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Mister G

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Everything posted by Mister G

  1. If you don't like political threads and are no longer posting fishing reports here then why are you here ?
  2. Any MAN to post to you or other mods that he doesn't like what someone else posted doesn't belong on a fishing site AND that is the person I would ban.
  3. You sir have hit the nail right on the head........ Up to this point in this thread, 2 guys already said they don't read and post in political threads yet here they are reading this and posting. As a matter of fact one of them posted he gave up fishing, yet here he is on a fishing site posting away....HUH ! ! !
  4. You have a GREAT point and I must agree with that argument.........HOWEVER, I still believe since my wife/girlfriend who doesn't have a license is entitled to 4 possession walleyes for herself.......thus giving us the right to have a total of 6 possession walleyes in the freezer. But the whole thing really doesn't apply to me because I gave up buying a fishing license years ago.... But this makes a nice friendly winter argument among friends..... did anyone see any robins yet......
  5. So, you are now picking on people who wear glasses.......not cool............LOL....
  6. NOBODY is having enough children to sustain the tax base, including China........
  7. WOW, I wasn't aware they had instruments that measure the earths ANYTHING a few thousand years ago. I'm impressed.
  8. This is the cry from liberals and unions........Always crying DOOM and GLOOM because with out Doom and Gloom they know nobody needs either one of them.
  9. Ya, he ALWAYS ruins the good readings..............
  10. Sorry, can't agree because if she had a license our limit could be either 4, 6 or 8 walleyes depending on what licenses we both held......see your argument does hold water.......(pun intended)
  11. My freezer where I keep all my fish is in the basement, however my wife's freezer is in the kitchen connected to the fridge.
  12. There is absolutely no problem with you giving fish to a friend or anyone else and they do not need a fishing licence. The same goes for game and is widely used by hunters who have participated in the OFAH food for the need y project. That being said, there are a couple of points to remember. a) Those fish still are part of your daily limit. In other words you cannot take your girlfriend out fishing with you even though she does not fish, but ‘give’ her a limit, so that you can catch a second limit on the same day. The actual wording is “catch and retain in one day or possess”. You could, however, catch a limit of walleyes today, take them home and give them to your mother-in-law (hey, this is hypothetical!) then go out the next day and catch a limit for yourself. Remember that fish in your freezer are part of your limit, so you cannot have six, ten, or twenty limits of walleye in your freezer at home, even though you only took them six per day. Possession limits apply to the receiving individual as well.
  13. I guess you didn't understand my point....... My wife that does not posses any kind of license is legal with a sportsman limit which is two more then my limit with a fishing license. AND here's one more thing to think about... If I give my wife 2 fish for 2 days so that's 2 more then a conservation license is allowed for anyone possessing said license......can I destroy my license and then I too can have in my possession 4 walleyes... Or what about is someone that has a sportsman license give me his legal limit of walleyes (FOUR) and I only have a conservation license, can I accept the FOUR walleyes even though I didn't fish for months or am I over the limit because I already have a conservation license. This gets more complicated then one would think........
  14. So with a conservation license I keep my limit of only 2 walleyes. Once I get home I can then give them to the wife. The next day I can do the same because she has no license. Now the freezer has 4 walleyes. Then next day I go out again and keep another 2 walleyes, so the freezer now has a total of 6 walleyes because she doesn't have ANY fishing license and we are 100% legal at this point. However, if she also had a conservation license we would be over the limit by two walleyes.......DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE when you think about it.
  15. Uncle Cliff, you said a TRIP OF A LIFETIME so this immediately came to mind...... Check it out as it's ALL FIRST CLASS and they even treat you to "Happy Hour" everyday of your stay for FREE ! ! ! However, it's not a bargain cage place for deals, so it that's what you are also looking for, look elsewhere. But if you want the best boats with 19 lakes to choose from plus guides if need be at least take a look see. And I KNOW you like to eat but this place doesn't feed you they wine and dine you with their own CHEF http://hawk-lake.com/
  16. OMG..........almost 30 posts on a extension cord..........you guys need to go ice fishing.
  17. Actually, many places and more everyday are pet friendly to a point now most hotels now accept pets. When you practice this "no pet" policy you are cutting your customer base in half or more.
  18. WHY, dogs people take on their vacations are well behaved pets. No one wants to travel with a dog that isn't trained or disciplined.
  19. Remember the heavier the gauge you go the heavier it is to drag around AND when it gets cold it will be even harder to handle.
  20. Not sure if they still rent in the winter but their cottages are excellent with good walleye / pike fishing / lake trout. http://www.brookscottages.com/
  21. EBC pads are not available for a RAV and Drilled Rotors have now been proven NOT to be good for performance or towing. They are now just for looks.
  22. Don't upgrade the trailer to brakes but rather upgrade the brakes on the RAV4 instead. Carbon Metallic pads and slotted calipers all the way around if the RAV has rear disc brakes. This can be done yourself over a weekend. Try Rockauto.com for all your brake parts. This will make your RAV stop much better with or without the boat on. I have done this on my last two vehicles the results are amazing...........However, since your vehicle is not considered a tow vehicle you have to settle for a ceramic metallic pad for the best stopping power. This would be your best choice for pads front and rear.... http://www.rockauto.com/en/moreinfo.php?pk=5416965&cc=3308945&jsn=442&jsn=442 And this would be your best rotors to go with...... http://www.rockauto.com/en/moreinfo.php?pk=2025656&cc=3308945&jsn=510
  23. I would of thought a jig saw would of been more appropriate . . . .
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