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Everything posted by BillM

  1. You should see what those sell for now
  2. Flyrods must scare you dual power pole guys :)
  3. It really depends on what you do in the IT world. Entry level helpdesk job? 50-55k... Been in the game for a while, you should be making close to 100k (again depending on what you specialize in and where you work). I've got buddies that pay more in tax then I gross per year, some of the numbers I've seen are insane. But they've also spent a good 5-6 years hitting the books, getting the certs and now are getting paid. If I was starting out in Barrie (and was 20 years younger), skilled trades would be a no brainer.
  4. When I rode, there was no way I'd be sitting in the pack of cars, that's just asking for a death wish. I was always going a bit faster then the flow of traffic. Drive defensively on a motorcycle and you won't last long.
  5. We should have a pool on what she'll get for punishment.
  6. Good choice Get a few of them, lol. If the pike are still super shallow, you won't wanna be tossing big musky baits into 2ft of water or less. The big twister tail on the back helps the sink rate a bit, my fav lure for shallow water pike (Caught my biggest 48.5in on that exact lure) Goodluck and let us know how you make out!
  7. If I was fishing pike I'd be running something like a Johnson silver minnow with a big 5in grub on the back. No trebles to worry about, big giant single hook, easily made barbless. Pike on Nipigon aren't picky at all, we catch 40+in fish routinely tossing tiny trout spoons.
  8. The divorced guys put their hands up!
  9. I think it needs a set of BFG AT's as well :)
  10. Pray the winds aren't out of the N or NW, or else you'll be confined to the river (Which isn't a bad thing, it's loaded with walleye)
  11. Limit on the road is 90km/h from what I've read. Police stated we was going anywhere from 113-130. So nothing too crazy, but still speeding none the less.
  12. Agreed 100%. Dave sounds like you've got it all figured out.
  13. Drivers education also teaches you to be in control of your own vehicle. So the guy on the motorcycle doing 40km/h over the limit probably wasn't a very smart choice either.
  14. You really can't miss them, clearly marked with buoys, usually close to shore.
  15. I've caught mature drakes, tore the wings off and used them under floats before! Killer pattern :)
  16. Wasn't he doing like 120km/h or similar? That's 40km/h over the limit. (Limit on that road was 80km/h, so 90km/h or so for normal traffic).. One bad decision after another lead up to all of this.
  17. You don't like marking rock humps, etc when running around the lake? Sure it's not 100% exact, but it's way better then trying to line up boat houses and islands, lol.
  18. Sensitivity really doesn't matter. If the angle of the transducer is different when you're on plain, you'll never get a good reading if you're going fast. That's the problem with the old transducer mounts, they're fixed. The one that came with my 898C pivots just a wee bit which gives me great readings even when I'm going WOT. Try to find a decent balance between both.
  19. I've caught walleyes on topwater before at night.. (Whitefish as well will be up there when the drakes are hatching)
  20. Check to see if you have a EGR/EGR cooler that might be leaking, could be an internal or external leak getting into the exhaust or onto one of the manifolds. You won't find a drop on the ground because it's already be burned up.
  21. You'd definitely need a solid front axle upgrade in order to do a 4BT. TDI would easily go in there, it's just bolting it up to the 4L60E which would be a pain in the ass.
  22. What you are seeing hatching out there definitely aren't stoneflies. Most likely brown drakes (ie mayflies).. In the nymph stage they all look very similar (kinda like Atlantic and brown smolts) but calling them stoneflies is incorrect. And being out there when there's a hatch on can be crazy! (And frustrating at the same time if I've left my 4wt at home!)
  23. That's a huge downgrade, I wouldn't even consider it. If you're that bored with your job, that's really no ones fault but your own. As a guy who's been in the IT world for close to 20yrs, if you're bored switch specialties and learn a new skill.
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