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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. That makes me want to start my own site... HushPuppie Nation!!!
  2. If yer gonna be a bad girl... you need to dress the part too. Maybe something like this? She doesn't give a damn about her Bad Reputation! Joan Jett
  3. Buy a manual one, they aren't that expensive and it's good exercise.
  4. Yeah! What Terry said.
  5. Oopsie!
  6. You're a good guy Rick!!! ... I don't care what Roy says about you!
  7. Funny you should mention it Lew, Granny just finished a brand new batch of the "Medicine"!... It'll melt them icicles from the inside out!
  8. That's the funniest lookin' Grits an' Black-eyed peas I've ever seen!!! The first one is definitely Fricassee of Possum innards, and the second one looks to be Hummin' Bird eggs and Mountain Oysters!!! Hope there's enough for seconds!
  9. ...
  10. Shovel?... what's a shovel???
  11. That does look delicious!!! You must've bought those Wall-ice at the store eh?
  12. I've got a heavier jacket than that with a hood if you need to borrow one 'til Spring Lew!
  13. ...
  14. You wouldn't have had to do all that fancy peddle work if'n ya took the tractor Jed...
  15. I caught a Perch thru the ice one time... it was odd because I was Tarpon fishing...
  16. An Umbelical cord Lew?
  17. So I guess this means I shouldn't look for any Bananas with the little blue stickers that say Toronto this year eh Lew?
  18. ...
  19. I had the similar Roberts, they were ok but not very durable... the polycarbonate just doesn't hold up. Broke 2 of them with my foot accidently when getting in and out of the boat. Switched to Downeaster Salties and don't have to worry about breaking these, Heavy Duty and highly durable!!! If you're gonna do Muskies, you need these! http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...t21300&rid=
  20. Sounds like one of Slowpokes fishin' trips!
  21. ...
  22. If it doesn't remove the snow... it gets the Hose® again!!!
  23. I thought those were extinct?... killed off by Global Warming....
  24. You better not let Jethro see you with those!!! Mmmmmmmmmmm!... Magnetic Perch!!!
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