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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Looks more like a bleached out "Floater" than a Coaster to me!!! ... do you just know how to take and post one pic per trip?
  2. Ditto!!! Mine bounces to the left because I'm right handed!... but... ur... eh... we're talking outboards and not "Hose-A" eh?
  3. Livewells are sooo over rated!... you should either stop the hole up and use it for storasge, or fill it with concrete!!! They're only the most important tool you have in catching and keeping fish alive eh!
  4. Excellent report and pics Feedel!!! Have you ever read the very short novel by "Yueben Jackannoff", The Cream of the Russian Army??? Congrats on your suicide/wedding date!!! ... soon you will be as miserable as the rest of us!!!
  5. Yeah!... you'll need a couple rolls of paper towels and 5 gallons of Spic'N Span for a proper cleanup after that!!!... don't ask me how I know that!!!
  6. If the Cormorant article pages are stuck together... yer a sick puppy!!!
  7. You can do what is commonly refered to as a "Bubba Rig" down here in the south... drop shot weight on the end of the lines and then the hook tied with a Palomar knot 6-12" above the weight with a plastic worm or creature rigged Texas style on the hook... cast it out as far as you can and retrieve it in diffwerent patterns until you get a strike!
  8. Are the pages stuck together yet???
  9. So you're telling me you don't know how to hold a fish, take a pic, use a sonar unit, or take a little abuse??? It's probably better that you don't post reports though... because thats a catfish in my pic you posted, not a Bass. You got that right BB!!! Not much more frustrating than seeing fish on the sonar that won't bite! ... you don't know if it's the wrong species, or if they just aren't hungry! Makes me wish I had my boat rigged up for depth charges!
  10. Looks good Bubba, but you need to cut some holes in that tarp so's ya can stick a fishin' pole out!!!
  11. There's a member on this board (EHG) that catches fish on lake O in the dead of winter when everyone else is ice fishing!!!
  12. I suggest you read the Ontario fishing regulations from front to back before you do anymore fishing of any kind!
  13. That means it was Nuclear!!! (with fallout!!!)
  14. I like that Belafonte by!.. but I think he was just trying to "score" with this one!
  15. ... just as long as it isn't you!!!
  16. I do use my sonar, and I catch my fair share! How many fish do you catch?... and why haven't you ever posted a fishing report?... or even started your own thread (topic)??? The next time you have your pic taken for your avatar, you need to wipe your mouth off... it looks like you've blown a seal.
  17. Holy Crapola!!!... an edumacated Canageon??? .. unheard of!!!
  18. Where's your fancy gloves??? Have you ever eaten one of those Channel Cats?
  19. Oh hell yeah!!! ... I'll take those if you don't want to clean them Bubba!!!... that's why we didn't have any "in the boat" pics, because we didn't really catch them!!! ... one or two here, two or three there... next thing yanno, you have a Canadian boat launch mess of fish... unless you post pics of the actual catching!
  20. Ya gotta look at it like this Mike, most Bass fishermen are chunking lures from the boat to the shore... but the sonar is looking straight down... useless for that application... now if you're drop-shotting directly beneath the boat, different story! ... and then there's the Bass fishermen fishing from their boats casting as close to shore as they can get... and the shore fishermen casting from shore (in the opposite direction) as far out as they can get... have you ever thought aboot that??? ... but they both catch fish!???
  21. a dozen dozen is the grossest of the gross!!!
  22. I dunno?... a 6 lb. Red Fin or Grass Pickerel would be world records for sure!!!... but I feel sure that I would release them after timely pics were taken to document the moment! A 6 lb. Chain Pickerel is a trophy fish for anywhere!!!... it would swim free after a pic or 2 as well!!! Now if you're talking aboot the less educated Canadian term for Walleye as Pickeral, the 6 lber. would swim... I'd rather take my chances on keeping and eating 3 or 4 "slotties" than to kill such a magnificent creature!!! ... but that's just a Retneks POV!!! btw... I'd just like to add that I love to rape the Canadian resources whenever I get the chance!!!
  23. ... and you would be talking aboot the "wet sock" Wall-ice???
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