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Everything posted by MJL

  1. Nice fish To catch salmon, you need to do the salmon dance to appease the salmon gods.
  2. Nice report. Islands are always worth a try for carp. I've seen some real biggins cruising in most canals. In all the times I've fished them over the years, I don't think I've ever blanked. Great carp fishery close to home.
  3. I usually just shake the bullheads off the hook with a pair of pliars without touching them. With the bigger fish, I grab them on their belly and slide my thumb and fingers behind their pecs.
  4. Another PB largie? Congrats on that! Looks like you had a killer day. Love the markings on that little pike. Sometimes living so close to a world-class fishery, we often forget how blessed we are to have such a resource.
  5. Great report Cliff. Congrats on getting them from the canoe...Salmon fishing from a canoe is something I've always wanted to try with my own. Hopefully my dad is game for trying something like that.
  6. Fantastic report Gavin. Congrats on your very first walleye. To catch the number of species that you did this year is quite an accomplishment - I know very few people who've managed to catch the same amount of species in such a short time. Top angling
  7. Totally agree. You need someone to help you with your fishing...Like a guide...One who: - Baits up the area - Carries your tackle for you - Casts your rigs to the optimum spots on the lake - Fights the fish for you - Lands the fish for you - Nets the fish for you - Unhooks and releases the fish with care for you You just need to provide the spots and a lunch for the day - It's all about a relaxing day for the client. You can't go wrong I charge $400/ day for all of these services. But for you DSN, I'll take $50 off on your first trip. It's a hard job you know...I'm willing to sacrifice my back in the hopes of providing a top notch service at bargain prices. Book now before it's too late Top angling...Nice fish...Methinks I may do a few more carping trips before the steelhead start calling
  8. I use glow in the dark lures purely for confidence. It's been documented that staging salmon along with walleye are attracted to the phosphorescent finishes on lures. http://www.fishontario.com/fishing/salmon/...5996&page=1 If you think about it though, salmon spend a lot of their life 100' below the surface where I would imagine it would naturally be quite dark. There's also the fact that fish have a lateral line so technically, they really don't need eyes to eat your lure.
  9. Camera flashes work well. I've heard UV or Black light makes them glow longer - Can't remember which one and I've never tried it myself to see if it's true. Nowadays I just use my head lamp with 4 LEDs for recharging the lures. It takes a few seconds and I never have to worry about keeping the camera flash dry in the rain.
  10. While those cases may purely be myth and legend, the truth is there are indeed sick and twisted people who live amongst us. On more than several occasions, I've heard of reported cases (on the news) where razor blades, needles and glass were strategically buried in sand at local playgrounds and beaches and/or glued on playground equipment like slides. Who's to really say what limits these people put on themselves to do other things. Kind of makes you think what can happen to your own kid or someone that you may know and love.
  11. When I had skien, I always used it under a float with good success. I now usually bum a few pieces of skien off my friends who cut theirs into dime to quarter sized pieces and tied bags with them. The other option is to use an egg-loop knot (you can google it for instructions). As for curing it, I found Pro-cure (found in many tackle shops) to be relatively idiot proof to use. Hope this helps
  12. Nicely done. Great report and pics
  13. Cherish the remaining time you have left with your friend. Thoughts and prayers be with him and his family.
  14. That's one awesome fish Congrats on the new PB
  15. Reminds me of this this past Saturday. I wasted 30min of my life watching one of the girls on Shelly and Courtney complain on how she can't use a spinning reel. As for Putin, if it works for him, who's to care? Some of the pictures in that gallery were actually quite nice. Anyone up for a steelheading road-trip to the Kamchatka region?
  16. I bought mine at Wilson's in downtown Toronto.
  17. I've had my Orvis Pro-guide2 waders for the last 4 seasons and they've handled everything I've dished out. Other than a small hole which developed on the inner part of the knee, I've never had any problems with it. They are stocking foot waders...I have yet to find a boot-foot pair of waders that actually fits me perfectly. I've worn them in winter and my feet stay warm with a pair of Gore-tex impregnated socks and a pair of thick wool socks over top. A well designed pair of waders with 5 layer protection on the lower part of the legs and @$$. Not cheap brand new but worth it IMO. My dad bought a set of Simms Guide waders this spring. He hasn't found anything wrong with his pair. I found this great product for repairing waders at a fly-shop in Missisauga. Everyone who owns breathable waders should at least have this in a pocket - It's about $10. Unlike Aqua-seal, it cures in minutes. Apply in a shady spot and take it out in the sun to cure. At night you'll have problems curing it unless you buy the UV lamp made by the same company.
  18. MJL

    bass pro

    No clue as to why BassPro prices would be so different for their in-house brand items. As far as other products, I've only seen considerable difference in prices between Shimano Canada and Shimano US and PowerPro. Other than those examples, everything else seems on par with what we can get here in Canada.
  19. Great job...WTG on your first salmon.
  20. If you have waders, the Humber river is a great place to fly fish for salmon, browns, steelhead, carp, bass and suckers. If you don't have waders, you're quite limited to fishing only a few pools and runs and you need to have the ability to roll cast or spey cast. It is a wide open river. Rouge river is another option. Same species as the Humber. Definitely need to know how to roll cast or spey cast in most places. I've caught pike at the Islands on the fly in the spring. Not sure what it's like now though but there's miles of shoreline to fish. I would imagine pedestrian traffic would be far less during the summer so the chances of hooking someone on your back-cast is minimal. Hope this helps
  21. That fish is a real beauty. Your son fought it like a pro. WTG!
  22. I cast 6-8oz spods all summer for carp with my spod setup (Greys spod rod, Daiwa Emcast 5000 big-pit) and when I pick up my steelhead/salmon gear in the fall, they feel like ultra-lites. I can go for hours without getting fatigued. Off the top of my head, I can't think of any rod 3 times as light in the under $150 mark. TBH I thought the Convergence was actually quite light. You might be able to get an old Loomis IMX on ebay or in a few classifieds if you look.
  23. They're all over bluffers...Not in the same numbers as they were like 15yrs ago...I occasionally do a couple of trip down there during the summer and some of the anglers do alright with the carp. I found other places to fish where I don't slip on goose droppings or have to deal with people who feel the need to feed the ducks right next to you. Do you have to pay for parking on weekends now?
  24. Great pics Gavin. You should try to sell some of those pics to a few Magazines for $. They are top quality. That bug is cool to the max!
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