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bonessk01 last won the day on May 21 2019

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About bonessk01

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  • Interests
    fishing fly,spin,cast, fresh & salt water,ice 10 months of the year!
    Hunter bigame, small game, upland game, water fowl.
    Wildlife photographer, artist, Taxidermist,Trapper
    Atv with tracks and boats canoes,kayaks, belly, personal pontoon and a lund Tyee

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  1. love the shot of the lake with frozen air pockets very cool!
  2. thanks I'll have to tie up some blood worms if I get the chance to go back to the lake in question
  3. All the fish on livescope were within 2 feet of bottom in 18FOW , they would come in bunches and as soon as I started jigging the 1in long russian spoon they would get supper active but wouldn't bite will have to tie up some flys and try those. I was able to catch 2 but had multiple schools over the course of the day. Thanks.
  4. was out on a lake yesterday and had schools of tulibee and the odd white fish coming through . They would chase lures but very few would hit I was using a small silver russian flutter spoon tipped with a minnow. wondering what else works as this was a new to me fishing experience.
  5. Not totally skunked unless you saw no fish on camera or sonar .IF that was the case then you've succeeded in joining my club welcome home you'll never be left alone.
  6. Ive missed getting the long rods out for some surf fishing nothing like watching 4 rods go off at the same time and never knowing what will be on anyone of them
  7. I have the go pro 4 not sure if it has image stabilization, not sure it would help, my setter is pretty strung out but i'm going to look it up anyway thanks
  8. just found this that's priceless, love a dogs enthusiasm. How did you attach camera to Dog?
  9. anyone try cormorants as bear bait be a great way to get rid of a bunch?
  10. Glad its fixed, I'll only add Tips are measured in 64's of an inch beg borrow or buy a diameter gauge that has holes in it to measure diameters in 64's of an inch. slide it over end of rod what ever one just fits over is your tip size. 4/64 is a size 4 tip etc. in between buy 1 size bigger. lots of suppliers but one i use is MUDHOLE.
  11. hope it works out for you Doug!
  12. thanks for taking the time for the great photos and report, I know the effort it takes at least for me that is.
  13. For the sake of full discloser I'm originally from south eastern Ont., however have lived out here in Sk for longer than I lived in Ontario now.
  14. Yes the prairies can have a very magical pull on the soul, whether its the un impeded vistas or the strength of the weather systems I can't explain it! However when I come back into the trees of Ont., there are times when I get a sense of claustrophobia. I also find family histories very interesting!
  15. My only other experience on this river was a 1 hour stopover last year underneath the hwy. 17 bridge where the river is wide and fast. because of that little taste I knew I had to try and get back there but I was under the false impression that it was all similar, finding the river upstream to be much more manageable was a real eye opener. Don't know what its like at other times but this fall it was braided with shoals and rock bars that made it perfect for light tackle fishing. My only regret was I'd left my flyrods behind when I left home. I won't make that mistake again.
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