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About Vtucciarone

  • Birthday 07/14/1971

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    somewhere down the crazy river

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. I think giving them 10 years of mandatory community service geared towards fishery enhancement would be more beneficial. The 20 thousand in fines will never make it back into improving the fishery and a prison sentence will only end up costing us way more.
  2. Don't know if this will help but here is the info for a butcher shop in the Gta CAVALLINO CARNE EQUINA & GROCERIES 2995 ISLINGTON AVENUE M9L 2K9 NORTH YORK , ON PHONE: 416-749-1633
  3. I have tried Lou Amalnatis, and can say that it was quite good. If time permits look up Heaven on Seven for some New Orleans cooking, the family really enjoyed it. Have the Jambalaya!
  4. If i remember the last time i renewed my outdoors card online you could print a temporary one. Not sure if you still can
  5. Here is a site i use sometimes hope it is helpful. http://northernbushcraft.com/guide.php?ctgy=edible_mushrooms&region=ontario
  6. Like sands through the hour glass so are the Day's of our Live's
  7. A groom on his wedding night is sitting on the edge of the bed, He removes his pant's and throws them at his new wife. "Honey I want you to put on my pants" he say's, she picks them up and puts them on, looks at him and replies "there to big I don't fit in them". "Thats right I wear the pants in this relationship and don't you forget it." She smiles at him and removes her panties throws them at him and tells him to put them on. He looks at her and says 'I can't get into those." "Thats right and if you don't change your attitude you will never get into them" Just remember my friend a happy Wife is a happy Life!!!!!
  8. No napkin ? nice board CHEERS!!!!!!!
  9. Hey Leechman, do you spray your tree in the spring or fall with anything? I have an apple tree (golden delicious) but they all seem to have brown spots and they fall off the tree too early. Thx
  10. I recently had these same ants trough out our kitchen, finally called a pest control specialist. He said with these ants the worse thing to do is to try and kill them were you see them, by doing this the colony splits and then instead of one colony you have two. You have too bait them so they take the poison back to their nest. The exterminator used a product called Advance 360A , don't know if it is available to the public.
  11. Another solution to the weeds growing through the cracks, is to boil water in your kettle and pour it onto the weeds. My wife does this and it works really well.
  12. I took my son out this afternoon for a few hours on the river,the cold got to him also. There is a spray you can use to help with the ice, I picked some up at bass pro.It is a line conditioner, i have tried it the last two outings and seems to work well.
  13. I agree with you!!! 100% never go to bed with your hip waders on, and when the moon is full don,t plant turnips.
  14. kickinfrog there is a tackle store in Wasaga Beach that might be able to help.Don't know them personally, but was speaking with a guy on the river and he is getting a custom rod made from them. They are called Phat Buoyz Tackle ph# is (705) 352-0615. Hope this helps.
  15. Nice fish man!!!! I use an abacus to calculate the weight of my fish.(i once caught a 50lb sun fish)
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