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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. They are the apex predator for most of the creek but there are some pike and smallmouth around.
  2. The signs have always been there and they say single barbless.
  3. Love those brook trout thanks for the report. Wawa is a beautiful area and has lots of great speck lakes
  4. Thats funny once we were electrofishing it and a beaver jumped right up on my buddy. Scared the crap out of him...didnt do my buddy much good either.
  5. The solution is to limit access to livestock on a waterway. Fence them off except for a small enclosed area that extends into the river. Livestock access is a major contributer to erosion and pollution in our rivers. It is illegal to fence across a navigable body of water and I have cut fences down while canoeing in southern ontario. Make sur your wire cutters are insulated. Some idiot actually run electric cattle fencing acroos canoeable waterways.
  6. Only if you dont read the definition of a hook on page 8 of the regs. I have discussed this many times with the policy makers at MNR but they feel that the way it is stated is plain enough. Also with all the new soft baits out there artificial is really being left up to intepretation by the CO's. Those artificial steelhead worms are pretty deadly and can be swallowed just as readily by a trout causing death. Yet they would still be usable under the reg artificial bait only.
  7. If someone has posted single point barbless it is unenforcable under the fisheries act but if it is private property you can be charged with trespass for not using a single barbless if thats the terms of fishing that land.
  8. Just a trolling method thats just like it sounds bare lure. Use something flashy little cleo etc
  9. Im familiar with the regs on the credit/whitemans/grand. Its single barbless. A treble is considered a single hook ask your CO.
  10. And its the same here. I cant find a link to the regs that works but its in the front section
  11. Three hooks in a gang(treble) are considered one hook just pinch the barbs. Its right in the regs read them.
  12. I dont really fish contested areas but did she own both sides of the bank? If she didnt Ill just about guarantee she didnt own the bottom. Also next time some one harasses you like this inform them it is against the law to interfere with angling and that she is more than welcome to call the police as you would like to see her charged.
  13. Just returned they are bad and looking to get meaner
  14. Try some flat lining around where a river drops into the lake you might get a suprise
  15. Hey I still wanna call a rainbow salmo gairdneri sounds cooler
  16. Welcome aboard Good luck on the moon Giant baits are what you throw fishing on the moon I hope my line dont break fishing on fishing on the moon
  17. Yes I know KPCOGS. Its just something we teased my son about because the only ontario game fish he had not caught was a walleye and then he finally caught one right after the change in genus and we keep telling him hes still never caught a walleye its only Zander that hes caught.
  18. Not correct sir official scientific name is now sander vitreum. Taxonomist decided that that european zander was discovered and catolouged first and it is to similar to belong to another genus entirely.
  19. And now to confuse things a walleye is neither a pickeral or a walleye anymore but has been designated a zander. It use to be a member of the perch family but the scientific community got together and changed it. Just like they did a few years back when they made the rainbow trout a member of the pacific salmon family
  20. And the water is actually nice and warm in Dorcas bay except where the specky trib flows into it.
  21. Lots of stuff to do at Cypress Lake National Park. Crystal clear if cold water for swimming and you can canoe and fish in Cypress Lake itself good walleye and smallmouth fishing.
  22. Dont push your morals on others I release WAY more than I keep you have no idea of the numbers of trophy brookies I release in a season or the amount of real conservation work I do or have done in the past.
  23. Well southern Ontario streams are about to get to warm to safely fish for trout. Got out one last time before I start hitting my northern spots. Water temp was 66. Fished my 7.5 foot 4 weight. No hatches coming off to speak of so I fished bow river buggers. Managed to get several fat brookies around 12-13 inches. Kept one for supper. He was joined by a resident bow that I got that measured out at 15.5 inches. Gotta keep those bows out of my brooky rivers. I forgot the camera so the only shot I have is on the freezer just before I'm going to clean them. If your wondering why that brooky looks so fat he had TWO 5 inch chub in his belly. Suprized he wasnt in a food coma when my fly went by him. Heading up north on Tuesday. Report has come in Blackflies are out in full force so brookies are going to be on FIRE!!!! Cant wait hope to have a report for you when I get back.
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