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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Depending on the charger you can charge them as a 24V system (In series, one lead per battery single bank), or on a per battery basis(parallel, two leads per battery, using 2 banks of the charger) all depends on how you have the charger hooked up. I don't charge my starting battery, big motor (Or kicker) takes care of that when we are running. I do have another battery installed in parallel with the starter which I use for my electronics (So I'm not draining the starter batteries running the graphs)
  2. I was holding the fish, my oldman did the measuring, lol! ah well I'll just have to catch something bigger next time
  3. I've caught muskie, but nothing even close to this.
  4. With the double eyelets to change your depth, these are one of my fav casting baits. Especially when you wanna swim it just above the weeds, makes for a great surface lure as well.
  5. Parents were up at French River for a week or so with my niece and her cousin. I decided to head up Thurs and spend a few days fishing. Weather was crap, rain everyday but at least the temp was constant. Heard rumours of some muskie being hooked and caught, brought my muskie stuff with me and thought I'd put some effort into them. Second night, back bay about 15ft of water just off the edge of a nice weed edge, absolutely destroyed my jointed Believer as soon as it hit the water. Fight was maybe 5mins, half of that was telling my oldman to put the net away She got rolled up pretty good but none of the hooks were buried. Quick measurement was 47in to the fork and very very girthy. Bigger width wise then any pike I've caught. Such a nice fish. Of course didn't have a camera, lucky some people we knew were only about 50ft away and grabbed some pics for us. She swam off great after about 5 mins. I understand why people get hooked on these fish. I'm 6'3 and as you can tell I'm not holding the fish 5ft from my body She was a big big girl. The HB 959 I picked up also works awesome with the Terrova! Nice to have a big screen up there.
  6. Good move if you ask me. Keep the hooligans with the nets, spears and giant treble hooks out doing this crap under the cover of darkness.
  7. Frog toggs if you aren't sitting in the boat are probably your cheapest bet.
  8. Bigger pike are so much easier to clean, a low 40s pike has lots of meat on it My oldman loves them.
  9. Lucky for some of us DIY'rs it goes far beyond pulling the drain plug and filling the car back up This is one reason I never do topside oil changes with extractors. I like getting under there and making sure everything is in good order.
  10. The day I need to carry a gun with me out in public in order to feel safe is the day I move. I don't quite get it to be honest. I'm sure some carry for their own protection and I'm sure some just do it because they wanna feel like billy badass. Enjoy the casino!
  11. That's just craziness man!
  12. I'd love to see GM or Ford deny a warranty claim because you changed your own oil Nothing but a PR stunt to get you in for service (Which is where they make their $$$)
  13. Yeah it's nice water, I've got a pretty good milk run of spots out there. I've had a few big surprises out there as well (ie seeing giant muskie and walleye)
  14. I've never had someone runover my boards, but I did get tangled up with someone else who had boards out. He got a fish on and turned right into my path, I tried to get out of the way but no luck. I pulled everything else and hand bombed his board/gear into my boat. Met up with him and we both had a good laugh, no ones fault. He even gave me a few tips on how he rigs up fishing the area we were.
  15. This is why I do it myself. I really don't like anyone else touching my car.
  16. There were two scuffles according to TSN. First one was some yapping between the QB and the D, on the next play a O line man and a D line man got into it. Although it does happen more then people realize I'm sure.
  17. I hope you get it, but the odds are stacked against you (And everyone)
  18. I dunno if I'd pay someone to show me around GPool to be honest. Look at the maps and figure a few things out. It's not a hard lake to fish.
  19. They screwed the price up, no way they're going to honour those crazy prices.
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