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Posts posted by Dutch01

  1. I picked up a Daiwa Procyon 2500 from Canadian Tire on clearance for $75.00 (regular $150). Can't speak to the longevity but it is definitely the smoothest reel I've ever used. I bought a cool stand so I won't have to lay it on the pier like my usual shore fishing rods.


    The Daiwa Revros on clearance for $49.99 at CT is a good deal too. It's no Stradic, but you won't find a smoother reel for $50.00.

  2. Huh, I'll have to keep that in mind next time. Don't get me wrong, the "parade" had lots of good scenery. Just made for my own personal wakestock.


    I'm not done yet, if this weather holds I'll be able to get out a few more times I hope. Then it's back in the boat for the rest of fall.

  3. I got out to a Kawartha lake on Saturday. I typically don't go out in scorching weather but I wanted to get out in the kayak more before the year is out. My gf rented a kayak so she could join in.


    I marked lots of fish suspending over deep water, but I couldn't get many to bite. On the lake I was on the deep water is mostly the nav channel so I got lots of practice dealing with big wakes. That probably didn't help the fishing. I did manage a few smallies and found a shady spot for a lunch Siesta. All in all a great day. Here's a few pics:



    Picking up the rental:









    Lunch spot


  4. My suit is NOT APPROVED, so when on a boat, there must be a legal approved PFD. Never read it had to fit over my suit, in a HURRY. Just needs to be on board.

    The CO told me if you can't put it on, then it's not the right size for you, which means you don't have a PFD on board. My Mustang isn't camo so I don't care. We were just chatting and he mentioned it.

  5. If your seeing "Canadian Coast guard Approved" it's one of 2 things. Extremely old or a counterfeit.

    The Canadian Coast Guard has not been the approving authority for many years.

    Transport Canada is the approving authority.

    Whichever approval body is currently in favor, just forwarding what the CO said ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    I have a Mustang one piece but based on this thread I think my next one will be a two piece.

  6. I like the arctic armour suits. I'd like a camo one, but I can't seem to find them anywhere. A floating set of bibs/parka would be ideal for waterfowling from the boat, but most floating set ups aren't camo.....



    I was told by a CO that a Coast Guard approved PFD cannot be camo and that's why there aren't as many. This wouldn't be true for Arctic Armour suits since they're not Coast Guard approved though. If you used a camo Arctic Armour in the boat, you would need a supplementary PFD to be legal. On top of that, the PFD MUST be pre-adjusted to fit over your suit. If you can't put it on when challenged by a CO, that's an offense.
  7. $200 cap, $400 paint job to match truck.....$600 for a great set up.



    Imo, old school caps look bad on new trucks, even if painted. It's a style thing, it just doesn't look right. If these are 2014 or newer caps destined for the style of my truck for $200 (or even $1200) I'd be all over that of course.


    When my truck is ten years old I'm sure I'll be less concerned about style too.

  8. Found a few on my local Kawartha facebook buy and sell pages for $200 as an avg (cap's)

    I just can't bring myself to put a $200 cap on a $45K truck ?


    I did find a lightly used one for about 1500 so giving that some thought. That still a lot of coin it would be any easy choice if I didn't already have the tonneau.

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