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Posts posted by Dutch01

  1. GBayGiant, please don't tell me cannabis isn't addictive, you insult others and my intelligence. I've been around pot heads longer than you have been alive.

    Technically speaking it is not addictive. There are two components to addiction, habituation (habit strength) and dependence (physical withdrawal).


    Cannabis meets the criteria for habituation, but does not cause physical withdrawal.


    Are some heavy cannabis users habituated? Most certainly, but if they are "addicted" then it is in their psychological makeup and not a direct result of an inability to tolerate the (very mild) withdrawal symptoms of a cessation of cannabis use.


    This is my opinion of course, as I am not a doctor. However I did study developmental psychology in college, so it is at least an educated opinion.

  2. If you don't like political threads and are no longer posting fishing reports here then why are you here ?

    Whatever gave you the impression I don't like political threads???


    I am not in agreement with the new rule. Like you, I would ban the whiners who can't skip a click. It's those 30% of members who cause Art 70% of the work he complained about earlier.

  3. I find it amusing when the pot calls the kettle black, that is all. In the history of my time on this website, I haven't reported a single post. If I allowed people to offend me on the Internet, there is no way I'd survive my paying job. I do however wholeheartedly support the banning of political threads.

    Why not just skip the click?

  4. Its truth. All the sudden people that rarely post need to chime in.


    If it was. They complain about polotic threads yet post in them, yet offer nothing in fishing threads????


    It makes zero sense to me.


    Ill keep posting fishing reports and chatting with the same 20 or 30 people that actually post in reports

    I might post a comment or two with people I know and respect, but I'm not posting actual reports here. It's clear my content is unwanted.

  5. I post more actual fishing reports and pictures than half the guys doing the complaining.


    What they're doing is jumping in the pool and then complaining they're wet.


    It won't matter if they ban me, I'm not posting any more fishing reports here.

  6. I am so sorry I have wrecked OFC for you, I'll just go away and not post on here any more, would that make you happy?

    Cliff, you and I often disagree on politics, but I still want you to feel free to speak your mind here. Don't listen to the haters. I know you to be a good guy and I'm 100% sure I'm not alone in that.

  7. His opinions on political issues aren't limited to his own threads. Are you going to tell me you haven't noticed? But sure, if he could keep his opinions (regarding political issues) to his own threads I'd be happy to never click on one of his topics again.

    I hadn't noticed that but to be honest I wasn't looking for it either. Keeping the political stuff in the NF threads sounds like a reasonable compromise at any rate, at least until (and if) the refs change the rules....

  8. Cliff, it would be fantastic if you'd quit constantly dredging up your political beliefs. Honestly, your actually wrecking OFC for me. Can't say if I've been here for quite as long as you but so far as I know your seniority doesn't grant you the right to continuously break the rules regarding political threads.

    If you don't like his posts, why do you click on them? I mean that as a serious question. You can bypass NF threads and stick to what you want to read, while still allowing others the freedom to discuss what they want to discuss. Can't you?

  9. Most of the posters that engage in vigorous political debate here weren't around when this site was at its best, and guess what? Fishing was discussed primarily!

    I've been around since before the Lakair get togethers I attended 2002 and 2003 I believe it was. There have always been contentious threads and people that stirred the pot. Who here remembers D I L L I G A F??? Case in point.


    (That's hilarious! If you put those letters together his nick gets filtered as a bad word!)

  10. Everybody keeps relating back to Harper and how awfull he was.

    He didn't like to do interviews because he didn't want to mislead people. Trudeau however seems to have no problem with either

    These Liberals are just continuing his policies. They haven't changed anything.

    Trudeau has approved 2 pipelines. How many did Harper approve.


    Lets concentrate on what is happening now and leave the past alone

    Fyi, I wasn't talking about Harper or the past. I was saying whatever new white knight the conservatives elect as leader will be just another wolf in sheep's clothing looking to fleece us like all the rest. (Liberal or Conservative).


    Blind love for either (any) party will be our undoing.

  11. A business has one priority, profit.


    A government should have the well being of its citizens as it's top priority.


    I'm not saying our current government is doing a good job one way or the other. I just saying I don't want a government that decides people are expendable because profit is down, which is what a business would do.

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