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Posts posted by Dutch01

  1. 8 hours ago, LittleWorm said:


     IS this in Cobourg? Many years ago we use to go up to Cobourg and rent private land off a farmer who has a stream run through his land. He had it all sectioned off and it was really nice. We paid $10 per person per day and there was usually 7-10 of us just in our section. I can't even imagine how much money he hade every year from opening weekend with all the land he had and the amount of people he rented it our to.

    I haven't been up there in 20 some years.


    No it wasn't Cobourg, I guess that narrows it down some. No time like the present to get back at it.

    The "backyard" is in east GTA.

  2. 4 hours ago, huzzsaba said:

    Nice! hopefully will get out soon as well. I guess you will now be spending more time in your backyard lol.

    did you just use roe bag and split shot?

    For sure I'll be spending more time in my backyard. Starting tomorrow!

    We were catching them using just a row bag and small splits under a float. I'm going to have to tie some more in the morning. 

  3. Well, today was nothing short of amazing!

    I started the day with some friends at a river east of the GTA. It wasn't as crowded as I expected and everyone was pretty well behaved ?. We saw loads of fish caught, and caught a few of our own too. Had I quit there, it would have already been a great day.


    When I got home I decided to check the "backyard" (I live on a Rouge trib) and managed to catch a real beauty! This was <100 yards from my back patio ?.






    Best. Trout. Opener. Ever!

  4. Just on a flat surface. I put a scoop of roe on the mesh square, bring two corners together and pinch. Bring corner three and four in and turn it upside down and use two fingers to pinch the mesh and one to help shape it. Then I wind it with spider  thread and cut the excess off. 

  5. 2 hours ago, huzzsaba said:

    west. mississauga/oakville

    I've never fished out that way. Traffic in this city is crazy and I'm only 15 minutes from the Rouge here. Well, actually I live on a Rouge trib but it's 15 minutes to get to the year round season boundary.

    Anyways good luck if you get out!

  6. 55 minutes ago, misfish said:

    I,ll bet, old dewy will out fish roe right now.

    Good luck out there. Bring your shoulder pads and those nice hard plastic elbow pads. LOL

    Have a fun.

    Worms eh? Haven't actually used worms on the river except the pink plastic trout worms. Might have to give those a try.

    I'm not one for crowds and so far the rivers haven't been that crowded. If it's a zoo this weekend it'll be my last time on the river and I'll get the kayak out.

  7. I was lucky enough to be given some freshly cured rainbow row from a new friend I met through fishing on the river. He's been fishing lake O tribs for almost as long as I've been alive so I take his advice/instruction seriously (and with gratitude).

    He showed me how to tie roe too, and of course it looked so easy when he did it! Anyways I got around to tying some up for the opener and while it was not as easy as he made it look, I am happy with the results. Practice makes perfect so I'll keep at it.

    I'm hoping I can find a few more rainbows  before it warms up enough to get in the kayak for the rest of the season.

    Good luck to those who are fishing the opener Saturday.



  8. 1 hour ago, FishFinder17 said:

    I understand that its' frustrating that we taxpayers are footing the bill for this idiot's jail term but remember that happens every single day. People get arrested, sentenced to jail time, and we pay for it. It's the way the system works. Not saying its right or fair, but it is what it is. 

    I try to look at this from PC Lam's point of view. I highly doubt any of us on this board have been forced to take someone's life in the line of duty. It's more than just "taking out a scumbag". It's flashbacks, PTSD, judgement, time off work, and something he would have to live and deal with for the rest of his life. 

    Instead he followed his training perfectly and we should all commend him for that. It's easy for us to sit in our armchairs and say he should have done this or that, but at the end of the day he did the right thing. 

    Suggesting he should have shot him is giving police the power of judge and jury, and we've seen many instances where that doesn't end in an officer being celebrated. 

    Just my POV,




    Excellent post.

    26 minutes ago, SirCranksalot said:

    Excellent post FF17.


  9. 35 minutes ago, BillM said:

    This wasn't a terrorist attack.

    I'm with you on this one.

    To me a terrorist attack needs a political, religious or otherwise ideological motive.

    It appears that this was a lone loser hoping to take a few people with him while committing suicide by cop. Except he can't even do that right and got caught instead of killed.

    Of course, if info comes out later that he was connected to a terrorist group or motivated by ideological reasons, I will stand corrected. Until then though, I'm going with loner loser.


  10. 15 minutes ago, farsider said:

    We all take in information and filter it through our prism of lifetime experiences and personal biases.

    This thread was supposed to be about some enforcement for once.

    Most of all this frustration stems from lack of enforcement.  We see habitual poachers, call it in and nothing changes.

    Be it buckets or the gong show the river fisherman have to endure during the spawning runs for Trout in the spring and especially the fall Salmon run, or others.  Poaching with impunity and seemingly few repercussions.

    Little to zero enforcement breeds more frustration.  We play by the rules and respect the resource for future opportunities but see others abusing at will.

    I was glad that some enforcement was taking place.

    Although, the punishment seemed low, I guess there would be less guilty pleas if the vehicle was taken and fines where higher.

    I am glad Dutch has called in the habitual abusers he has encountered when he night fishes.  He must know first hand the frustration that results after nothing changes even after he has repeatedly called it in. 




    Thanks, and agree poaching by anyone is frustrating for everyone. I fully support calling out poachers.

  11. 27 minutes ago, lunkerbasshunter said:

    yep, not sure how a post about the MNR doing good has turned into an alleged racist thread with some trump thrown in for good measure but it happened sadly.  

     We all need to go fishing I think!

    On the day mods tell me I have to ignore derogatory comments I will do so.

    Posters who want to know how a thread about a fine goes awry need to look to those who made the comments, not to those who called them out.

  12. 9 minutes ago, Mister G said:

    I'm sorry if I'm posting right over your head.........I pointed out you look for racists problems that are not there. 

    BTW isn't calling someone a Trump impersonator racist in your own mind ? ? ?

    I'm sorry if my post went over your head.

    There are racist comments on display right in this thread. You just seem to be unable or unwilling to see them.

    I asked you to spare us from an overused phase from a clown. It's not racist to say so to you as I don't even know you're white.

  13. 1 hour ago, Mister G said:

    Well, now that YOU brought it up I would say not only do you lift rocks on any post looking for it but you also rake the sands to make sure everyone is on high alert from you. Again SAD......

    You can spare us the Trump impersonation. The only thing SAD is that I called some people for posts that were offside, and you seem to want to defend the posts by attacking the messenger.

  14. 53 minutes ago, Mister G said:


    Dutch needs to get control of himself as EVERYTHING ANYONE says that he doesn't like is racist to  him and should not be allowed because HE says so..........SAD...

    Now back to the problem at hand........just like many of us who fish in high priced boats, if we see a fish/game violation we do our best to report the violator to  the proper authorities. Time for those bucket shore anglers to do the same, don't you think ! ! !

    You're welcome to your opinion. Until the mods put me on restrictions I'm entitled to mine too.

    Clearly at least some others saw it the same way I did as they commented as such. This is "Ontario Fishing COMMUNITY", comments that slander an ethic minority tell them they aren't welcome here, at least with some members. Is that the message OFC wants to be sending? And if you think there's no racism and I'm lifting up rocks looking for it, you are not paying attention. I often fish with visible minorities and you would be shocked at some of the things I've seen and heard.

    In the end, if you don't like my posts you're free to disagree or just skip on by them as I would do with posts that I don't find interesting. What I wouldn't do though, is tell you to "calm down" and try to tell you what you can and can't say. Unless you are making derogatory comments. Then I will chime in, but I'm sure you knew that already.

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