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Everything posted by dickie

  1. Unfortunately if we can't get beyond the dialoquing stage with the natives, we gain nothing.
  2. A native can do a heck of a lot more damage to the walleye fishery than a bunch of perch. Perch cannot take breeders.
  3. What is it with all the native unrest in this province. We in the London area just had a native protest about their treaty rights by having a peaceful march, meanwhile holding traffic on the 401hostage for a few hours. WHICH WAS ILLEGAL. The police did nothing and the natives knew that. They fell they are above the law and entitled. If we had a roman style of gov't we wouldn't have this problem. If you were conquered you abide by roman rule, abide by their laws, become an asset to the roman empire, or you wern't allowed to live. A little hard maybe, but in the end the rewards were the same for everyone. It,s either conquer or be conquered. Most of civilization was establihed that way
  4. The natives on our lake have promises to set up a hatchery but haven't come thru yet. At the monenttaking them out is more profitable than puting any back in.
  5. One thing I agree with.IT WILL NEVER END and I will make another WE WILL ALWAYS GET THE SHORT END OF THE STICK
  6. Thanks for the info
  7. Wow. looks like each of my family members will get a feed of pickeral once in 6 years if I go up once a year totake home 2 pickeral. And don't tell me to buy them in the store either.
  8. I thought if you are less than 18 yrs old you don't need a licence, so I would be legal to have 2 walleye in my freezer for each of my 4 children. Wife not included.They would have to prove that my children did not catch them. Am I right?
  9. If the lake gets stocked with fish at least if the native's gill net size stays the same we might have a chance of catching a few before they get to them. I'm being a little sarcastic, but I'm sure as heck mad about the fact that the natives really don't give a rat's ass whether the fishery collapses. one way or another we will have to compensate them for it.
  10. I couldn't have said it any better myself.
  11. The mnr has a mandate to issue new licences every year. Any changes to the law has to be ratified by the minister of fisheries. Until then it is not law.
  12. The natives don't want this land. The only thing they want is MONEY. 15-20 years ago the natives wanted ipperwash provincial park and the army land. The gov't gave it back to them and they absolutly trashed the whole area. They were dissappointed that they did not get a money settlement. When is enough enough?
  13. They call it a lame duck parliament so I guess any laws the mnr pass now has to go thru parliament to be ratified. So until the parliament session resumes sometime in the new year we can still catch 4 walleye. Any lawyer want to respond?
  14. If I as a lone fisherman who has a wife and 4 children, go out 6 consecutive days, take home the fish,clean and freeze them, and on the seventh day eat them with my family, am I doing this legal or not?
  15. Do the french realy understand any english at all?
  16. If you are referring to what I said then I apologize.I was just trying to say that the only time that I can enjoy to go fishing a couple times a year that I'm frustrated that I can not even give my family a feed of walleye. If everyone took as little out of this resource as I did, there would not be any problem the walleye.
  17. Who pissed in your cornflakes this morning? I pay the full licence for the year and I only make up to two trips in the winter because my vocation prevents me from fishing in the summer. I AM NOT A LIABILITY TO THIS RESOURCE. Prove to me that you put less pressure on the resource and I will let you have your say. May that cut the mustard.
  18. I don't think that there are too many of these people that do that. Are you saying that that is why nippissing is in trouble?
  19. If I come once or twice a year, travelling 300 miles, I would love to bring home a feed for my family. TWO DOES NOT CUT THE MUSTARD. Is that asking too much for paying a years licence? I'm a fruit and veggie farmer and cannot take time to fish in the summer. Some people are not meat-hungry fisherman.
  20. I hear good things about this place. Good luck and let us know how you made out.
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