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Everything posted by icefisherman

  1. Couldn't pass on the nice day today. So took the kids and started a bit late at 6:30 (too long of a break at Tim Hortons for Tim Bits). It was expected the fish to be scattered all over after the last few days of strong winds....so wasted the first couple hours in search mode but once we found them....well everyone loved the action... Pictures will give you an idea where the fish was hiding... Every one managed to reel in a few...the star of the day was the huge King bellow....third fish for me over 25 Lbs this season...and it has just started...Mixed bag....Final score 12/15...not bad... Anyhow...hope you enjoy the shots: Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  2. Thanks Wayne. A bit of experienced advice always afirms not so experienced ideas Should I replace both spacers with the new puck made ones, or just the cracked one and reuse the other one, or not mix them? Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  3. Here is what use I made of couple hockey pucks (red and black one) and didn't cost me anything ;-) Not perfect as the factory but it just might work...got to try it tomorrow....same size as the original ones...and since it is rubber not plastic it may actually seal better. Just not sure how will the puck react to the polyuritane sealant?? Any comments on that? Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  4. Just called the Mason's Chandlery store in PC and they don't sell the JB's marinweld but have this one in stock... thought I should ask you if you think it'll work before driving there this afternoon to pick it up. http://www.marinetex.com/marinetexflexset.html Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  5. I've searched their web site and CT does sell JB Weld stuff but only one I could find was this one: http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/4/Auto/AutoRepairAccessories/Adhesives/PRD~0383711P/J-B%252BIndustro-Weld%252BCold%252BWeld%252BCompound%25252C%252BShop%252BSize.jsp?locale=en not sure how good it is for under water line applications... Will try calling them to see if they have the marineweld version of it. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  6. Not a bad idea mercman....now where can I find some good marine epoxy on Sunday ;-) Quick search brought me this one.... http://jbweld.net/products/marine.php But can't find it locally anywhere arround the GTA... Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  7. Well it's been a while since I've used your collective wisdom so here is a good one. Had to remove my live well pump yesterday and found out one of the two spacers is cracked. See pictures attached. The angle spacers are there to provide extra transom support while the angle compensate the transom angle and allow the pump to be mounted horizontally. Need ideas of how to solve the problem. I can think of the following: 1) Try to glue somehow the cracked spacer with some sort of plastic melting glue and use it 2) Try to buy the same exact spacer....went to Attwood's web site. They don't make those exact pumps anymore but found an old installation instruction and they don't show those spacers there. So it might be something custom made/used either by Atwood or by Lund when installing my pump. 3) Try to make myself new spacers using Starboard material, glue two sheets together to get the right thickness (1 1/16") then drill 1" whole, and whole saw the 2" outside diameter, at the end cut diagonally to split the cylinder into two angled spacers....again see pictures....when you put the two spacers together you can see they were made by splitting diagonally one cylinder. 4) Try to find a 2" hard plastic rod I can use to cut, drill and cut diagonally to make two spacers.... Would appreciate your ideas and input on above as well as new ones and places where I can buy material ASAP as I'd like to put the boat back in the waters quickly since those Kings on Lake O. are waiting for me ;-) Attwood's Installation instructions: http://www.fujiyachts.net/manuals/Attwood%20Aerator%20Pump%20500.pdf Thanks for your input. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  8. Just few hours is all I've had this morning...rare trip without the kids but they had to go to a birthday party, so a good friend of mine came along and we started a bit late in the fog... (7:30am)...the usual search mode first to find where the hungry Kings are and lines in by about 8:30am....fog was bad....only relying on the GPS but what a shock when we saw a huge ship right in front of us ha ha ha....got to put a radar on just in case ,....anyhow....good bite....mixed bag with some really nice Kings.... Off the water by Lunch.... Few other boats in the area all fishing much shallower than us.... We were in 160 fow....spoon bite....got dozen or so to the boat...lost few others plus some other hits/misses...., Despite the miserable weather this year we may get the season going after all... Few shots from the day. Keep in mind he is 300 Lbs so compare that to the size of the fish ha ha ha: Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  9. Well, thought I should give it a try despite the iffy weather lately.....started early and headed to the BZ (my favourite place of all;-) Turns out I just wasted 1/2 tank of precious and expensive gas....temps were freezing (41 degrees surface, 39 degrees at 45 feet down)...only stayed there 30 min and headed back west...spent one more hour in search mode...finally found what I was looking for WARM water....relatively....53 degrees surface and 43 degrees down 45 feet. What a show started shortly after.....over 20 fish for little over 3 hours before the wind, 6 feet waves and white caps kicked us off the lake at 11am.... Biggest was 25 lbs...nice silver healthy clean King....15 min fight....then few more minutes trying to unhook him...and 10 more reviving him...and he went on his merry way....nice fish though....it was longer than 1/2 of the width of my transom ....forgot my camera so shot only from the driveway.... Tech details....spoon bite only....with something blue on them....2.1 -2.2 mph at the ball....20 to 45 feet down in 150-160 fow.... Even my 6 year old got to pull couple Kings.... Mostly kings with some bows in the mix....anything from couple Lbs to 25 Lbs... Not the best day weather wise but got to get them the way they come .... Few for the smoker to mix with the white fish from last week Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  10. Andy, just called Shauna today. Very nice lady, very professional too. But she couldn't beat the renewal price I've just got today from TD Meloche Monex for both cars and house. Worth checking it out though. Thanks. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  11. Well we only have that one and my son loves it a lot ;-) You must be much bigger Budwiser fan than me ha ha ha Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  12. Started late - around 10:30am with both kids in tow trying to use the nice day...well it was nice before getting to the lake as the lake was .....not there....too damn foggy.... Oh well...fishing was good....only fished for 2.5 hrs as my older son wasn't feeling well today...got 3 fish on.....lost 2 and landed one brown....not bad start of the soft water season....41 degrees, 10 fow....lots of marks too....got fish on body baits and on spoons./...on boards and on rigger.... Here is shot from today,. The little one was not very happy his brother is holding the fish Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  13. Here we go again.....welcome to the Canadian Liberal Nanny state... Some government level or no name organization always seem to think they know best what is good/not good for me.... As they say in Italy - Basta! I am about to buy one of those adaptors myself to avoid been gouged with the outrageous high price of the small gas containers. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  14. Yes Terry, Marcum has been well known for their great products and for top customer service as well. Couple years ago I dropped and broke the charger for my LX-5 ...called them, told them the story, asked where can I buy new one......same thing they asked for my address and sent me a new charger free of charge and free of shipping charges too.... Can't ask for much more from a company. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  15. Started a bit late but right on time as the first fish came few minutes after I dropped my Meegs lure down.... When We thought things will go up from there.......they died....for few hours....marking lot of fish.../not many bites... Moved few times....and at the end of the day Brian got his two fish but lost one at the hole....I got few more bites but not as good as we were hoping for...oh well still a nice day out there... lot of slush...shore lines still passable ...lots of cars trucks, and snow machines too... fish is till deep in the 90 fow range....all Meegs bite today... Thanks for the good time and great company Brian. Few shots from the day: Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  16. Now, I knew you are great fisherman.,...and even better video operator (how in the world you manage to catch two fish and film them both at the same time?!?)....but now I can see you are also a great cooker ....bullet proof against any recession Hot to show the recipe to my wife as we are always looking for new ways to cook white fish.... Have I mentioned before I wish you were close (or I was) so I can pay you a visit once....guaranteed fun I am sure ha ha ha Thanks for the viewing pleasure as always Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  17. Well most cracks I saw today were narrow, flat and frozen over... I did see one that was huge though (3+ feet wide) with open water ...stayed clear from that one. One should still keep eyes open as things change very quickly...the lake was rumbling all day today so it may open new crack at any time... Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  18. One more trip with my boys today - chasing the whities on Simcoe.... We've had some great time with RickOnt and his buddies... Started about 8:30am but took about 3 hours before they got hungry...didn't have to move at all as we were marking fish most of the time....just that we had to work for them,.... One of those days where my favorite Meegs didn't produce well....only got one whitie on Meegs despite changing colors all the time trying different presentations etc. Almost all fish on Williams... 88 fow....fish is still hiding in the deep... Cleaning time followed by another batch for the smoker tomorrow... Couple shots from the day: Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  19. We'll be going out of Willow...no worry as we never use portable...planning to drive with the kids as we did last week...may meet you somewhere on the big lake should be on the ice by about 8-8:30am : Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  20. Planning another trip to the whities territory tomorrow.... The original plan changed a bit as my Bud is busy...sooooo...if anyone wants to come along PM me as soon as you can as I am trying to find a company. Bright and early start ... Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  21. Best thing since sliced cheese Not to mention this is the charger recommended by Optima to charge their batteries. Optima blue tops been the best deep cycle battery out there. Got one 4 months ago and love it....one of my deep cycle batteries is on it for a maintenance charge all the time... Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  22. Another beauty report...love those videos....keep them coming... Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  23. Another one of those "unusual" days...started early enough about 8:30am...but wasted the first 3 hours in trying to figure out how to get to where we wanted to go with all the new pressure cracks that were like small mountains in places....all new and very dangerous...be very careful guys...stay away and don't even think of jumping them yet...very fresh ice....often less then 24 hrs, partially floated uneven on both sides...in brief full of potential troubles...must have put over 60 km on the car today from driving on the ice and around the ice and back on again....what a mess the lake has quickly become....oh well...lucky whities...but not lucky enough to escape us.... with both kids in tow (3 and 6) and Chuck as a guide....we did manage to find a way to our planned destination...once there we needed two quick moves to find the hungry ones...and once that happened it was business as usual... The stats for the day: 72 fow, Meegs and Williams both worked but I had to really fines my Meegs presentation today as they were very very finicky...and got unusually high number (for me) of whities on Williams ...on the way back....we've struggled again finding the best way in the icebergs slalom out there....stopped quickly for 10 min of perch action for the kids...but kept getting....herrings....so we called the day at that point and head back to shore...in one piece (hard to believe I know;-) All in all one more great day shared with my boys and best friend....and lots of fish ...hey what more can one ask for?!!? Thanks Chuck for the great time, as usual Few shots for your viewing pleasure: Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  24. Those are not just "stands" but rather ratchet rigger mounts...mounted to Bert's 36" track...allow me to turn the riggers in any direction I want...helps a lot when fishing with multiple rods... the riggers normally come with single rod holder on the back (as in the picture) but I've just bougth dual rod holders...haven't decided to mount it at the back replacing the single with dual one...or mount it in the front and having 3 rod holders per rigger in the new season. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  25. This time of the year no one can find Josh...he is involved personally with getting his spot ready for the London show....so forget the phones...don't bother talking to anyone else at the store...just drive to the show this weekend and you will go home with pair of the best riggers out there at a price better than anywhere else....just go there ...and talk to Josh in person...best strategy....you may want to PM Brian/Slowpoke first as he is Josh's most favorite customer ha ha ha and he will be at the show to....my advice - go with Brian to introduce you to Josh....and deal one on one at that point. Just look at the beauties on my boat,....you could have the same on Monday on yours Cheers, Ice Fisherman
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