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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Great report and pics thanks for sharing them
  2. looks like a awesome weekend to me congrats on having a blast and getting work done
  3. White twister tail has always worked great for them or small meps style spinner baits rooster tails and panther martins were my favorite
  4. This reply reminded me why I stay out of these threads
  5. Bigmac I did not launch out of there but can say the Thames river is about the same as late August level. The lake is Down a bit but I could still run across the shallow areas that are 5' around the xe2 area. I did not get to check out a area that's normally 2' maybe this weekend.
  6. When the wife and I were out on the weekend we saw a boat casting for pike I would say but one guy was using bigger baits and doing a figure 8 after each cast the wife was pissed off big time. It bugged me but what can you do as they were in a area full of pike of they down sized and were not doing the figure 8 it would not look so bad. I really get a kick out of the guys whining about OOS bass fishing but head to the NY side of the big lake to target the same fish the cry about on our side of the water. As for what you have there that's just frustrating for sure.
  7. The water is very dirty to bad stained at stlukes today the best looking water was around the xe2 marker area just north of it. We got a couple pike OOS SM big sheep head also had a musky or big pike that cut my 20lbs power pro like it was 2 lbs mono. Will be back out tomorrow. There are a lot of perch around xe2 area if you bring minnows. I would suggest going to the main marina in the bay with your first voyage they dredged it over the winter it's $15.50 to launch there. Then you have a short ride to the xe2 area. Good luck out there tomorrow.
  8. I tilted mine inside as I had fears of the wing nut coming loose and the motor bouncing down the road we lived in Sudbury when we had one.
  9. Awesome Jiggy report as always boss glad to see things are intact. You sure do have a great place there
  10. Well we had such a very busy spring we are just getting ready to start the auction. Donations are very low this year but were going to run it all the same as any money raised will help out the fish a thon. I will post the Facebook link soon we hope to start it on Monday and run for a week.
  11. My heart goes out to the family his wife his little girl. I can't add anything else as it only involves the death penalty and anger.
  12. Nice looking new ride just in time for the great weather
  13. @AM980News: THIS JUST IN: Police have arrested a 27 year old man from Toronto in connection to the Tim Bosma missing person case. Hamilton Police confirm Tim Bosma has not been located.
  14. This is crazy I hope he is safe. In Ohio yesterday in Ohio there were three teen boys missing today or late last night one was found but the other two were killed. The news did not give any more info. These are different times or maybe we all hear more of this crap because of the Internet.
  15. Yeah it's about 2-2.5 hours depending on the bridge to USA. But I don't make trips to just hit it. I'm kinda spoiled with having two gander mountain stores 1 BPS and Janns net craft on my daily drive. I don't shop at them all the time I rather hit the local stores like Ed's baits in wallaceburg or bass haven. I just thought that London would be a great spot for a big box and am shocked that there is not one yet.
  16. Not that I want a big box down here in SW Ontario but I always thought London area would be awesome right in the heart for people heading to all destinations fishing. Even Americans would stop in just because its a familiar store.
  17. Thanks Chris and Limey Good luck Phil Yes Brian I guess I should be wearing it. I still can't believe how things have been going its crazy but with great friends I have a killer logo. Sounds good Ron I know I have to convert you bulldog guys. TMI bunk lol Mr Ron I have that same goal for this year underwater battles and boat side strikes.
  18. Thanks Ron your 51 1/4" would have been in there but it was not on a Handlebarz maybe we can repeat it this year.
  19. Thanks guys I can't wait to make a new one with musky from this upcoming season. Just shoot me a message anytime Steve
  20. Well I had this done a couple months ago but was having issues with youtube and did not have the extra time to fix there problems but today I am the winner. this is my promo video I did for Handlebarz musky lures I hope you like it. Cheers Mike
  21. Thanks all yes it is a load off the mind. We moved out when dad passed Nov 2011 so we could live with mom so she did not have to go to a crappy nursing home and did not list it until June last year or July. All is going great for my family in 2013 this is just one more of the awesome positive things happening.
  22. Well I'm so stoked that things are coming along for my family 2013 is our year. To many great things to list but the latest is our house that has been on the market since June last year just sold today. I had to share I'm to happy right now. Woohoo. Many great memories there but it feels great to move on.
  23. Trolling walleye my own worm harness with night crawler, slow death with turtle back worm Bass spinner bait Musky double 10 Handlebarz or large egg head for casting or top raider Trolling woodie 6 1/4" in many different colours
  24. I love that store I would detour up there just to walk around and look at the fish tanks way better then any BPS.
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