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About azanier

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. About 10 years ago I was river fishing with my parents and a few other people. Someone (I forget who) snagged a large travel bag. When it was hauled in we discovered a drivers license and a ton of crayfish within. We ended up turning it in to the local OPP station.
  2. Name me another sport where you can eat, drink AND take a nap during.
  3. I hear you man, the quality of North American cars hasn't exactly impressed me lately. My parents bought a Jeep about 10 months ago and there was a problem with the rubber lining on the passenger side window. The dealership determined it was a defect and replaced it. Done and done right? Wrong! This very same part has been replaced THREE times in 10 months. I understand you get the occasional faulty part, but three times? Come on.
  4. I remember back in '95 when my parents were looking to buy a Ford Windstar minivan. I can also remember people who supposedly knew about cars telling them that Ford's were pieces of garbage. That minivan ran with no problems up until last year when it finally started to rust. At the same time though I knew someone who bought the exact same car (make/model/ year) and had nothing but problems with it so sometimes it all depends on the luck of the draw. Also, I found this photo essay on the "ruins" of Detroit....interesting stuff http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29...1810098,00.html
  5. Very nice!
  6. Wow nice fish!!
  7. Done and Done
  8. Yeah he is a pain in the butt... but at least he doesn't go out there and intentionally hurt other players.
  9. Nice walleye....thanks for sharing
  10. LOL I remember him that guy was classic!
  11. Whoa that last fish had some serious damage
  12. Very nice!
  13. Here's a useful website: http://www.coopersguns.com/videos/exercise-encyclopedia/ It will show you various basic exercises and which muscles are involved. Each exercise has a video along with it to show you how to do it properly. Plus always stretch everyday (even when you don't work out) to keep loose and to avoid serious injury. Good luck!
  14. Nice fish... thanks for the report
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