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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. I just got this pic from a guy who was out fishing musky and caught this monster smallie on a Electric Black Double 10
  2. Wish we had a go pro back in the day when we were jumping or racing our sleds. And Cliff Diving would have been a blast to shoot we would do that all the time living in Sudbury. Nice shoot again
  3. Our thoughts are going out to his family what a tragic thing and to think they ahve the law of slow down or move over for a reason.
  4. Nice big gar for sure congrats
  5. I fine Black Perch good at any time but its seems to rock on overcast days or during the darker periods of the day dusk and dawn. Its kinda like Black and orange bucktails they are good at any time.
  6. Mike had a good idea as its hard for just 1 If I had a top 5 it would be: Double 10 6 1/4" Woodie black perch Sledge Black perch or pike 10" Jake Black perch or perch Top Raider
  7. Not to be bias but I would bring one of my Handlebarz double 10's as the double 10's have been rocking the fish on all bodies of water for the last bunch of years. It only makes sense to carry a versatile bait that can be cast burning it in, slow rolled deeeper, bulging the water like a top water, or trolled. Blade baits have been a go to bait long before I was born and I would think no matter the size they will be here long after I am gone.
  8. Well the wife got a Acer from Staples not FS. Staples beat the deals from FS and they are so much nicer there the guy told us how to do the set up(for the wife its was easy I guess) and saved us the $149 no pressure there and great to talk with he spent 30 min or better answering our questions great service there. Thanks for all the help guys from all the different thoughts here it seems there are lemons everywhere and no matter what we get we do get lemons so wish us luck with this one its black lets hope it stays that way I dont like yellow.
  9. Nice report lots of hammer handles out there dang things are fun until you get the 20th for the day when fishing bass. Congrats guys
  10. I need some more help with what to do when we get our new Lap top home but I posted that in the computer section any more help can you guys please answer there so I am not taking up the general section thanks again for the quick help last night guys and Joey.
  11. Yes I did that is what we run for our home computer and love it but we can not afford to get one right now and this one will be passed to our daughter for school this fall for her school work. Down the road that is what we will be getting but for now something in the $500 range is all we need.
  12. Thanks Drifter I knew there would be some here that have had experience with FS but did not know a couple worked there.
  13. John if we get a Acer I will look for my letter also. Mike I know what you mean as the guy when to the back and came out telling us that there is 1 LEFT then he was shocked when we said ok and asked for a copy of the specks we said that Staples gave us a photo copy he was still confused but got it done. I guess the 1 left thing works on alot of people but with us we go with if its meant to be it will be there when and if we go back.
  14. Joey the wife also liked the ACRE as it had a full keyboard and I think it was the one with the number key pad Bill I went on Dell and was lost I hit customize on one I thought was good and the site laughed at me and told me to stick to fishing stupid musky boy (Oh wait that is Jos from Angling outfitters every time I talk to him)PM sent thanks GBW the wife is worried about Dell as she had some friends with troubles with them me I am clueless on any of these. Dunner we looked at a toshiba but not sure which one. Brian it could be worse she could be on a fishing site all day
  15. Bill we would build one but I would not even know where to start other then what you said Dell.ca from there its all lost to me.
  16. Nice Gator sounds like everyone had some water for opener
  17. Well Roy that narrows it down for me I did like the part of the speech that FS gave me saying they make them to last a couple years then the next line was we sell a 2-3 year warranty LOL
  18. Well we are getting a laptop and I think we have it narrowed down but would like the opinion of the OFC family. I know this should be in the computer section but I would like fast help and that section moves slow. We were looking at a ACER 15.6" screen Intel Core I3-370M 2.4 GHZ 4GB DDR3 Memory 500 GB SATA Hard Drive with HDMI output Just wondering what you all think of ACER what is the big difference between I3-370 Core and a AMD Dual Core E350 APU. The Acer was a future shop and the HP is at Staples and of course Future shop sais the HP is basically junk. Staples was closed before we could get back there tonight. All we need it for is surfing the web uploading pictures to it and movies from my Sony HD video recorder. Any help thanks
  19. Great Thread Joey sorry about the hook thing but the rest looked amazing
  20. Yep it works and sometimes you just need on be creative when on a fishing trip and they want a color.Thank Goodness for CTC and spray bombs
  21. another case of discrimination against English speaking Canadians
  22. Like Lew said large Profile Bucktails or spinner baits work amazing up in that area as well as most any place you find musky. To get away from them look at sledges strawberry has been a good color on them bodies of water or one with lots of black in it. Dont forget that top water lures can be heart stopping when a strike occurs. You might also want to get some bolt cutters just in case the hooks need to be cut out.
  23. Very nice looking ski congrats on the PB
  24. I was thinking the same things as for the $50 more I think a new one might be in order
  25. Welcome aboard there are lot of members in the GTA like Terry has said stick around there will be many people willing to fish with you. Looking forward to your first Canadian report remember we like pictures
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