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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Thanks for all the well wishes guys... I just got a call from the surgeons office, my Surgery has been cancelled yet again mine as well as three others... this is this crap has been going on since September... Needless to say I am seeing red... Hope the surgeon enjoys his long weekend Wait times down my ass!!! Gerritt.
  2. sitting here...... pontificating... need to chat... last night with functioning hands for quite awhile.... anyone interested? Gerritt.
  3. Roger, I may be able to make it, cant give a definite answer because I dont know how I will feel then but I will let you know. I also agree there is more that can be done for Chris and Rob.. Lets pony up some cash, perhaps Rob could use a few things also ?? Great idea! something along the lines of I will pay 1.00 for every wing I order (Uhmmmm perhaps I will order 50 of em? I didnt get fat by not eating LOL) ... .49 to the restaurant the rest to Chris & Rob? or something along those lines?? Gerritt
  4. Well whatever it was the site seems to be ALOT quicker now.... pages are loading fairly quickly... Lets hope whoever is getting DDOS'd (distributed denial of service attack) has become bored and given up... have a great night folks. Gerritt.
  5. Nice pictures!!! and thank you... I love pictures 3 and 4 that is a great spot! cant wait to get up there this fall! Thanks again, Gerritt.
  6. who are your providers? I am with Bell.... I posted before in the other thread about the site being slow... but today it seems much worse. Took me more then a couple minutes to refresh the main page to see someone had posted to this thread. Rick any answers yet from our host? Gerritt.
  7. anyone else finding it EXTREMELY Slow?? both at work and at home... Slower then it has been for sure. Gerritt
  8. Steve I was gonna say the same thing, took the words from outta my mouth! LOL Gerritt.
  9. Brian, sorry about the loss of your Grandfather you have my condolences... But I would also like to wish you and Mrs. Misfish Happy Anniversary Hopefully your Grandfather is fishing in a lake without a slot limit and they are all world records up there. Try and get a bit of rest and be with the ones you love, Gerritt.
  10. Clamp-it your post sounds extremely condescending what gives? Gerritt.
  11. Wayne, I blame their captain!! she is the boss, the blame rests squarely on HER shoulders! Make her walk the plank!! LOL Have a great night friend, Gerritt.
  12. Hey Nug, my son also has severe allergies... they suck for sure Milk, Eggs, Wheat, Soy and all their byproducts try and find products without one of these ingredients. a difficult task for sure!! we dont know about nuts yet as he cannot be tested for them yet.. so they are taboo in our household... Anyways, Yesterday at daycare another boy had a similar cup to my sons just a different colour, well my son grabbed it and drank the milk it contained... Needless to say we got a phone call from the lady that runs the daycare she was frantic!! My sons face swelled to about twice its size and his eyes were almost swollen shut... scared the crap out of us to say the least... you need to be careful.. as you never know! Thankfully my son is ok and she noticed it quickly enough that his EpiPen was not required Liam now has brand new cups that cannot be mistaken for others. I to suffer from severe allergies. Bees will kill me, and blackflies and Horseflies make me swell like a Beef Steak Tomato, I am also lax on carrying my EpiPen (for the bees) until I had Liam. Now it is in my truck and those I work with know exactly where it is just incase. Glad to hear you are ok and doing better! a lesson learned Gerritt.
  13. Hmmmm... I wonder if a fish can still be entered when OFC Community is spelt incorrectly... Survey says? LOL just joking brother! nice feed! Gerritt
  14. open your picture in microsoft paint.... goto Stretch/Skew then set the ratios to around 50%, hit File save as and give it a name....then upload it. if it is still to big increase the ratio to say 35% etc Good luck! Simple as it gets. Gerritt.
  15. Well I digress.. I too have been finding the site crawling along at a snails pace compared to the other sites I frequent.. I wonder if the other boards hosted on this server are experiencing the same issue? and if they are then a couple of things could be a factor, the server is overloaded, bandwidth is being gobbled up by tons of media, Bandwidth has been allocated elsewhere or reduced, a backdoor was found and the server is being owned... there are a ton of possibilities the problem is getting the server admins to look into and address it (not the admins from this site) Our admins can forward a request to the server admins other then that if it is server based their hands are tied and are at the mercy of the host... I hope this gets addressed in short order. Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather! Gerritt.
  16. Stalk Cliff and Carole... That'll get yah on a few Gerritt.
  17. I have had my old ProJo recalibrated more then once it is not that expensive to be honest... the bill was about 150.00 bux not to shabby! But I didnt have to pay for it... I took the extended warranty through FutureShop and it was paid for by them. Here is the outfit that paid me a visit and they were courteous and professional http://www.coltech.ca/ PS. a good calibration job makes the TV like new! Gerritt.
  18. Don, no pics are showing... if you neeed a hand pm me. Gerritt.
  19. Awwww.... muffin.... Need a hug? Gerritt.
  20. WoW! what a great report! ton of detail and a bit of humour! Loved it! Thank you! this could be the report of the year, your giving MooseBunk a run for his money! Gerritt.
  21. DMasse, I wasnt trying to insult, it is a great pic! Looks cool! Sorry figured you woulda known I was kidding Gerritt.
  22. Nice picture..... photoshop'ish it is that good. Gerritt.
  23. Well today was the day for a little shopping spree!!! And man did we ever shop shop shop! Today was also a day for a bunch of OFC'rs to meet each other... But last and most importantly we met and opened our collective wallets for a great cause, Helping out a fellow OFC'r and a child that is dealing with way more then most adults could even comprehend. The people I am talk about are Speedtroll and his Son Chris.. incase a few of you dont know Chris has been battling Cancer for a long time now, and he has hasnt lost his will to fight... nor have we lost our collective will to stand behind him and his father and encourage them to fight the hardest battle of all... a chance at life itself. If some of you have read the sticky thread called "A Summer to remember" you'll understand alot of what is happening with this family. You'll also know that alot of big names have come out to give Chris a memorable summer. A summer he will never forget.. Following along those lines a bunch of us figured well he is going fishing.... he needs some gear to fish with!! we knew the rod and real were taken care of... so we figured we would handle the rest.. There are a ton of people that need thanking here. I hope I do not forget anyone! First of all Chris, Thank you for being such a fighter, you are an inspiration to us all, infact alot of the adults here could learn alot from you, what it is to be brave but still afraid, strong but still fragile. But most of all what it takes to have the guts to continue the fight. You have been in alot of people thoughts for a long time, I hope and pray that your higher power is watching over you and protecting you. Next to Corey, you setup a great thing here brother! good on you for showing just what being an OFC'r is all about! Bass Pro Shops, All I can say is WOW! we were all impressed with your generous gifts for Chris, as well as the discount given for the articles we purchased for him, your firm is definably a class act, on a personal note I would like to thank Al the duty manager at the time for making everything go smoothly... You will definably see this OFC'r again. THANK YOU! I would also like to thank Bill's Bait N Tackle, Fishing World andFishmaster Bait and Tackle for their Generous donations! each and everyone of you have earned my business for being stand up folks and donating to a very worthwhile cause. I would Like to thank Jen as well not only did she run arounf and collect the donations from the 3 mentioned above but she also bought Chris a bunch of stuff as well! Thank you Jen for being yet another OFC'r I would consider a friend. You have shown me you have a great heart. HeyBud, Tracker, Skeeter nice to see you guys there and it was nice to have finally met you and go shopping for our favourite items... Fishing stuff!! all three of you are truely awesome guys, I would be honoured to share my boat or fishing hole with you anytime, it is nice to see each of you show dedication to this cause, and for that I thank you. It will soon not be forgotten. I took a couple of pictures of everything that will be donated to Chris and his Father Could someone please send me SpeedTrolls Phone number if you have it, so I can get all this stuff to him? Again thank you to everyone, I am sure our little contribution will make Chris smile... after all that is what it is all about. Damn am I proud to be an OFC'r! Gerritt.
  24. Happy Birthday Brian! Gerritt.
  25. Yup I will be there around 5:30ish... I have a meeting @ 4:30 then after that I am on my way! Gerritt.
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