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Everything posted by BowSlayer101

  1. Awesome video!
  2. Saturday was even better i heard on simcoe, maybe there will have a few more good bites on simcoe before the ice comes off completely..,
  3. Thanks guys, simcoe has been insane every trip out this season, my buds hammered them on simcoe yesterday but so did i up north
  4. Hey guys, gonna make this one short as im pretty exhausted from sleepin 3 hours a night. Decided to get out with a bud on simcoe today, for the 3d time this year, been too busy with other lakes to get out there, despite simcoe being almost my backyard. Was nice to sleep in and still hammer a bunch if whities!
  5. Ya, the day after we got another one same size on a williams spoon, weird this year, we usually get them oftwn but only set lining, not often on lures.
  6. Thanks for the kind words guys, definitely off to a solid start this season!
  7. Havent posted in a while, been quite busy, thought I would post up some pics from my last 2 outings, whities, lakers, ling and perch.
  8. Thanks for the input! Does anybody know anything about the blackbird reel? What are your thoughts on it?
  9. For sure, will wait a bit and see, hopefully aomething comes up.
  10. Thanks, ya i posted a thread on the buy and sell page, i was offered a used classic drifter but still not aure, want to consider all ootions before purchasing.
  11. Agreed, looks aren't the most important thing but its nice to have a reel that is pleasing to the eye. Like i said, my biggest worry is startup, since i river fish in the winter quite a bit and the flow is not crazy, what i dont like about the sirata is the handle positions if i fight a fish without the drag, and of course startup!
  12. Thanks for the input, i have a streamside but the startup is trash and handle positions aren't the greatest. Basically just want a reel with ok startup, I know the classic drifter is great but its 235 at least before taxes, where as I can get this one for 180 cash. Also seem a raw 2 for 175 but really dont like the looks of it lol.
  13. Hey guys, anyone use one of the float reels before? I was offered one for $180 "like new condition", also was wondering if the drag can be switched off? Thanks for any input.
  14. Great now theyre all gonna go to bowmanville I'd rather then stay at their smelly port hope (poachers that is). I honestly don't think much is going to change until they close that river, snaggers will find aa way around, I doubt that the MNR will be there 24 hours a day in September as promised too, we shall see though.
  15. Its not that I don't like Canada, I do, I love Canada, I do not support Canadian police and I don't hide it, there are many reasons, main one being that they don't receive the nessecarry training. I've seen numerous times cops driving through a red light with signals and turning them off later to drive into a parking lot and chat with a buddy. Stopping in the left lane of a major highway with an open door, measuring speed, forcing people into a situation to break the speed limit, to get out of that lane, to avoid crashing into the cop car. They patrol so nobody breaks the laws but break them themselves on a daily basis? Pretty weird if you ask me, until something changes in the training my opinion will stay the same, say what you want but there are facts that you can't ignore. I've seen cops doing shady things one too many times. They think just because they are cops that work for the government, they can do anything, shouldn't be this way if you ask me, laws are laws and cops should only break them under certain circumstances.
  16. Not the first time something like this has happened. Last year I witnessed an RCMP officer in B.C. shoot a youbd deer crossing a road closed from both sides. Some people wonder why I'm not a supporter of our police...
  17. I'll definitely try some of the Bagley small fry lures next time, thanks for the tip! And ya ive heard the browns are crazy in the west end, gonna have to plan a trip down there for them.
  18. Thanks for the kind words guys! As for getting them, I'd have to disagree with the above comment, browns aren't easy to hook into in rivers well at least for me and everyone I know, lakes are a different story. It took me a couple years to land my first brown, the trick is to find unpreassured waters, which is hard to do in our area. This is why I like to go at night, not many anglers around and fish are less spooked. Browns also love flies, my go to for them is aa glow bead and fly combo.
  19. Decided to hit a trib to see if I can get a few cohos and my expectations were exceeded by just a little bit.... First drift in, hook a giant steel, pops off 2 minutes into the fight, a couple cohos and 50 boots later. A brown decides to come out and play, now I'm pumped, next drift, another brown, was an incredible evening, first time successfully landing 2 lake run browns in one outing! Was a great time out with a bud, except for all the dang zombies swimming around, making things a little more challenging and frustrating. A couple pics of the browns:
  20. We run winters year round, 5th year now, Michelin x-ice xi3, awesome tires, held up amazing on bare ice in the haliburton area this past winter and great through snow too.
  21. Lots of lakws in the hali area have them, split shot and hook with a minnow around 80 ft, (shallower towards spring) and wait, I get them anytime of day but in the evening its nonstop. At night just a glow jig and minnows, they usually hit and stay put until you start feeling them up.
  22. They have been in the porthope area rivers for a month now, all brown now mostly so I stopped until the cohos start running, few bows and browns around, after this rain its a safe bet that you will catch at any given east trib, cant say anything about fresh fish though, that's up to you and how much legwork you are willing to put in...
  23. The rivers will be filled with kings and cohos, steel should be in by then as well as browns.
  24. Nice going! Weird, I always have more luck jigging there than trolling with riggers, I find i get smaller fish (1-5 lbs) trolling where as jigging I get heavier fish (10 lbs+). Lots of largies in the lake, always a blast sight fishing for them using senkos!
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