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Everything posted by BowSlayer101

  1. 4 hours one way, happens every weekend in the winter, right now, i don't need to drive more than 2 hours.
  2. Lmao thanks guys, wanted to get a PIC with his mouth open haha.
  3. Haven't been out in a while and finally got the chance this weekend. Went up north for 2 days, (saturday and sunday), first time on the lake saturday, we hit some rocky points with minimal luck, had a nice walleye come off and the biggest crappie i have even seen, thing must of been over 18 inches, hit a husky jerk! Was too late with the net and its mouth ripped open. We then decided to go enjoy the evening and boat around the lake but not without a little fishing in between! The speed was slow in the channels in populated areas so i though, why not troll a husky jerk? After 15 minutes of trolling, i decided to pack it in, reeled in with a few jerks in between, feel something heavy at the end of the line, its jerking a bit, then i pause and the weight at the end of my line isn't moving at all, i continue reeling in, see a nice pine at the end of the line, he saw me too and decided to swim down under the boat, man was i lucky to have strong line and a good reel, got him in the net and fished a few weeds and got 9 more little pike mostly on spinners. The next morning only got 2 pike, one hammer handle, the other decent sized. The evening is when the fun started, 18 pike in less than 2 hours, literally every few casts was a fish! All small little pike on spinners however i did lose a hog at the boat due to a poor net job. Got 1 walter trolling a small crank and a smallie on a spinner. Everyone at the cottage was happy as everyone else much to my surprise got skunked! Had a huge fish fry and brought some home for the bbq and to smoke, def. coming back up next weekend![/url[/url[/url[/url[/url
  4. thank you for the help, much appreciated!
  5. just called, no answer, will call a bit later, hopefully a 20 will cover it.
  6. thanks for the link! Does anyone by any chance know how much it is to launch at glen wood resort? thanks!
  7. hey guys, heading to manitouwabing tomm. for the first time, can anyone suggest a launch on the lake, I'm clueless as to where to launch as its my first time, if anyone is willing to share some info on patterns, baits, etc. to use on pike walleye and bass, that would also be greatly appreciated, thanks a bunch!
  8. haven't tried it yet but by the sounds of it i just wasted 20 bucks.....
  9. thanks guys! I have pulled out 17-20 inchers out of this lake, so i consider those small, haha!
  10. Was out a couple times the last few weeks really havent had the chance to get out, exams and everything, busy weekends, sports, etc. Finally got through exams and will certainly get out some more now, hit some bass last weekend and some specks today near me, specks were a little on the small side, biggest being around id say 15" released a few, got a couple, all on the repps thunder bug spinner in size 3. While out for bass, i hooked a few pike lost them all, i forgot to mention, I've been having a very unlucky streak with pike, haven been out 3 times and have hooked probably around 30-40 fish, most spit the hook, some snapped the line, others cut my hands, others i dropped while lifting (keep forgetting the net) some i couldn't reach due to the shore, really unbelievable. Was reeling in a sunfish and had a nice sized pike hit it, hooked him for about 10 seconds, got a good look and he spit the hook! Some pics:[/url[/url[/url[/url[/url[/url[/url
  11. any lake near the thunder bay area, most of them have big pike and you have a good chance at them from shore, you will be surprised at the amount of lakes in that area, tons of fish too and none/almost no pressure from other anglers. I travel that way often come summer right up until winter, trust me when i say any lake you stop at in that area will get you fish, its like heaven!
  12. nice fish!, can't wait for my montreal trip later this year for these guys, huge ones there too, fight like heck for sure, hard to stop them even with 100 lb braid!
  13. nice fish, i don't know why you guys like mirrors so much, theres lots around here but they're REALLY ugly lol.
  14. thanks for the input guys, was considering shamrock but its pricy and the max number of people is 6, we need space for 7. More suggestions are welcome, were considering wolsey lodge and tall pines cottages, anyone been to either one?
  15. Ok, thanks for the generous offer pikeslayer! Will check them out, pet friendly also wouldn't hurt as I'm not sure if we will be bringing the dog along.
  16. Hey guys, anyone know of a good family resort in the muskoka area, with good fishing of course but so that everyone else in the family will be happy as well, not totally stuck on muskoka, north bay, french river, sudbury, whatever, preferably within 400 km's of newarket and not too pricy, thanks for any help.
  17. thank you for the info! Will give them a call right now. Edit: they said that apparently the exclusive series was discontinued and that they can give me the wizard for 25 bucks extra if i come to their Markham office, only thing is that its 60 bucks cheaper than my rod so I'm not sure what the point is in that, on a side note, does anybody know what i can do about a broken bottom section. Its broken at the connecting piece, connecting piece is gone , other than that its in good shape as is the upper section, any ideas? Thanks.
  18. Hi guys, i recently had a simax rod of mine brake after a fight with a small carp, shouldn't have broken as it was a med/heavy rod and i was taking my time with the fish, it wasn't very big either. The main reason i am posting is because i am trying t get a hold of them for the warranty, the warranty email and number they gave me is fake and is not working, i am wondering if anyone knows how to get a hold of them? I am quite disappointed with them at the moment, i thought they would have better customer service., thanks for any help.
  19. ok, thanks, i was mainly using pickerel rigs for them, to keep the bait a bit off bottom, will try your setup, maybe wait a week or two for them to fully finish spawning around here, they don't wanna hit, last year it was non-stop, probably because they're not fully done spawning but its weird because I've already seen little tiny carp minnows swimming around.
  20. sweet fish! Theres a bunch around here and some have finished spawning but hits are very rare for me, most of the time they don't even look at the bait, mind sharing what you were using?, I've tried, corn and dough so far, thanks.
  21. Thats a beauty steelie and your first to boot! I wouldn't say the grand is mostly only fall for steelhead, spring gets a big run as well, the tributaries of the grand get a good run as well as long as you're in the right place at the right time.
  22. Thanks, ya a nice little pond connecting to a stream that was years ago stocked with trophy size brookies by some research department, they just recently took the no-fishing signs off but its a little bike trail and no-one can imagine that theres fish in there, especially 4-5 pound brook trout! Everyone i tell doesn't believe me until i show them a pic of the big ones, then i decided to keep my mouth shut, lol, the people walking by almost fainted when they saw me pulling in a big speck that was peeling line and jumping out of the water, haha, it got off, i told them it was a catfish so they don't come back with 20 guys. I had my bud with me, wasn't having luck fishing so he was my camera man for the day!
  23. Had a few hours to kill so went to my hidden pond in the forest near me, got to test out my new bike and do some nice jumps on it, scared some people walking, lol. I had a good 3-4 lb speck on for a little while until it broke off my 4 lb test and i could see it swimming around with my float, can't even imagine how annoying that is! It hit again after dozens of casts with a #3 spinner, unfortunately it didnt swallow it well and came off, however i did get my float back! Still has my $5 jig in its mouth though so i will be back later this week, to pick that back up, lol. After that i got tired of break ors and i only had 4 lb test, so i hit the tiny creek that flows into it to see if i could get some baby specks, well i managed some tiny little specks with my bud (compared to what I'm used to), all in all a good day but very disappointing, going back to using 8 lb test, they were taking worms/minnows as well as spinners but they seemed to like live bait better today, the tiny guys didn't really care as long as it moved, haha. Here are some pics:[/url[/url[/url[/url
  24. We have michelin x-ice xi3's on both the minivan and suv and use them year round, 3rd year right now and never failed, driving down ice roads, great for winter and summer use, no issues whatsoever, switched to michelins 8 years ago and never looked back, cooper is not what it used to be, stay away from them. Had michelin latitude all season, can't remember the exact model but were also good, lasted 5 years of all season heavy use. Michelin is probably the best tire out there that you can get, pricy but well worth it.
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