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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. I meant Extreme Angler.... G
  2. It killed me to say that.... you know that right? LOL! as I am the most opinionated................ G
  3. Even though they are a paid advertiser here.. and help out with donations for the Tyler Fundraiser etc.... He is still entitled to his opinion WJ... you cant please everyone all the time unfortunately. G
  4. Seeing as how 70-90% of fraud is perpetrated by the punk that is swiping your card the LAST thing I was to do is give them anymore information IE. Drivers Licence with my full mailing info etc.... If you get scammed and someone is using your card or it has been skimmed the credit card companies are responsible. Not the card holder. One phone call to the card issuer, the send you an letter which you sign and fax back. problem solved. NEVER let a retailer swipe your card twice. Cliff, no offence but what I think your son is doing is a mistake... as a drivers license etc is also skimmable (Magnetic strip containing everything) as a side note... if a retailer EVER demands you to show ID if using a credit card to make a purchase tell them to take a flying leap.. They ARE NOT allowed too as per their Merchant Agreement..one call to the card issuer and their account can and will be suspended. Gerritt.
  5. I agree Paul..... I wish I would have had the foresight to keep my grandfathers old Johnson reels.... I learned to fish with those things.. nothing is built anymore as it was back when... everything is on the cheap, cheap labour (try to find something entirely built in North America anymore), cheap parts and who can supply what we want at the lowest cost possible... we have become a world of disposable goods... buy it, use it, chuck it... I should call my Nanna and see if she still has some of Poppa's fishing stuff... (he is still with us.. but after several stokes and heart attacks etc... well he is not him anymore) G
  6. Mike, you're definatly getting hammered up there!... we are getting our fair as well... today really sucked though... we had no water due to a massive water main bursting... fun fun fun G
  7. W00t! Awesome report!... you mean Joe actually can catch fish?!? this is news to me!! G
  8. am I the only one here they unrolls it with their bottom teeth?? grab is n pull... simple. G
  9. http://www.leevalley.com/gifts/page.aspx?c...cat=4,104,58654 How lazy have we become... G
  10. Awww man... Chris stay strong little man.. I send some up for sure. G
  11. I did not cheat.... I called to see how things were @ home... the poll well... it was a bonus! Glad to see everything is ok at home Dan n Sis... give each other a kiss tonight on me.. and please know... you also know our number..... anytime guys... G
  12. Sis... Nakita...Help me out here... PLEASE!!! G
  13. but I am still squinting!!!' LOL G
  14. pictures a bit to small to make out Dan... looks like a bass/pickeral... but I am squinting! G
  15. I call it a trout fanatics dream! now put him in a Sobey's background!! G
  16. you mean brakes like these??? <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
  17. I could see where against the wind would be adventitious for lift at slower speeds and make sense.. I too grew up in Mount Hope, as did my wife... I grew up on White Church and 6.... Kitty corner to the runway 6 (well it used to be) Between the planes and trucks.. it is a wonder I got ANY sleep LOL my wife grew up just east of 6 on Airport Rd... same thing.... HTH.. please send me a PM.. Need to talk w/ you for a moment... G
  18. And some of it is free!!! Just thought I would pass this along to fellow NiN fans here. http://ghosts.nin.com/main/order_options Click on the free (Radio Box), then click continue. You will be emailed a link to download the tracks.. this is an instrumental album... Here is more info on it's creation... http://tech.blorge.com/Structure:%20/2008/...ine-experiment/ Gerritt.
  19. That was awesome thanks!!! He could definably have a future! As for embedding video into a post.... Click on ADD Reply... (Not fast reply) See on the YouTube page the stuff in the embed box? Highlight it, right hand click and left hand click COPY Come back to OFC and PASTE the copied link. Now... Below this window (the one you type in) you will see a drop down menu... Select HTML ON With- Auto Line break. Click post and your all done! Give'r a test on this thread. G
  20. Given you are looking for family activities, I would lean towards a resort rather then a lodge... Deerhurst comes to mind, Tonnes to do for the kids and wife, and you get to get out and do some fishing. Also if you happen to golf, there are two courses. G
  21. Having had the pleasure of spending some time @ Bernies place that Boat House looks even better in person! Thanks for showing us the pics Bernie. G
  22. After meeting him... let me tell you what a rarity he is... (I am sure you know this already) I drive there from Hamilton.. not only for the price but the service... I have to thank the OFC'r that took me there (Rod) as this guy (Jos) is truly a rarity here in the Hammer we have 2 main choices... Fishing world and Bills Bait N Tackle... Well I give the boys @ Bill Bait all the business I can... however they just dont have everything, although the service is Phenomenal! and the other place... well everyone knows my feelings... Having said that... Jos knows his electronics.. he may be a bit different... but he knows his stuff!!!! and his customer service is at par if not better then Bills N Tackle... Sure I will spend a few bucks across the board.... and maybe I went excessive @ BPS.... but these two companies NOW see the majority of my fishing dollars (and I spend alot! lol) Gerritt.
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