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Everything posted by ironstone74

  1. Nice fish Richard!!! Paul
  2. Nice fish man! Paul
  3. Nice!!! This thread went downhill fast
  4. I'm puzzled by the Smallies this year also John. I fish the Grand quite often and my usual spots aren't producing like they did last year. I cruised down with a canoe and anchored along the way and still only boated one small one. I did see 2 decent sized fish as I drifted over them, one behind a medium size rock, and the second on a rocky section 2 1/2' deep. The derby is this weekend, I'm hoping for a Eureka moment to finally figure them out!!! Paul
  5. Thanks for the feedback guys. I think the higher water level is the biggest change from last year; however I did see 2 guys in a canoe fishing "my spot", haha which may also be a factor. I'm going to try some more natural presentations and systematically put in right in front of them and see what happens. I'm counting on that $2ooo from the Grand River Bass Derby!!!!! Paul
  6. I fish the Grand several times a week near sundown and I'm having a hard time locating fish. Last year I had several 18 and 19 inch fish bit I haven't been close to that this year. I go to my usual spots and fish the same baits with little action. I've had a handful of misses on topwaters that were quality fish; the rest have been small and few. Any other observations? I'm a little puzzled... Paul
  7. I used to work at Rockwood, the lake is a little small and very scenic. The caves are cool but not all that much to them to explore. There is a large pothole in the rock in the bush behind the caves which is worth the hike to check out. Nice beach and hiking trails. They used to stock the lake with rainbows; I don't know if they still do... Paul
  8. Thanks Richard, we knelt and held our breath and still rocked and rolled! I'm going to pick up the CT special tomorrow and give it a go. I'll be up your way in a couple of weeks to hit Chesley lake. Paul
  9. Thanks for all the tips guys! CTS has an X Ram on sale this weekend that I'm going to check out. Paul
  10. I have a beat up old canoe I use from time to time but it is quiet unstable and I won't take my kids in it again. I'm looking for some input on stable canoes for bumping down the Grand or cruising through small lakes; weight is not a factor. I like the look of Sportpals, any ideas??? Thanks Paul
  11. Great work! Looks like a Mudpuppy to me.
  12. I sit corrected, I searched smelt and smolt not "rainbow smelt". I've never heard them referred to as rainbow smelt, only smelt...
  13. Correct me if I'm wrong but, isn't the correct term for juvenile Rainbows "smolt"? Smelt are a different species all together and are not Rainbows...
  14. Yep, he's all washed up. Good on the street but no match for pros.
  15. No problem dog breath, see you in the octogon.
  16. Sorry, I don't get what you're saying???
  17. Great video and lots of nice fish! That gets me pumped for opener down here Paul
  18. How does one go about downloading multiple streams at once? Thanks Paul
  19. Nice find and paint job. Should look slick on the camper and the water! Paul
  20. I live right around the corner from Natural and I'm in there every couple of weeks. Selection is really good, pricing is OK to high, service depends on who you talk to. Some of the young guys are great; friendly and knowledgeable. The older guys, Nelson excluded, are quite honestly terrible in terms of friendliness and willingness to talk fishing to teh average customer. I'm glad I'm not the only one that gets brutal service from some of the guys there, I was starting to think it was me . I like rainbow Sports but their prices, IMO, are not the best. I bought my first Senkos there, 10 pack of 5"ers and they were $9.99. Nasty. She is cute though!!!
  21. Nice job! He won't forget that outing Paul
  22. As an attractant, oils are poor performers. They don't disolve and release scent into the water as a solvent does. Think of oil and water mixing, the oil peels off and they remain separate. I would slug a shot of CLO instead of dousing my hardware in it My take anyway. Paul
  23. Machining jobs? I could always use more as nothing is steady. Just super busy for two weeks then wondering if we should close the doors the next two weeks. As always the busy time always hits during the best fishing times, but I'm not complaining. Hopefully we'll get out soon so that I can smoke you with my new bearinged Islander. hahaha Talk's cheap, get to the river and we'll see !!! Paul
  24. You should be getting those machining jobs done instead of playing around with your toys there big man!!! Paul
  25. That's a rough day man. Sorry about your friend. Good call on apprehending the "toughguy" beating up his girlfriend. He'll get what he deserves. Paul
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