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Everything posted by icefisherman

  1. OK, we eat all the white fish last night (man was it good;-) so I've decided to try and replenish the reserves today Easier said than done today though.... Started a bit earlier with several good buddies as a company....they all got their limits relatively quickly and released lots more whities....I was clearly struggling today....for some reason using same setup, same presentation/locations, as yesterday didn't work for me....kept missing....not marking as much....at one point I thought I am in for the first skunkaro of the ice season....took me until Noon to get the first one.......couldn't believe it....5 meters from me buddies were killing them.....I couldn't get one for 4 hours if my life depended on it....anyhow....moved again about 1pm....by 3pm got 2 more and missed several others....so managed (barely) to come on top but boy oh boy...was it hard work and cutting it close today....has a been a while since I had to work so hard to save skunk....oh well one of those days I guess.... And a lesson....do NOT take digital camera with me next time And the shot of the day: Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  2. Well - First ice trip for the year, first report, tons of fun and laughs with s great friend of mine and lots of fish for a good measure too today ha ha ha. Here are the Stats: - over 15 fish caught and lost at various locations in the column, including 4 right at the hole - 7 brought to the ice (5 of them released to grow bigger;-) - lost track of how many bites I missed while laughing and playing around - between 70 and 80 fow, right off the bottom. -4 of the fish caught were natural - No lakers so far Wiliams did 90% of the damage...got some on Meegs but they seemed to love the Williams today. Over 6" of ice where we were. Fished from 9am to 1pm Good company, bit windy but sunny...great start of the season...maybe going back again soon. Trying to use as fully as possible the remaining part of my vacation. Few shots from the day: Fall of the bucket while getting this one on the ice Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  3. Hey Bruce I'll add my modest voice in hope the smelts are fully under your control this year? My son is asking for them hahaha....even got an old hut for him against those bad winds. He is going for adenoids surgery tomorrow morning but should recover quickly from it. Just whistle when the time arrives Bud.
  4. When you do it online how do you get your stamp on the back of your card? Do they mail it to you later? Do you get to print some temporary paper to carry with you (in addition to your card) until the stamp arrive in the mail? Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  5. Great pictures Bud! Looks like you know your way around Simcoe bass - good for you! Could have tried it myself but just winterized the boat....oh well should have known better to keep it ready until January Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  6. Thanks Bud and good luck with your surgery. Quick and full recovery and I'll see you on the ice not far from now ;-) Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  7. Thanks Steve, kids sure were all over the boat laughing jumping competing with each other playing with the fish....it sure was a blast.... Now you know what....I am thinking we should try to get out some time with you....before the ice comes or after that....hey we can even try those smelts again this year ha ha ha....hope with better results;-))) Anyhow...I'd love fishing for a day together...so any time you need a company....PM me with a day or so ahead and I'll liley be able to go....even during the week,... Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  8. Started late as friends of mine with their son who came along didn't feel like starting too early. Right to 10 fow....took us the first 30 min to find them...once we did....non stop action until we left....got well over 200 fish total kept about 150 between all of us...(7 people total). Minnows seemed to bring bigger fish but tubes/tails rapalas all worked well.....we were playing the fish all day seeing them under the boat all the time and picking up which larger one we want to let have our bait Lots of fun for the boys and wives...What a great day it was....not any wind and warm and sunny. Here are couple shots from the day: My friend's fish with the happy boys fighting the afternoon sun: And ours: Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  9. Started a bit late by about 9am...Found them right away and had a great day with the kids catching perch after perch. My friend and his friend visiting him from Switzerland all had great time...nice sunny day almost no wind until 2pm. Not many boats around either. Magic depth was 30', we used mostly minnows today. Ended up with over 100 perch between all of us. God some nice big ones too. Lots of laughs for all. Here are couple shots: Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  10. Couldn't do it Mike. Too tight time wise and it was colder than my wife liked for a late camping trip. Maybe next year in the summer. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  11. Took my son to see how Simcoe perch is doing. It's been a loooookng while since I've been perching so it was fun for both of us. Thanks to Greg and Cudz for the pointers. I only saw Greg's today but no big deal, info taken for the next trip. Went to Love to Fish and got some minnows....but man what were those small.....dark....very thorny, hard to put them on the hook.... Anyhow....we launched at Innisfil...not much water but manageable... Started around the islands and took us a while to find them but it was busy hour once we did....almost all very good size...12"+. Suddenly they disappeared....so we went on a ride....across the lake to the pack off Torah ....lots of bites there but smaller size... Started raining around 1pm so we called the day. Kept 50 between both of us and must have released that many more. Fund day for sure. May try one couple more times if I can get away. Best depth was 32 fow. Minnows and small Rapalas did well. Here is the fun at home with the little one taking part as well Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  12. Going there tomorrow morning with my 4 year old son. Any general idea as to which part of the lake should we try? Minnows been a problem the only place I was told has them is on the West side of the lake. So I was wondering should I run across the lake to the Pefferlaw/Torah area or should I try to find them near the islands or in Kempenfelt Bay? Feel free to PM me if you like. Hope I can keep my son busy in the morning ;-) Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  13. Hey Mike....waooooo....if there was a Guinness Book registration for best fishing report ever my vote goes to this one! I am only wondering.....is it better then your last.......hmmmm.....think it is though. This is the type of trip I would LOVE going on....hence the favor to ask you..... next time you start organizing one, please feel free to PM/email me first Have to admit I am not much of pike fun but for that kind of walleye fishing I truly would go anywhere!!! Thank you for the great pleasure reading your detailed report and hope one day we can meet in person, and why not even fish together? Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  14. Well, it was bound to happen - East wind, big waves, sail boats paradise but not the best day for a trip to the Blue...anyhow we wanted to do it and watch the CNE Air show....so we did it...but only saw 1 (One) plane?!? And only caught 1 (one) Bow. Almost got skunked for the first time this season....one hit = one fish....Oh well, could have been worse....rough ride back got a bit wet too but made it...my wife wasn't feeling well with all the waves pounding us so we called the day 3 hours later. Here is the fish of the day )couldn't get a picture of the only plane of the day;-) ha ha ha Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  15. Started with a friend with lines down at 7:00am....by 7:20am we've had 6 fish in the live well.Quite a furry....then fish every 10-15 min...finished at 11:45am with 18 for 18, not a single fish lost today...all brought to the boat many released some kept for my friend's BBQ. Black/Purple did 60% of the damage with MJ the other 30% and watermelon remaining 10%. Best fishing was in 320 fow though we went all the way into the 375 fow. 40-65 feet down so fish did go a bit deeper then last week. 2.5 mph on the GPS. Size from few shakers to respectable 12-13 lbs. All bows and one Coho. First time out I didn't get a single Chinook...oh well....not complaining[] A shot from the day: Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  16. Did quick 3 hours this afternoon and got 5 for 7. 3 Kings and 2 Bows. 330 fow seemed to work best. Michael Jackson and Black/Green NK28 spoons did all the damage. 30 feet down was the best depth. 5 to 13 Lbs. Not a bad day with the whole family on board. Here is a late/dark/not so good picture of few fish I dropped at friend's house. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  17. What do you know about the drink on this picture? Just checking you as I am very familiar with it and it has nothing to do with Latvia or Russia for that matter Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  18. Took a friend and his son as well as my son to the Blue Zone yesterday. Haven't been there for a while so I wasn't sure what will happen but it worked out well...here is a copy of his report (I am too lazy to write it again) "Jacob and I met up with Icefisherman and his little guy this morning for a trip to the blue zone. We started in close, just to try it for a bit on our way. We set up and it didn't take long for the diver rod out 140 to fire on a green SD/Fly. This combo has caught the majority of my fish out there this season. Just as I set up the rod Emil was telling me how he never has luck on divers or flies........then bam.....fish on Off to a good start with this guy...... Didn't move a rod for a bit, and the screen went blank, so we pulled and headed deep. Set up shop near the old weather marker in about 360ft and kept trolling deeper. Started hitting fish after a bit, but they were kinda scattered. Once we found a pattern, we had some decent action going. The boys were having LOTS of fun reeling these guys in. Jacobs first rainbow..... His first coho........and biggest fish of his life to date This fish was kinda tag teamed by all of us...... We got a few of these guys too. Crazy how these little fish are way the hell out in the middle of nowhere. Most fish were on watermelon spoons, down 25-30ft trolling around 3mph on the gps. We went as far as 400ft, but the fish seemed to be in one small area, so we turned back and got a few more Good fun day with the kids. I know Jacob had a blast and hasn't stopped talking about his biggest fish, first salmon, and first rainbow since we got off the water. He's even called his Pop in NFLD to tell him all about it Thanks again Emil, we had good fun out there today my friend. If you guys are ever up in my neck of the woods, make sure to get in touch and we'll put some more eyes in the boat I know I wouldn't have to twist Jacob's arm too hard to go out with you guys again! S. " My long time favorite watermelon NK28 proved itself again after a looooong pause. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  19. Waoo this sure was the mother of all reports, not to mention my favorite fish every which way....can't complain....total viewing pleasure i thank you for. Now.....how can I get some specific info about that place from you? Going to an inland lake full of walleye has been on my to do list for a while....don't think any other lake can eget even close to the one you were on. So I'd appreciate any specific info.....location/cost etc. Maybe we can exchange few PM's on the subject? Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  20. Made it a complete family affair today - everyone including the 1 1/2 year old was on board to take advantage of the nice weather. Missing more than few hours of sleep so here is the scoop briefly with few chosen pictures of the many fish we've got today. Ended up the day 15/19. My best numbers so far this season. Had super great time with the kids and wife. Mostly bows but mixed with some Cohos and Kings....got my PB King today of just over 28 Lbs. 100-150 fow 50-60 feet down spoons only (washed flies again for several hours with no results) : Same colors Black with silver combo... Released a lot of fish including the big hog, all carefully revived and sent to make babies ;D especially the big HOG....it came on 10 colors leadcore and took me a while to bring in... Lost few nice fish too but hey....we've had tons of fun even with the lost ones. First the big guy/girl (?!?), as you can see almost ready to head up the river, sent him on his way: Few others: And I like this one the most. As you can see it was team work all the way: Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  21. Well Brian, you know which boat is ALWAYS ready to take you fishing right? As for the basement - starting the last stage - flooring on Thursday. Way ahead of schedule Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  22. Went with my son today to take advantage of the nice weather. A bit of last minute decision (as most of my fishing decisions are;-)) Started at 5:30 still dark...at 100 fow...there were gazilions of boats everywhere. Everyone in search of the big one....or of any fish Lost the first one while trying to wake up my son to help me (he felt asleep shortly after lines went down and slept for 3 hours ) Learned my lesson and did better on the next 2 while he was still sleeping. The bigger one was 21 Lbs....couple more King teenagers...and Bows....and ended up the half a day with 5/8 Not bad after been away from the big water for a while (this basement work never ends ). Nice chatting with Grouper Trooper on the radio...was going to try the Blue Zone but manage to find them closer so I stayed,.... Fished 100 to 150 fow, had a fly on but all fish came on spoons, anything with black and silver on it as you can see from the pictures. 50-60 feet down. By 11am wind picked up so we left. Here are few Blackberry shots from the day. Here is the big one taking half the width of my boat: My son struggling with the weight of these ones (the sleep didn't help ) And this cool guy with couple riggers on his inflatable (first time I see one of those) Sorry for the poor quality shot…BB is not the best under those conditions. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  23. Temagami has always been good to me. Did OK on Red Cedar but will not go back just for the fishing.
  24. Started as first boat out in the morning....and setup shop very shallow - 55fow...a bit West of the river. Frigid temps compared to last time I was there....51 degrees barely...moved a bit deeper and East and started picking....missed couple rainbows on the leadcore then got a huge hit and let my ice fishing buddy Don handle it....it was quite the difference for him been used to the Lake Simcoe lakers : ;D eventually he lost it as the line broke and all my flasher, fly everything was gone.... :'( I change it to a different flasher/fly turned around and was about to send it down when.....are you ready for that???...... ...... I saw something floating in front of the boat got close to it...and what a surprise of my life.....the huge salmon Don was floating was swimming tired great deal on the water surface tangled into4-5 feet piece of line with the hook still in his mouth and my green flasher hanging from his back ha ha ha ha......I was quick to grab the net and scoop the fish in...score!!! Too surprised to think about snapping a picture but I should have as it is quite unbelievable …. Still can't believe this happened to me...never seen it never heard of anything remotely similar....Here is the persistent fish that was found on getting into my boat today and Don himself. We did a quick measurement back at the rump....22,54 Lbs. Quickly switched back to the "lost" fly and sent it down....few minutes later bammm...another smaller King on the same setup.... Here is that one: Then few hours of slow down and we've got a Coho at about 10am...that was it....fishing seemed good bright and early but died quickly after 8am.... Green was the name of the game 60' down in 90fow for the Kings and 4-5 colors leadcore for the bows/coho. Nice talking to Catnip II today and listening to Grouper Trooper on the radio today. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  25. Just came back from red Cedar lake last week. Don't know the Mountain Home Lodge but have good things to say about the Temagami Riverside Lodge. We were camping on Crown Land but the Temagami Riverside Lodge people allowed us to launch at their dock and park the truck there for more than a week for like $45 all together ($10 launch + $5/day for parking).... Then a guy from their interior site( Adam) came and cut the grass on our camping site - he didn't have to do it as we were on our own but it sure made the difference in greatly reducing the mosquitoes in the area. He also came and took our garbage out one day and at the end we were allowed to drop what little garbage we've had at their container. Vet pleasant people (Linda is the owner with the two sons Adam and ...forgot the name of the younger one). I was researching options few weeks ago and found out Temagami Riverside Lodge has the best prices of the three lodges that are on Red Cedar. Mountain Home Lodge and Red Cedar Lake Camp been the other two. Do what ever you decide but DO NOT go to the Red Cedar Lake Camp - what a jerk the owner (Dave) is...we've stopped there first asking for directions/launch/parking and he asked if we are his customers. When I said that we are not, he turned around and said "Good luck then" through his teeth....didn't even want to talk to us....STAY AWAY from them!!! Hope this helps. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
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