUGE took them all together...must have been close to 30Lbs if not over as it felt much heavier than the 25 Lbs I got later. Then as this was not enough...I kept loosing the treble hook on the Atomik flies....one on the green crinkle and same thing on the crush white. Found one of the treble inside the King's mouth and the second one from the other fly was never found. When it was all set and done I've lost about $40-$50 in flies and flasher. I can see me loosing one fly/hook but two in exact same fashion?!? : Other then the lost equipment it was great day on the water with my son and father. Few pictures from my cell phone are bellow as I forgot my camera. When I got back home I took the flies pictures with the digital camera. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  6. Started at 5:30am this morning. Very slow day, seems for most everyone on the radio. I may have done better than most with 3 fish in the boat by 11am though... First was 19 Lbs King on leadcore 10 colors out and watermelon NK28. Second one was 8Lbs Bow on HW flasher and green fly, followed by another bow(same size) on the other leadcore but only 5 colors out and with blue/silver/white NK28.... Tons of bait, some hooks but not very willing to bite...Did 100 to 200 fow, from 25 to 60 feet down. Forgot the camera so no pictures today. Nothing close in bite compared to last Friday. Oh well...if this weather gets settle once maybe we can start doing some normal fishing...it was COLD this morning, while the weatherman was calling for 29 degrees!?!? ;D Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  7. Brian, just pick up a day and head this way. You know where to find me Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  8. Great day on Lake O. - lost track on the number of salmon, and bows caught.... Must have been close to 20 for 6am to Noon. Great day and great fishing with my son and a great friend who came from Lake Erie to compare notes with me : Magic numbers were: 120-150 fow, 50-80 down, 2.6mph. Sizes from 5 Lbs to 22 Lbs. Mostly bows (surprised as to how many bows we've got in half a day on lake O.) kings and even one Coho. Everything fired at least once (meet, flies, spoons) but my favorite watermelon NK28 spoon was the best and got the most. Here are few selected pictures from the day for your viewing pleasure: Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  9. Went to that same auction last year. What a waste of my time! Stay away from it. Mostly junk and they are jacking up the prices like you wouldn't believe it... Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  10. No welding anywhere. Just drilling and bolts tightening. Assuming you have the kit it'll come with the extra support pieces to mount on the inside of the tube. It also comes with template for drilling the holes. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  11. I've used my Reciprocating Saw. It got done for no time at all. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  12. I've done it last Nov. on the trailer/boat I just bought back then. It was the only way to get it in my garage. Even then I had to remove my staircase to the house... Used Fulton kit, works like a charm, never had a problem with it. Did it for about an hour on the driveway. Easy! Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  13. One word Joe - ALGONQUIN!!! Within your travel time, plenty of choice in level of remoteness...great beaches and top fishing as well. We go there every summer with my now 3 year old son. It'll be our third time now in August, so we can meet there too I'd recommend Opeongo as you can take your boat or canoe in the interior sites (still no portaging) and I can tell you a place with a whole private beach/bay for yourself, all sand and shallow...great for kids to play and 2 min away from top lake trout and bass fishing spots. Let me know if you want specifics. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  14. From their web site: Is MARINE Formula STA-BIL® Ethanol Treatment safe to use? MARINE Formula STA-BIL is completely safe to use in any engine powered by gasoline, gasoline/oil mixtures, and ethanol blends. It contains no additives that could harm a fuel tank or fuel lines, or an engine, fuel injectors or intake valves. Use of STA-BIL will not void any engine warranty. In addition, over treatment is safe and will not harm engine. Personaly I am just finishing my first bottle of this stuff http://mystarbrite.com/startron/ pricey but seems to work...hard to find too.. had to special order from West Marine...some Marinas have it but not one close to me. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  15. Does anyone know where can I find one of those Universal Boat Seat Sliders? http://hires.basspro.com/is/servlet/izoom/BassPro/51893? I'd like to install it on my boat's driver seat between the seat and the existing pedestal. Bass Pro in Vaughan Mills doesn’t have it and ordering from the US will add too much shipping charges. Local place selling it would be ideal. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  16. I am against any insurance in general and only buy them when have no other choice...like car insurance....about to renew my mortgage and have never had /will never have insurance on it. Better spend the same amount on paying your mortgage faster Congratulations on the new house! Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  17. Started at 5:30 with my son and Brian. He finally managed to get the skunk off his back today with a nice 21+ Lbs-er. And he helped on almost as big (20Lbs-er on one of my rods)... I got 2 more (17 Lbs and 6 Lbs) and a nice laker. There were two double headers so overall great day. We've had to work hard to find the fish...once found the bite was on while above them... Tech data: 130 - 175 fow, spoons and flies with something green on them....5 for 6 for the day....not bad! Few pictures of very happy fishermen : Brian's record for the day: My laker as a double header with his from above: My 6 Lbs-er: The one Brian helped me with on my rod during the second double header: Now here is the double header ....it was so hard to keep both fish long enough for the picture....about 38 Lbs combined weight: Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  18. Started at 6am with Brian...so much for the weather man who got it ALL WRONG AGAIN!!! Not sure where the 20km/hr wind and 1.8"/hr rain was?!?... Should have started an hour early ;D Motored quickly in the Bronte direction and started in about 150fow....nothing for the first hour or so....moved to close to 200 fow and we started..........losing them.....first one went home with my meat rig and flasher....broke my fluoro lead.... shortly after Brian had the strike of the day...never seen so violent hit...it was about to brake his rod on the holder ...and by the time we got to it....bam....it run away with his lyman....cut off his 30 Lbs Power Pro... not a good start keep loosing tackle... Then we lost 4-5 more before I managed to get this one. It was nice fish at 19Lbs 15 Oz Shortly after came this guy. Much meaner than his bigger brother though, if "only at 12 Lbs 15 Oz: We kept going even in the rain for about an hour more but decided to head back about 11 am or so.... Out of the bad long weekend we may have got the best few hours for fishing today. Tech data: Dept 200 fow, 80-125 feet down, most fish on green spin doctor and fly, one on the lyman, one on a NBK spoon, 2.5 mph. Didn't mark any fish all day ...just keep hooking/letting them go, ..right Brian : Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  19. Well Brian we should have....even better you should have came with me when I asked you on Sunday But hey it's never late to fix this ;-) The front anchor rope was too short for where we fished today, so I only used the new Danforth one and it worked grate as it was ZERO wind today. We've got to talk...Salmon is wating for us....close by.... P.S. All fish landed today with my old net....enough said there right? P.S. 2 Are you on strike tonight ?;-) Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  20. They are deep ...as I said 55-65 fow today. Jig for them which requires solid anchor. Use Williams Ice jigging spoon in half gold/half silver hammered or Meegs lure and you should do well right now. Ha ha ha well good question....I might changet direction later this week Bud....hear Salmon is coming my way so I've got to go check it out...you'll be the first to know Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  21. After a short advance notice last night me, my son and JohnyBass went to check on the whities today. 15 seconds after dropping my lure down bammm the first whities was hooked and shortly after inside the live well. Great weather, great fishing and we simply loved it out there today....even work day there were lots of boats...one guy kept coming onto us (as close as 5 meters away) obviously thinking all fish on Simcoe is under our boat. Williams hammered half/half did the most damage but Meegs did very well as well. My son kept getting fish after fish...lost most of them but managed to keep couple of them all the way to the live well. JohnyBass got his first whities so ALL were happy campers today...back home at Noon. 55 to 65 fow....fishfinder screen was loaded with fish... Here are few pictures of the action today. My 3 year old son fighting his first whities (after loosing 3-4 before this one). Boat pictures taken with my cell phone - sorry for the poor quality but I love those images: And fighting his second one at the back of the boat: And the result of our hard work today brought home: Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  22. This is what I call a head start Wayne Nothing wrong with the idea...and yes I'll probaly use it in few months Have a very fishfull summer and please leave some for me would you Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  23. Hey Brian, I hope you don't forget mine tomorrow. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  24. I've just installed one a month ago and it works great. I've got the Racor one as been on of, if not the best out there. Have both my motors feeding through it and this should help prevent problems with ethanol/water in the gas. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  25. Great new ride Dan! Congratulations! Enjoy it and get some fish in would you ;-)) Cheers Ice Fisherman
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