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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Like father like son eh!
  2. Yeah, that's a Killer Lizard fish!!!... saw a 2 footer pulled in on a party boat once, half the body length is mouth with teeth that would make a muskie envious. Nice report and pics Wayne!... I see the lovely Miss Leah is looking as lovely as ever!
  3. I love the abuse Bernie!!!... beat me, make me eat soap, and write bad checks!!! Who give a rat's patootie aboot the imposters... I ignore them and tell them I'm gonna do it!
  4. Yeah, it's been disabled for the "ramp up to the new board"... that was 3 weeks ago!!! I remember when the last board was nuked, we had a new board up in 3 DAYS!!! I guess some folks feel that just because they don't participate, no one else will miss it! ... or they're scared that someone will say something that hasn't ever been said before on there before... like that could happen! I feel the same way you do Sinker!... I miss it and think someone is slacking!
  5. Hey!... maybe one of these days you'll learn how to write a report and post pics. ... let me know if you need some tutoring! ...I'm here to help yanno!
  6. Yeah, should look like this: Your text here [ im?] your pic here[im?] Your text here [im?]your pic here[im?] Your text here [im?] your pic here[im?] Get it? Got it?... Good!!!
  7. I knew drilling all those holes was going to catch up to you Cliff!!! Jackhammer!
  8. Those Wall-ice look very clean!!!.. not like the Ontario and Quebec ones.
  9. Not if you live and fish in Quebec!
  10. Congratulations on a successful trip Jacques!!! Those are all real nice looking fish!!! You were using one more line than I'm allowed to when I fish Neely Henry, that doesn't happen very often in Canada.
  11. ... and so the devastation begins...
  12. That's a trophy bait if I ever saw one!
  13. OMG!!!... I'm being stalked!!!
  14. I required the same.. back when I was backward and ignorant! ...and targeting "baby fish"! If I could predict the future, I'd say your next step up is to target Wild Golden Shiners!!!... you can barely get them in on 1/2 lb. test yanno!
  15. OMG! OMG! OMG!!!... are there even fish in these pics???... I can't tell!.... Stephi is looking soooo tanned and HOTT!!! ... she looks so svelt!... has she been working out?... she looks like she just stepped off the beach at Malibu!!! You should go to bed early tonight Kev... I need to make a phone call!!!
  16. Too bad I'm not up there, I could teach you to avoid deep and gill hooking... circle hooks are your friends!
  17. Be sure to eat everything you kill!!!
  18. I'm looking forward to the 35-40 pics!!!
  19. Shouldn't you be applying Minoxidil or something?
  20. Extremely ordinary... and I kin do all dat stuff wit only 2 rhumba's under my belt! ... now if I could only catch a fish!!!
  21. Let's not forget the ultimate cowntry and wedstren song: ... and this one!
  22. Try the head/party boats, lots cheaper than the charters... but lots more people too, but it is fun and you can catch some good fish if you pay attention to what other people are doing... but!... Grouper and Snapper are OOS right now. Another venue is night fishing around piers and bridges with lights, the Snook and Tarpon really turn on at night! Drive around and look for canals with access and then fish them at night, early eve, or early morning! You're not that far from "Alligator Alley" with it's many side roads, canals, huge Bass, Alligators, huge Pythons, and Anacondas!!! There's also the Tamiami trail with the ditch on both sides, you'd be amazed at the fish that come out of those ditches!!!
  23. Don't feel bad Beansy, I've been skunked the last 3 weeks in a row!!! My Shad are wimpy little farts and are still dying (as of yesterday), even though the water has warmed up to 45*F! This is the last bite I got! 17 days ago.. seems like a lifetime!!!
  24. Awww man! If I lived closer, I'd take one of those yellow ones!!!
  25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIA96nJu6Z8...feature=related Please note the northern hemispheres!
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