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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Dat dere song make me wanna transform Missy Fish! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uV9xIzzcHg
  2. Da Dawg is doin' well in 'Bama!!! ... how's the B doin' in Barrie?
  3. Did y'all know that Glen played lead guitar on this song?
  4. OMG!!!... you captured the highly elusive and very rare TL on photo media!!! There's a big reward comin' to ya for that one Cliff!!! Just as I thought!!!... the guy on the left looks like he's fresh outta prison! How ya doin Steve?... long time no see/hear from ya Bubba! Thanks for those pics Cliff, wish I coulda been there myself!
  5. Yeah, I've been there with that back pain! It is pure agony!!! I spent 2 weeks laying in bed one time because of a back injury. He needs to take the meds the doc gave him. A hot Epsom Salts bath will help some, I use at least 2 big cupfulls of the Epsom Salts. Bed rest is about the only way to get better, the worst thing to do would be riding/driving in a vehicle. Tell him I hope he gets well soon and I know his agony! Edited to say: The adhesive menthol back patches will also help, like the Icy Hot brand... if he isn't already using them you need to go out and get him some as soon as you can!
  6. .. but... but... doesn't that kill the conversation??? ... have you got that Bean Soup recipe perfected yet?... how do you do that with cold water anyway???
  7. OMG!!! you're Preggers???... I didn't even know you were MARRIED!!!
  8. Uh-oh!... Snagglepuss isn't going to like this!!! Good on you for posting it Simon!!!
  9. Hey Daddy-O.. do you realize your sig goes against everything I am?
  10. If they were double Beaver coins, you'd really have something there!!!
  11. ... but ya gotta love Roland Martin with his "This is a good 3,4,5,6,7,8 lb. fish!!!" "SON!!! YOU GOT HIM... SON!!!"
  12. Let me guess... they ask for your email address...
  13. Most contests like that are just a ploy to get your email address.
  14. Just got my Passport in the mail today! ... a little under 2 weeks from the time I submitted my application at the courthouse! ... but I think the crunch will be on again as the deadline draws nearer. It cost me $100 + $8 for the photos, it's good for 10 yrs... so not a bad deal @ $10.80 a year. I can travel anywhere in the world now, but I don't really see that happening... although some Marlin and Tarpon fishing in Costa Rica might be nice.
  15. One of the worst cases of Pike Envy I've ever seen... disgusting!!!
  16. I'm "saving up"!!!
  17. I see the "Peanut Gallery" is feeling frisky tonight!
  18. You should see my Tuna Stick(er)!!!
  19. Type Blue Fin Tuna into the vid search bar at the top
  20. Makes me want to oil up the deep sea gear and hop on a boat that reeks of diesel exhaust!!! http://video.msn.com/?mkt=en-us&vid=75...5930>1=42003 Click on the Blue Fin Tuna vid!
  21. Another great report Simon!!! That little Walleye was nothing but a pair of eyeballs and a bunch of fins eh!
  22. Great report and pics Simon!!! You worked hard for those fish!!!
  23. Yes... if you had clicked on the link in my original post, you would see that all of that is explained... but you have to go thru pretty much the same riggamarole to get any of those, they are only good for ground and sea travel to Canada, Mexico, the Bahama's, and Caribbean Islands. They're not acceptable for Air Travel!!!
  24. Ok!... but you've got to leave me the keys to your boat in case I have a fishing emergency!!!
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