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Posts posted by Dutch01

  1. Jeez, why would he say he is phasing out the oil sands when he has no idea when or how or what the fuel will be replaced with.



    I think he would be better off saying nothing rather than spreading rumors and upsetting people

    I'll never argue against putting one's brain in gear before one's mouth ;)


    Off to work so I can "pay the man ". Have a good one Dara.

  2. He said that in Peterborough on Friday

    Some woman asked him why he was approving pipelines when he said he was going to save the world

    so he said that the oil sands would be phased out.


    The people in Alberta weren't very happy with him




    I think he was trying to get back on Jane Fondas christmas list

    Trudeau's comments really weren't that inflammatory, and the (over)reaction is much ado over nothing.


    It's obvious that we will *eventually* have to stop burning fossil fuels. The people crying now about having to choose between having to eat or heat are being a little bit selfish, frankly. I work for a living too and it's hard to pay the bills sometimes so I'm not speaking from on high. But have a little perspective. Every member on this board is in the top 5% or so of the world in quality of life and income. We have multiple cars, 2,3,4000 square foot houses, lakefront cottages, boats and the list goes on ad infinitum. Meanwhile, most of the population of Kiribati in the Pacific have had to move to another island as theirs is now underwater. If we don't change our polluting ways future generations aren't going to be worrying about heat or food, they'll be worrying about being able to breath.


    It's a common refrain among generally conservative politicians that running up debt is bad finance and unfair to future generations. Fair enough, I accept that premise. How ironic then, to fight any and all attempts to protect those same future generations' environment. We are cashing in lives in the future* for jobs now. I don't think that is right.


    * Not just in the future, people die from air pollution every day now.


    Do I think that this new carbon tax is the right solution? Not personally, no. But the wailing and moaning by the conservatives every time Trudeau speaks is too much. They're like a jilted Democrat on Donald Trump night.


    Rachel Notley of all people had the most rational and reasonable response I saw:




    "We have to remember, this is coming from a prime minister who's just approved not one but two pipelines that are going to assist in our diversifying the markets to which we sell the product coming from the oilsands," Notley told CBC Radio's The House.


    She cautioned Albertans not to get "too excited" about Trudeau's comments.


    I'm with her on this one.

  3. You'll like the smitty sled in the snow. I built one two years ago. I'm not saying it doesn't take some effort in deeper snow, but it's a lot better than trying to drag the entire surface area of a toboggan! Nice fish, I fished Simcoe on Friday, had to sort through lots of small fish to come up with a decent meal. but the fishing was steady all day!

    Ooooh. I didn't know there were fish in the lake that is in the first photo. Thanks!


    All teasing aside, great report. Glad you managed to get on some fish. Looks like it was a great weekend.

    good report, glad you guys did well!


    Thanks guys. Let's hope the ice holds up this week. I'm already feeling the pull to get back out there and it's only Monday!

  4. I fished both Saturday and Sunday today. What an awesome way to spend the weekend.


    Saturday I brought home a walleye and a laker:




    Sadly, the laker was given to my by a friend, so I still haven't iced a laker of my own.


    Here's a pic showing my spot for those that can figure it out:




    Today we hit Simcoe. We were late getting there and then our first spot was dead. Not even a dink. It wasn't looking good, so we moved spots. I'm so glad we did! We caught easily a hundred+ perch the rest of the day on that one spot. I kept 13 for table, my buddy kept a similar amount. The rest went back.


    Here's the p0rn:




    Here's another pic showing my spot:






    Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend as much as I did.



  5. We are talking about renting an Ice Hut for an overnighter.


    Does anyone take a co2 detector with them? Which kind? Same one for home (battery backup)?


    Want to bring one or two just as a precaution.


    Any recomendations?


    Thanks in advance,



    I took one to an ice bungalow. Lucky I did every time we ran the stove it went off.


    Sure, if you enjoy being taxed to death, laid off because your employer fled the country due to high operating costs and seeing billions of dollars tossed away for literally nothing.


    It's a bloody joke that our PM is nothing more than a drama teacher who got in because his fathers past and he bought votes with marijuana. Next lieberal hairbrained idea for our disgrace of a province (that's right, the rest of the country despises ON) is $22k for every working age adult which will only cost a measly $170 billion per year.




    Here's to hoping the ice is thin and he's wearing a pair of concrete shoes.

    It's a small man that wishes harm on a person just because he disagrees with them.
  7. I understand many business operate under certain rules. You're correct. They word it properly and dont exclude entire races from using their business.


    Happens up here too. Probably the one that gets abused moreso than anything is no alcohol. But almost everyone I know violates that rule. Worst they can do is call the authorities and or ban you from their services


    If someone possesses a status card and keeps 6 fish instead of 4, there is nothing you can do legally to enforce your rule. Thats just how it is.


    And I find it disturbing you have little issue with this guys actions other than he should have worded it better.


    Come on man

    Rick, I don't think Terry was condoning racism, you might be taking this personally because it is an issue close to home so to speak.


    My personal recommendation is to keep in mind the wisdom of Buddha:


    "Holding on to anger at someone is like drinking poison and expecting them to die"


    This guy will get what's coming to him one day, in the meantime stop drinking the poison.


    (That's not to say do nothing, but if you're not going to do something, let it be like water off a ducks back. You'll live longer)

  8. I've seen a number of references to this guy having a right to choose who he permits to frequent his business. I just want to clarify that this is not entirely accurate.


    If he were to say:


    "All patrons are expected to follow the Ontario regulations while using our huts."




    "No alcohol, profanity or disturbing other guests"


    He would be in the clear. However, he specifically stated in advance he will not serve holders of a status card. It can be assumed that holding a status card identifies one as belonging to a visible minority. It is illegal to refuse to provide services on the basis of race. Therefore, he is in contravention of the law.


    If a status card holder is refused service on that basis, he or she need only call the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal and he is in big trouble. That's no joke, they have as much or more power as the court. (imo they have too much power, but that is another post altogether!).

  9. you should still be able to stick kodi on your phone (if it's android) and cast it to the chromecast. google it. no laptops, no cheesy android boxes.


    ..or get yourself a raspberry pi if you like to tinker, and stick a linux based kodi build. these android boxes on the market these days are generally pretty poor devices.

    I have literally nothing bad to say about mine. It works exactly as advertised.

  10. Forget android boxes..If you have a laptop or computer with HDMI out just install kodi then add on any of the hundreds of good builds available out there..Easy peasy Lemon squeazy....

    My android box is awesome. Sure you could use a laptop, but even a used one on Kijiji will be more than the hundred bucks I paid for my android box.

  11. Id be willing to try. Afterall I can stream sports in HD and its literally zero difference in quality vrs satelite.


    I went off randys word because he knows what hes talking about and he sets up alot of boxes.


    Perhaps I should just go ahead. Worste case scenario it sucks and I can resell it

    I have. 6 megabit line (max 550 kbs or so) and I stream 1080p movies to my android box with no issue.


    Install kodi on an old laptop, add Exodus manually, and do a test stream if you're not sure.


    Then buy a android box, they're awesome.

  12. captpierre, on 19 Dec 2016 - 4:17 PM, said:

    Is this a " limited time offer"My brother seems to thinks so and the window may have expired. I just tried and they say there is processing problem.

    "We wish to remind those who are trying to order their pass online that this is not a limited time offer and that Discovery Passes will be available to order throughout 2017," Parks Canada spokeswoman Natalie Fay.



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