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Everything posted by tomO

  1. I bought the album and the 8 track. cassette and now the cd lol.
  2. All righty fella's I'll give her a whirl , thx again.
  3. I got a good deal on one at the mark down area in cabelas. Its heavy plastic and I picked it up for $20 I just wondered if it was worth putting on. It listed for $100.00 originally. It says it will flip up when you pull the wire and take off.
  4. I was thinking of putting a trolling plate on my 90 hp merc. Any one know if they work well?
  5. When we were up at Bying Inlet last year I noticed guys trolling for musky and they had there poles in holders and the tips of the poles were in the water as they trolled, any one know why?
  6. I can afford one, maybe if my wife says yes. She's looking over my shoulder!
  7. I was hoping for good reviews, It's heavy duty for sure.
  8. Yea it's red Roy not sure how old it is.
  9. I just bought one used for $55.00 U S , seems to work well I just threw a 2 ounce sinker about 40 yrds or so across the yard creek and into the woods. I got snagged in a tree and had to cut the line.I put some old 30 lb test mono on it just to try it. Should I fill it with power pro? any ideas guys? Oh I mounted it on a berkley big cat pole, Thought I'd use it for cats and maybe trolling musky.
  10. yea I was looking at there site, they look good but no prices.
  11. Do red hooks do the same thing? and if they do whats the point?
  12. Any one heard of or used one?
  13. We use one all the time here, try a beef roast with dry onion soup mix sprinkled on top add carrots cook all day on low, also a cup of water if you wish to make gravy it's delicious.
  14. I'll do that Blake. Thx to all
  15. Keep your canceled check, this is your receipt. Take it with you when you go, just in case there is any questions. Your balance is usually paid when you arrive.
  16. I was lookin at the bags but was wondering if they stained up easily and would maybe start smelling bad.
  17. I like a box to put other things in besides tackle, flash lite and some tools and such.
  18. I'm looking for a new box,any one have an SKB tacklebox? Also check out the megabass asylum boxes. I don't know how to post a link.
  19. I'm not sure a bout that engine but several years I used a friends 3 hp and it was very very noisy.
  20. Do you have to have a passport to cross the border this year?
  21. thx so much guys I'll talk to my brother about it. sounds like just the place to take him.
  22. Hey T J did you like the lake? Were their many bays and islands? Their page says there's walleye,pike,bass and musky. how bout the depth of the lake oh yea how bout weeds? Solo I'm lookin at that lodge too. Thx
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