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Everything posted by purekgw

  1. yah we fish around pine vista and do good would like to see them pics tho nvm see some now
  2. nice fish and welcome
  3. yah when fishing its hard not to catch bass when they spawning right now grand is filled with em hard to cast and not catch 1 every cast (that fish looks blue lol)
  4. Go to a pool stay in the shallow end learn to float on your back first then go deeper to try and swim and if all els fails u can just float your way back to the edge its how i learned havnt drown yet lol
  5. just picked some up in 14 lb looks good hope it works well :Gonefishing:
  6. i have caught 2 on stoney lake but there rare some are alot bluer then others to let them both go they looked cool though
  7. hey i know where that is lol its always good carping there seen 1 bigger then my little sister lol
  8. they will do that because there level with the hull of u boat and its displacing water just like your boat so it would have a small spray
  9. i got a top a graphical 1 but i dunno how i get it to you
  10. nice fish man gratz
  11. My first fish of 08 out of season tho so took a quick pic and put him back second he touched water he went like lightning
  12. nice boat we got a fish hawk what size tho?
  13. Nice pics man i saw u out there we where trying to see what u were useing we did pretty good to kept a few to eat and a unexpected visitor
  14. poop there goes that idea o well can still pick up an albino cat fish from big al's
  15. so u can transport them because i go to sturgeon tomorrow and want some perch for tank and possably a walleye if it can fit in tank and have room to swim. when i get money i would like to buy a bigger tank like 100 gallons +
  16. is this aloud and if so has any 1 done it like what would u feed em?
  17. sturgeon lake for me leaveing tomorow morning i would like to hit stoney lake always do very good there :clapping: :clapping:
  18. damn that thing attacked me i would prob snap its neck
  19. purekgw


    hey i live in Caledonia and i have been gettin a few
  20. we go up to sturgeon lake every mothers day weekend some good fishing last year was kinda cold tho lol
  21. boat that nice i wouldnt leave it out side take care of it and it look new for years watch out for and stumps and stuff with that SS prop can really damage engine ( i have seen people hit stuff with SS props and well its not nice) so take care of her
  22. CRESTLINER fishhawk lol i like the older ones look sharp and can handle some big water
  23. but this snake more then likely will work up north for some big large mouth and there are snakes all over so they prob have munched a few down
  24. yah its prob battery although its holding a charge still might not be able to pull juice to get it goin
  25. i just want to try it....... how u know it wont work?
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