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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. The next time you purchase a spinning reel think Stradic Paul.
  2. Oh what a lovely Tea Party!!!
  3. Here's one I really like. http://www.muskyshop.com/modules/web/index.php/id/1
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  5. Not too bad here: http://www.weather.com/outlook/recreation/...topnav_outdoors ... y'all build a Snowman for me.
  6. Break out the old coolers and ice chests, pack them good and tight and save it for summer!!!
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  8. I hate daylight savings time!!! I'm a morning person so I like the early daylight... I say turn the clocks ahead 30 mins and leave them there year 'round!
  9. Melt the snow to make water ya big silly!!! It'll keep ya nice and busy too!
  10. Forget aboot the wimpy minivan! Get one of these!!! There's enough room you could live in it if need be, and it'll tow a Battleship!
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  12. So when do you plan to start catchin' these fish??? We don't have that many Wall-ice here, but we're not overrun with Skunks like you seem to be Mike.
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  14. Too much Weasel whiz???
  15. I'd hate to know I was so damn lazy I couldn't sit on the couch to watch TV!
  16. Has it ever occurred to y'all to move to a warmer climate? If y'all moved down here I could teach you how to sweat.
  17. ... but don't make Daplumma one of those OFNCers, because he sucks at Wall-ice fishin' too!!!... Too bad he's not here to defend himself! Don't ask Whopper either, 'cause he sucks too... not as bad as Daplumma though. Take that nasty-ass jig and twister tail grub and throw it away! (that's Whoppers problem too!) Get yourself some worm harnesses and live crawlers or leeches, or live minnows. A 4 hook Sabiki rig tipped with worms, leeches, or live minnows works well too. Crankbaits like the Wally Diver or Rapala jointed Shad Rap will catch some too, but not as many as live bait... but they may be bigger.
  18. If anybody out there is thinking what would GCD like for Christmas this year?...
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