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About desship

  • Birthday 05/26/1951

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  1. If you want to save The Pacific Salmon watch this video. https://vimeo.com/452851661
  2. Miox MSR water purifier . Never been used batteries are good . Uses rock salt Free GONE
  3. Works great with no wind.
  4. try amazon .ca https://www.amazon.ca/s?k=slam+latch&crid=2F2VOW7XCZNJ7&sprefix=slam%2Caps%2C184&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_4_4
  5. I have been supporting this lottery for years.The boat and truck are the main reason I buy them.I had received a letter saying I had won a $180.00 jig set. Hopefully somebody made a mistake when the value was put on their website.There are 104 pieces , 30 are bell sinkers. The estimated value maybe $30.00. Place that on website and I would not be posting this here. The OFAH does a lot of good for the sport of hunting and fishing. I will still buy the tickets every year a look forward for the May draw. Lindquist Bros. Jig & Sinker Accessory Package $180.80
  6. Anybody looking for 350 yamaha new outboard motor and willing to pick up on West coast. Two available at auction. Starting bid $10000.00 each. https://www.gcsurplus.ca/mn-eng.cfm?snc=wfsav&sc=enc-bid&scn=299132&lcn=446459&lct=L&srchtype=&lci=&str=1&ltnf=1&frmsr=1&sf=ferm-clos
  7. Our stove did the same thing.Replaced control knob and it works fine. Easy fix if its only the switch on stove .
  8. If you go to White Lake Provincial Park, great walleye fishing.
  9. I use this one. https://ytmp
  10. desship


    I was looking at 2017 fishing regulations.On it it says anybody under 18 does not require fishing licence.In the past regulations it always said anybody under 18 and over 65 does not require a licence. I know they were talking about charging seniors . Just wondering if anybody knows whats going on.
  11. I've used anchor line marine on 35 before Fenelon turnoff. Always found Gord reasonable .
  12. Hello 60 Minutes is running their investigation into salmon farming in British Columbia this Sunday night, May 11, 2014. Please check local listings to find out exactly what time it will air in your region. It was a great honour to meet Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a remarkable man. I hope this international spotlight allows Americans to better understand the consequences of the farmed salmon sushi on their plates. The reason companies from Norway are using the BC coast to raise Norwegian salmon is inexpensive access to the American consumer. Please watch with me on Sunday. You can view the trailer and comment on the CBS website I have provided links on my blog http://alexandramorton.typepad.com/alexandra_morton/
  13. Cabelas coming to Barrie http://www.cabelas.ca/news/40/cabelas-announces-plans-for-four-new-stores
  14. The gear is getting stuck and and won't release needs a few drops of oil.
  15. Go to home depot they have scatter rugs (outdoor carpet) I think 8x10 for $20.00 same carpet that's on the rolls and they carry the glue .
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