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Everything posted by Pigeontroller

  1. I'm taking it to a Lund dealer tomorrow! The hull isn't bent at all, thats just glare from light shinning on the hull!
  2. After some rough conditions on Lake Erie last week I just noticed these 3 rivets about ready to pop! Anyone have this happen? How'd you deal with it? Boat is an 8 year old Lund. These rivets are at the back on either side of the rear deck.
  3. I can't believe no ones hammered this guy!? I thought this was OFC, 8 posts and he wants to know our favourite lakes??? unbelievable!
  4. Guys, we are trying to raise some money to help Jim out... Some great prize packages to be won! http://www.muskiescanada.ca/
  5. Just make sure you have the proper release tools as well! -A good quality Muskie Net -Long nose pliers -Mini bolt cutters -Jaw spreaders
  6. Fished lake Erie this morning, NY waters...It was abit rough but we managed a few nice ones!
  7. If there are young of the year water fowl swimming, its Top-water time!
  8. Racism will always exist. Worse things happen in this world because of it than people being pushed into the water. I don't condone this but lets not forget about the fact that it does have abit to do with resource abuse/poaching, call it what you want...I wouldn't for a second suggest that all muslims are terrorists, or that all young black men are gang-bangers, or that all Asians are poachers...Or that all white people are racist because they aren't afraid to broach this subject! We need more enforcement of fish and game laws in this province. And a mandatory test to get your fishing licsence, proving you understand the different fish species,seasons,limits,etc. Maybe sign a contract that you understand and will obey so if you get caught with a trunk full of fish there will be no excuses!
  9. What do you mean he didn't break the law!? Out of season fish should be released immediately, not after a 1/2 hour.... I woulda pushed him in...regardless of race or colour!
  10. "no feedback" steering feels alittle stiff, but its nice when you let go of the wheel and don't go into a turn, and your motor stays put while trailering...
  11. Only thing left is to join a great Muskie fishing club!
  12. Does anyone know why I have to log in every time I visit? I'm only having this problem on OFC, no other sites...
  13. WOW, some awesome pics in this thread! My Boy! Last Muskie trip of 2007 Out for a troll on Thanksgiving weekend last year... Beautiful January Brown... I'm actually smiling!
  14. Congrats Mike! That is one nice looking boat! It'll look even better with some Muskies Canada stickers on her!
  15. Good to see the enthusiasm Bill! I'll be out there helping on May 14th. Muskie can co-exist with Pike...They've been doing it for thousands of years...
  16. Great job!!! Its nice to see people giving back to the fishery!
  17. Both the Whirlpool and Question are good shore fishing spots. Lake run Rainbow Trout(Steelhead) will be in the river now and for a few weeks still...In the summer you can catch Smallmouth Bass in the same spots.
  18. Actually, its in the rules that you are supposed to "read before posting".
  19. Great pics! OOS pics with little ones are OK!
  20. Rod, I'm not an experienced enough Salmon guy to have any secrets! Both fish came off the rigger on a NK spoon(blue/white), 50 feet down and about 40 feet back. We were in 75-110 fow right off the canal. Fished from 7am till 1030am, both fish were about 930-945 back to back. marked lots of bait/hooks in that same area, nothing anywhere else. I was running 2 riggers with spoons, and 2 Dipseys on the 3 setting back about 75-100 feet, one with a Spin Doc & fly, the other with a spoon. Dipseys didn't get a sniff...
  21. 4th time out this spring on Lake Ontario this morning...Finally managed to hook a couple of spring Kings.
  22. A husband and wife are shopping when the man picks up a case of beer and sticks in into the shopping cart. 'What do you think you're doing?' asks the wife 'They're on sale, only $10.00 for 24 cans', he says 'Put them back. We can't afford it,' says the wife and they carry on shopping... A few aisles later the woman picks up a $20.00 jar of face cream and sticks it into the cart. 'What do you think you're doing?' asks the man, 'It's my face cream. It makes me look beautiful,' she says. The man replies... 'SO DOES 24 CANS OF BEER AND IT'S HALF THE DAM PRICE'
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