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Everything posted by kemper

  1. If you are lookin for suckers keep that spot in mind that I told you earlier. Just dont be down there on the week of opener or you will hate every minute
  2. There could be 50 suckers in the bottom of the hole you are talking about without you seeing them Seems like they arent there until the sun catches them the right way!
  3. ok Silvio, you win buddy. you can pee farther. Hopefully see you out there bud, taker easy
  4. Interesting Sil, I've got more expensive and 'better' rods than the Raven but my IM6 gets the nod 99 percent of the time. It has battled me over 40 Chromers since feb without so much as a hiccup, while I constantly get my ass kicked with a couple of the other sticks I have. To each their own, I just can't bring myself to spend 400-1000 on a custom rod while I am paying 18K a year for school
  5. check centerpinangling.com I think they have some combos
  6. I dont have a reg book, I use the online regs. What does it say there?
  7. I dont disagree with it at all, I was just thinking that it was a newer thing. I suppose it also aids in keeping the loogans off the ice at scugog until the very last second.
  8. Steelheading is specific. If you werent catching and others were chances are you werent drifting the right areas. Generally, a small amount of the water on a river holds most of the fish.
  9. You dont have to bust the bank with a custom to have a decent rod. I find Raven gear is a great bang for the buck. I have never had an issue with any of their stuff and seeing as I am broke 99 percent of the time (school does that) its a great option for me. I have a IM6 13 and a half footer that is great. Cheap, tons of power when you need it and sturdy as anything else.
  10. Lookin at the regs today because I was hoping to get out and catch some crappies, but it looks like I cant get a crappie in my zone until the last sat in April... Has this always been in place or is it new? I dont do alot of lake fishing (read NONE) until may usually, so I was never aware of this. Good thing I checked
  11. I saw 4 hens, 2 of them in the +10lb category get carried out on kill chains by two guys while I was there last night. That creek is in trouble
  12. Copper I feel ya. I remember fishin that creek as a kid with my dad. Never ANYONE else there. Even three seasons ago I fished it alone most days. I actually didnt realize that the bridge was in that picture, I left out 4 others because of the bridge in the background.
  13. i once watched him hand line smelts for 30 minutes. i have never seen such a bad fishing show
  14. The fish I put the tape and signage on was an inch short of the best GL trout for our team, so no go this time. Dont worry, Ill be out again.
  15. The orange is just fly line backing, I hope to never get into it because its not tied on too well. lol There is lots of high vis mainline for float fishing though. I used it for a while but I have switched over to a less visible kind now. It helps you to see what it is doing on the water so you can mend it, and also I guess helps with the issue of loogans crossing your line.
  16. My legs hurt, my elbow is the size of a grapefruit and I am two minutes from crashing hard. That said, it was a great day on the water. Dave (JDMLS) and I headed out at the crack of dark this morning for another chrome mission. We had good word about a river and headed there first only to not hit anything until the sun was well up. Seems to be a trend, I say we stop heading out so dang early and let the fish wake up. Picked up a couple at river number one... it was a mixed bag for Dave with a Brown (he will be back) a bow, and a sucker. I have more shots of trib 1 but I have to edit them before I post them, and for some reason my photobucket account isnt recognizing that they have been changed. Option number two was close, but after 5 drifts we gave it up. Too murky and we had another option in mind so off we went to number 3. Came out with these beauties... good call on this river. After that little bit of fun we decided hit another river that didnt give up any fish... which I am still blown away by! And so are my knees after that climb back up the hill... Decided to finish the day off back at the first river we hit, its been good to us later in the day this spring and today was no exception. Float down and Dave is into a fish and its.... its a brown. Hey Dave, you caught that one already. Beauty. Same fish, same hole, same nuclear green roe bag. What a smart trout. And not too long after that he hooks up again with this fish that was by FAR the most epic battle of the day and probably of the season. Fish wasnt huge but it was square. All muscle and tail and just went wherever it wanted too. Good work out for the new stick, Im impressed that you turned that thing from so far away. Nice fish bud. I proceeded to get a fish on, and a fish off then finished the day off in style! All in all, it was a good day. We got our fish but covered alot of ground for them. I will get those other pictures up once I get the landmark edited out. If you know where we were good for you, keep it to yourself. Thanks for a good day on the water bud.
  17. Nope the guy im talkin about is no pro staffer, just a lowly shipment guy thats dead serious about his fishing. For example he will beat me to the river this morning...and look at the time!
  18. fished with it for 5 minutes and swore i would never use it again
  19. I heard great things from a buddy that got his hands on some early. He works for Rap but uses exclusively st croix rods until now
  20. I would head for crappies too. It rained all morning in Oshawa... on and off and then pretty hard rain for 2 hours in the afternoon and started snowing around 7 I heard. I was back on my way to Guelph and all the rivers on the way out were toast. Credit looked like small barns might start flowing past at any time. Gotta write an exam but I will be spending some time on the water next week wednesday till sunday so maybe ill see ya out there
  21. Drove over everything from Duffins to rouge to don and so forth today and they were completely toast so I would assume the further east ones were too. it rained alot today out here, if it were me I wouldnt go check it out and I only live 3 minutes from the river
  22. photoshopped there is like 6 or 7 deer in different positions and they are repeated look closely
  23. I caught a bucketload last year and they tasted amazing. I was really surprised, and not all that hard to clean. I didnt have any issue with bones
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