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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. W00t!!!!.... Thanks for posting that Beans! Explains why I have not been getting replies to my pm's to Moe as well... G
  2. Awww DANG!!!! see what happens when your a nice guy?!? ..... just so everyone knows.... I have kicked my crack habit... G
  3. Yup... BPS in Vaughan has em. G
  4. Forrest in my I think 7+ years of being here... I have NEVER received anything in the mail base upon the info I have given here... the only thing I receive is the OFC newsletter via email... and I look forward to it!!!!! your safe brother.... G
  5. HOLY CRAP! wicked video! SS you look like a Pike Slayer! w00t! G
  6. Yeah but then they will be called naysayers and crack smokers that can read..... we would not want that would we? G
  7. Not likely RR, as the tourney has start and end dates... but you never know? But look at it this way... I gives you a reason to catch one even larger LOL I am sure Rick is working on setting it up and will post further details. G
  8. Skeeter thanks for that info! Something I have not thought about. thanks again! G
  9. w00t! Entered, thanks bud G
  10. Stren Superknot how can the line dictate the strength of knot?? the knot used determines the knots strength... G
  11. Those over sized rapala lures.. I find I cannot get them to run true, and tuning them is a pain. G
  12. sounds good! I will be there. Thanks for the reminder! G
  13. Really do I look like I care? LOL Gerritt.
  14. Well I just happen to have a SIL.. that loves to fish and is moving to NL to find a rugged guy like myself... LOL! I should mention though... if you think crack is expensive here... try buying it in the Maritimes... can someone say 300% markup! and they have nothing by the way of book stores... Comic book stores abound.. but good luck finding anyone that can read them to you Just joking fellas.... but yes my SIL is moving to the rock.. for bigger and better.... hope someone there can make her a cappa-frappachino half-caf grande...like her local StarBucks can.... god help the local breakfast shop... LOL... Minnows.... sure we got lots. G
  15. LOL Dan, See you on the river... and I will make do by my promise I will Fillet them for you! G
  16. Ok, I will post some links to info on the Grand River please feel free to read them and smoke your crack while your at it if your so inclined.... Some of these links will be informational, others will be studies and some will just be interesting. Please view each to be as such. Yes you will be required to READ if you are able... no there will not be a test afterwards and there are no Coles notes. PS... Facebook cheating is forbidden and will result in expulsion. Also understand I dont hate the Grand I fish it, I am just sharing information that I have garnered on the resource. I am sorry if you take exception to this and If you dont like my conclusion that is fine.. base your own hypothesis on the subjective and continue to ignore the facts. Seeing as how I grew up less then ten minutes from it banks and pretty much learned how to fish there I have collected some interesting articles over the years and have based my choice on not consuming fish from the Grand River based on such. What you and your family put in your mouths is purely your choice.. I am not trying to change that, I an just trying to show you that things are not always what they seem. Here is some of the information available... I emphasize some because there is ALOT of info available on the Grand River.. and I Just dont have the time to do the research for you. For those of you that can read, please research it for yourself and draw your own conclusions. Will I continue to fish the Grand River? of course! Will I consume a fish from the Grand River... not with your mouth and someone else chewing. Enjoy the read. Informative: http://rparticle.web-p.cisti.nrc.ca/rparti...mp;calyLang=fra http://www.grandriver.ca/WaterForum/Silver...files/frame.htm http://www.grandriver.ca/SWP_Resources/swp...ound_primer.pdf http://www.grandriver.ca/search/search.cfm <----type in Pollution http://www.sixnations.ca/SWP/swpPresentation2.pdf http://www.science.uwaterloo.ca/~lfleonvi/artics/art37b.pdf http://www.cwn-rce.ca/index.php?fa=Student...tershedWorkshop http://www.yorku.ca/carmelca/6321/readings...Policy_2003.pdf http://www.canlii.org/on/laws/regu/2006r.1...0307/whole.html http://www.environmentprobe.org/EnviroProb...n/chapter5.html http://www.nesh.ca/jameskay/www.fes.uwater.../n_Environ.html http://www.region.waterloo.on.ca/WEB/Regio...33;OpenDocument http://www.ontla.on.ca/library/repository/...2000/200003.pdf http://www.geog.ubc.ca/~ccgesi/Ontario/swont.html.htm http://www.ccse-swcc.nb.ca/publications/en...2001/Ryan-p.pdf http://www.waterlooians.ca/ http://www.lib.uwaterloo.ca/libguides/5-5.html http://www.kitchener.ca/pdf/knap_research_...platanoides.pdf http://www.ec.gc.ca/etad/default.asp?lang=...mp;n=D5CE3A46-0 http://www.ec.gc.ca/water/en/manage/poll/e_poll.htm http://www.qc.ec.gc.ca/dpe/Anglais/dpe_mai...nnov_pub_detalc Interesting: http://publicdocs.mnr.gov.on.ca/View.asp?D...chment_ID=21385 http://publicdocs.mnr.gov.on.ca/View.asp?D...chment_ID=21397 http://publicdocs.mnr.gov.on.ca/View.asp?D...chment_ID=21383 http://www.thestar.com/SpecialSections/Ear.../article/295038 Facts: http://www.waterkeeper.ca/content/swim/ori...ontent_6832.php http://www.waterkeeper.ca/lok/documents/GrandRiver.pdf http://www.ec.gc.ca/media_archive/press/2004/040618_n_e.htm http://news.therecord.com/article/281057 http://www.ontla.on.ca/library/repository/...2000/200003.pdf http://www.grandriver.ca/WaterForum/Emerson.pdf http://www.agr.gc.ca/nlwis-snite/index_e.c..._se&page=90 http://www.uoguelph.ca/gwmg/wcp_home/Pages/G_home.htm http://news.therecord.com/Business/article/283090 http://www.cielap.org/pdf/drinkingwater.pdf http://www.canlii.org/on/laws/regu/2006r.1...0307/whole.html http://www.oag-bvg.gc.ca/internet/English/...28_e_28855.html http://www.ec.gc.ca/seminar/Emil_Frind_e.html G.
  17. Paleface I think you are reading me wrong here... I do not have a hate on for the Grand, I am meerly stating that it is a water body that has pollution issues. If I hated it I would not fish it (which I do) I am just suggesting not consuming fish from it. I will CC you links tonight as well. G
  18. will do... I will PM you with some more links etc... Have to wait till I get home from work though G
  19. I know I did Chris... but I was too busy reading I suppose.... as for the previous comments, thank you for them and not turning this into bash fest. Some insightful information and opinions. But I do have to tend to side with Environment Canada and not the Ontario Government on this issue. If the federal government deems it the third worst river in Ontario... well I am going to tend to believe them as they do not have a vested interest in the river... Where to be honest the provincial government does... it is in their best interest to not publicize the fact that is it the third most polluted river in Ontario. Why? well for one it make them look foolish for not spending the $$ required to revitalize the water system, it could have a detrimental effect of license sales as well...etc etc etc.. there hundreds of reasons why it is better for the province to be hush hush and pretend everything is status quo. The evidence is before us, it is up to use to decide how we use it. G
  20. FnA... I went through the same thing with my second son.... believe me when I tell you... Patience is the key. Let her cry, let her complain... Listen and be there for her... Hug her, console her. My wife is still in counselling, for PPD and other past issues. Just be supportive. is all I can suggest G
  21. Are you kidding me! Me and Darren hung out ALOT! I had a crush on Heather lol..... Shame about their dad... hell I remember driving his Honda (i think it is ) 80 back and forth from home.. hanging out in the garage with Darren, Trevor and the guys.... Good times had in that Garage... Then to drive by there now and see th house gone only for a new subdivision and bridge... please if you see Darren or Heather give them our best.. I also happened to marry a Mount Hope Girl... Last name is Stockton... Heather knows it for sure. G
  22. Yup I Grew up on White Church and Hwy 6 Kitty Corner from the Runways 6 Restaurant... remember that place? now called Sunny Side up I think? Oppp out of business too! Little white house.. about 4 acres. Nice to see a fellow Mount Hopian! I went to Ancaster H.S, then Western University you? L0R 1W0 LOL! <--- all of mount hope is the same lol G
  23. I respect your opinion 2r's, I always have you know that.... But reading the stuff I do about the Grand and having pretty much grown up on it.... it is in bad shape.. Hopefully it will continue to improve. The Grand Flows into Erie and there are alot of resident fish.. alot of what I have read and studied suggests things get worse as you go down stream... given this may seem obvious.. But it is better to be informed... then the other possible consequences... This watershed is in trouble, if it wasn't there would be no need for The Friends Of The Grand or the GRCA etc.... The development going on along its banks will only make this waterway worse... The above clubs know that this river is not well and are working to raise the funds needed to correct/help it along... but the river cannot sustain the amount of pollutants being put into it, it cannot naturally absorb them in the quantity they are being released in.... it is just not large enough... I apologize that some here may not agree... but to them I say Google is your friend. To the naysayers I say "would you consume fish directly from a sewage outflow?" well... all poop travels downstream and the Grand is recognized for being poor by Environment Canada based on these facts.. sewage is pumped directly into the Grand. From what I can understand there have been multiple lawsuits against these plants and developers.. but to be honest.... it is just the cost of doing business for them. G.
  24. not gonna happen here... he will plead guilty, get 40 hours community service and 2 years probation.... If that.... Shawn that just plain sucks man... I hope you get your car back in one piece.... but maybe you could also be wishing you dont get it back, and let the insurance company deal with it... Sad but true... but that is why you have insurance. Good luck bud. G
  25. LOL! Probably better off! (shudder at the thought) For some reason the fish on The Simpsons comes to mind lol PS. My intent of my original post was to help someone that wanted to fish the Grand.... it was in no way meant to prevent the loss in sales on a couple dozen worms... G
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