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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Sure it can happen, so can you being hit by lightning.. Please tell all of us how CONCEALED CARRY would have helped with that poor girl getting caught in crossfire between a bunch of thugged out gang members????? Those guys didn't care about anything, I find it hilarious you think they'd somehow change their minds if there were 1-2 in the crowd with concealed weapons.. Here's a hint, you're safe in Toronto unless you are slinging crack on the corner of Jane/Finch.. Show us all those examples of innocent bystanders being shot in Toronto by stray bullets and I'll eat my hat.
  2. It must really suck living in a world where you are scared to live in your own house. Time to move I think. Thankfully I'm not too worried about being robbed, or stabbed or shot. Lucky me eh?
  3. Jane Creba? The girl hit on Yonge street by cross fire while shopping? Tell me how again that wouldn't have happened if people had concealed weapons? If you want to conceal carry so badly, move to a state that allows it like Vermont and go crazy. All parents worry, you're not the only one...
  4. Thankfully most of the people with guns in TO like to shoot each other. So for the everyday citizen like you and me, we have a better chance of being struck by lightning compared to being shot. Defend your family all you want, when was the last time you had to? Talk about making an issue out of nothing.
  5. Appreciate the updates Mike!
  6. Dude, I fished Burt last year with guys blasting away in a duck blind 50 yrds down river!!
  7. So as long as you aren't a felon, no issues? Interesting.
  8. Concealed weapons without a permit, or registration or any kind of background check. Sounds wonderful.
  9. Let's not bring religion into this, this thread is silly enough without it.
  10. I really haven't taken offense to anything.. Myself and many other have seen legitimate snagging of whitefish out on Simcoe.. Ask around to anyone who spends a decent amount of time on the ice chasing these things... If anything, it's EASIER through the ice because you're presentation is completely vertical.. A big weighted treble + some braid and it really doesn't matter how deep you are fishing.. Does it happen by mistaken? Absolutely it does, but are people out there doing it on purpose? You better believe it..
  11. Great, so you aren't ganking whitefish like the other guys out on the lake. But if you think that doesn't happen, you really need to spend more time out on the ice and witness it with your own eyes.. I spent enough days out there last year to see MANY fish come up ass first then be thrown on the ice. I'm a good fisherman because I spend time on the water, it's got nothing to do with steelheading But I appreciate the kudos.
  12. Yeah you're right. No one snags whitefish on Simcoe... Are you one of those guys with the big wooden stick ripping your 'dressed' treble hook 2-3ft of the bottom? If so, I can tell why you might take this thread personally, lol!!!!
  13. I'm all for the right to bear arms, but concealed or even open carry is silly.
  14. I can't eat fish, so using them to catch bigger fish is the next best thing!
  15. Open herring so I can use them as dead bait in the spring for pike!
  16. I fed a few pike to some bald eagles in August
  17. Hatchery fish aren't going to stand a chance if there is nothing for them to eat.. Cormorants or no cormorants. The issue here isn't the birds, it's just the most visible.
  18. I'll give 50% of the fault to the idiot who doesn't look where he's going and pulls infront of a speeding snowmobile. Let's not even mention the fact that his snowmobile was WHITE!
  19. Giant fish, did you eat it?
  20. Let's just call it an Atlantic and be done with it.
  21. Brian, I've had hooks pop only to gank them in the side. That small fish sure turns into a big fish in a hurry
  22. I think whities do all kinds of stupid stuff when they're hooked. I've had them hooked in the side of the face after jigging them up 40ft from the bottom, lol.
  23. That top fish is most likely frozen, it's also resting on the side of the table.. He's not holding it outright.
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