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About NBR

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    New Hampshire

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Almost a Guide

Almost a Guide (5/10)



  1. My wife is a registered EMT. Here in the states they are required to stop and provide assistance until relieved by other EMT/Paramedics responsible for the area of the accident. She always has some first aid gear in the car with her. EMT's first responsibility is, "Is the scene safe" ? If not wait until the hazard(s) are removed.
  2. Many, many years ago a friend had a cottage on a prime Michigan trout stream. We both had a friend that was a photographer for a MI outdoor program. The camera guy was always invited to come up and fish with a stipulation - leave that camera at home. Reason, the weekend after a film would be shown there would not be a place to park nor a spot to fish.
  3. We moved to a country setting more then 40 year ago. Now in our third country place and we would only live rural. Our first place was about 1/2 mile from the nearest neighbor now only about 1/4 mile from the nearest full year neighbor. It took us over twice as long to meet the neighbors in town than in the country. Country neighbors are much quicker to offer help for any projects. This is out third country place. We heat with wood with an oil back up. Strictly a cost issue. We have a very efficient setup for our wood stove. My wife and I (both over 70) were concerned about stacking and hauling the wood but we stack a full 4'x4'x8' cord of wood in two hours. We live in NH so we know about winter
  4. Look at DougSwisher.com . A very innovative tier and fisherman. Pioneered the no hackle dry flies and many other items. With his friened Carl Richards has written several books. Originally from Michigan now in Montana summers and Florida in the winter. I haven't talked to him or tied in years but his business is where I would go if getting started in any type of fly fishing or tying again.
  5. Best fish and chips I've ever had were served from an old converted school bus in Killarney. The fish were lake perch - super super!
  6. LL Bean Maine Hunting Shoe. Rubber bottoms leather tops dry and not overly warm. I've worn them for over 40 years bird hunting. Be sure to get the insoles.
  7. We used wood(seasoned) nearly 100% last year and waited for a bright sunny day this fall. Put a mirror in both the oil furnace and wood stove flues and the wood stove was the cleanest. With a hot fire well seasoned wood burns pretty clean. Chimneys that are not on outside walls also stay cleaner. The guy I buy my wood from told me to put a liquid mixture in a coffee can and set it on top of the logs in the stove. I can't remember the mixture or how often but I'll ask him the first chance I get. While I casn't vouch for this he sells more than 500 full 4'x4'x8' cords a year so compared to me he is an expert.
  8. I hit a rock with the bottom of the skeg while on plane. I snapped the lower off at about a 45 degree angle. We were at a boat in lodge and managed to get to the lodge on the TM. We got a tow back. Found a rebuilt lower in Ft. Francis and was back in the water in 2 days. If I remember correctly the repair was about $2500. The positive was that just before the rock jumped in front a wolf swam across the lake in front of us and we watched it climb out on to the bamk.
  9. Maybe a bit of rain and wind to those who didn't experience Irene but to the Vermonters who are still recovering from Irene it is sure to cause them to hunker down. Look at Hurrican Irene in Vermont for pictures!
  10. Great pictures. You have a real talent with the camera!
  11. NBR


    Let me see You go to bear country and see a bear. We can't have that can we! Wild food for bears is just getting under way so they are probably having to forage a bit and since they are eating machines they gravitate to the most likely spots. Out side of dumpsters camp grounds are probably high on the list.
  12. For years I used Rapala wooden handles and other knives and was pleased with them all. Then I was fishing the gulf coast with a guide who used an electric filet knife. I soon bought an electric knife and have never used my old standbys since. I thought I was pretty quick with my old knives but I'm much faster with the electric and do a better job. The only problem I have had is not paying attention and cutting through the backbone which is a little time consuming to get your self inflected issue worked out. I have heard that the motors burn out but I have not had that problem and my electric is at least 20 years old.
  13. I keep it unplugged, strapped down and have driven 1,000 miles each way with no problems!
  14. I back reel and so seldom use the drag you could call it never. I guess drags are better now but my spinning outfits are old and many years ago I quit using the drag slippage as a tool. Also reeling against a slipping drag is a big cause of line twist.To me off/on on cranking is an absolute must!
  15. I've used everything from refreezable bags through gallon, quart bottles and soda bottles but my favorites are Gator Aid bottles. I usually take Gator aid and the pack the cooler with Gatoraid bottles filled with water and then frozen. Usually I drink the GatorAid first the the water as it melts. Works for me.
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